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My Latest and Best from a long time

Cyber Altair

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Lately my cards have been reducing in quantitys and when it increased i found it's quality decreased:(. So i spent about 30 min. making this card to prove to all of you i can still make good cards.

and here is my latest card *Drums Rolling.....Curtain Rising*



This card is great in 3 situations-

1) you are in tought position and need to keep a card you have in future so it might help you later.

2) you want to play it safe so you use it so that by the time something bad happens it comes and helps you.

3) you need this card later for a combo so you can keep it for later till you are ready for the combo.


Any help about the card is appriciated.

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Nice, and I like the idea. One thing does bug me, however. If you activate this on your turn, then your monster comes back on their turn, but if you "fixed" it by shifting the turn count to an even number like 4, then you'd have the same problem if you used it on your opponent's turn. Plus, the whole "you cannot attack" thing is kinda pointless on your opponent's turn.


But this is an easy fix. You could solve it any one of the following ways without messing up the concept:


1) Restrict it to activation on your own turn and give it an even-numbered turn count.

2) Have it force the returned monster to attack during your soonest coming Battle Phase after its return.

3) Have the card only count your turns.


Other than that, it looks good to me.

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Uh,...I'm pretty sure I do get it. It's a trap--ergo, you can activate it on either player's turn (assuming, of course, that it's been set for at least one). And...since you count turns one by one (reference Final Countdown), the count would have to be either --oppo., you, oppo., you, oppo.-- or the reverse, depending on whose turn you initially activated it on. If you want it to count a particular player's turns, you have to specify that (like on Nightmare's Steelcage).


And, actually, I missed another little snag (sorry, I'm really not trying to come down on you lol). The card just says that the monster returns, but it doesn't specify when specifically (Stand-By Phase of the turn after, End Phase of the 5th turn, etc.).


And just out of curiousity, is the return just a "return to play" (like on Dimension Hole), or did you mean to say that it's Special Summoned? I actually like the implications of it just "returning to play", as that sidesteps stuff like Bottomless and Torrential.

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