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Way of the Wise l ROUND FOUR STARTED


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Once per turn, you can tribute 1 Plant-Type monster on your side of the field to destroy 1 card your opponent controls. If it was a monster card your opponent draws 1 card. While you control another Plant-Type monster this card cannot be destroyed by battle. If a Plant-Type monster would be destroyed by battle, you can tribute this card to prevent the Plant-Type monster from being destroyed. Once per turn you can discard 1 card and pay Life Points in multiply of 100 (Max.1200) to add 1 Plant-Type monster from your deck to your hand equal to the number of Life Points you paid.

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This card is treated as a Dragon-Type monster. When this card is destroys a monster in battle, Special Summon 1 "Dark Seed Token" (Plant-Type/Dark/Level 2/ATK 500/DEF 500) in Defense Mode. Tribute 2 "Dark Seed Tokens" to Special Summon 1 Level 5 or higher Plant-Type monster from your Deck (except for Dragon of the Dark Forest).

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[spoiler=Lore]This card is also treated as a Beast-Type Monster. This card cannot be Special Summoned or Set. When this card attacks or is attacked, draw 1 card. Reveal that card, and based on its type apply the proper effect: *Monster: End the Battle Phase. *Spell: You can change this card's attack to a direct attack. *Trap: Increase the ATK of this card by 500 points.


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my card :


LOre :

This card can be Special Summoned from your hand by removing 2 Plant-Type monsters from your Graveyard from play, you cannot attack the turn you activate this effect. For one tine only, send 1 face-up Plant-Type monster on your side of the field to the Graveyard and Inflict Life Points of damage equal to halve the ATK of the selected monster. When this card is destroyed, discard 1 card.



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Group 4



Deep Sea Diva + 2 non-Tuner WATER monsters

During your Standby Phases, draw 1 card. Reveal that card, and based on its type apply the proper effect:

● Monster: Skip your Battle Phase.

● Spell: This card can attack twice during this Battle Phase

● Trap: Destroy 1 monster on the field that is in Defense Position.

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[align=center]Sorry but I could find the other team mates so I just made a card.

[spoiler=[color=#4682B4]Team 2[/color]]


1 WATER Tuner + 1 or more LIGHT non-Tuner monsters

Each time your opponent draws a card outside his/her Draw Phase, discard the drawn card. If the discarded card was a Monster Card, inflict damage to your opponent equal to half the dsicarded card's original ATK. If the disarded card was a Spell Card, increase this cards ATK by 500, until the end of your turn.

Pic from Jazin Kay's Img archive.



I have to say I disliked making this card, for reasons you probebly still know.


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