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Manga Knights


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basically, there would be the 3 separate threads already in existence. we would also make a 4th separate thread though where me, you (DL) and el make would all share equal power. basically the 3 separate threads would be able to focus on the separate things (i.e. chibi's, manga, anime/video games) that they are respectively based around, and the new thread would be made the main hub for all of those while our 3 separate threads would become avatars for the main thread and thus increase the chances of members joining in any one of them. it's actually a lot simpler then it sounds.

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well that's because i hadn't even mentioned it to you until a few days ago now doesn't it? xD

shows how much you pay attention to my sig.

anyway, the shadowverse is basically the place where you can discuss anime and video games when there is on topic discussions, although there was recently a little bit of manga talk. so my thought is this.


||||||||||||||||||||||||chibi knights for chibiness:\

the shadowverse for anime/vidoegame discussions:- new thread to yet be created.

|||||||||||||||the manga knights for manga stuff:/


does that illustration help to explain things? =/

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