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Chaotic Angel's Guide to making a really GOOD RP!

Chaotic Angel

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Well, first time making a guide in AGES! We'll see how things go and Rinne, if YOU lurk in here, sticky if possible! Wrong section? Move this for me.


[spoiler=1. Plots:]

Make sure your plot is decent and long and ensure your spelling's correct too! If you don't come up with a really good spelling, you could be SO dead! Be careful now! And also, you could make your plot a real twist! Here's my example of a plot, from my At World's End RP:


[spoiler=My example of a plot:]

In the past, Ron and the others headed to the Edge of Madness.. Just to defeat Chaos, but many blocked paths had to be cleaned up... So they had a tough fight against enemies they never fought against, they kept dying and what more is there to give?


Then, many of Ron's stuff and the others who participated had their stuff stolen aswell, so they head to Yuri's lair, just to kill Yuri Walker himself, who used to be Ron's identical twin brother until Yuri's older brother, Ashley ditched Ron in the middle of a local road. This made Ron and Yuri enemies.


After that, when Yuri was isolated and defeated, so Ron persuaded Yuri to give all of the stuff he has stolen back. This made Ron take Yuri with him, but Ron never trusted him.


After a while, Yuri has swapped positions with characters, making him the main character of the RP. Ron wasn't totally convinced about the idea at all, so he had to fight Yuri back for his position AND for their stuff back as he has stolen the same things again. Ron couldn't give a damn but to fight back.


Now, how will you revive the future? Just apply and surf through this whole RP. For all suggestions, it is highly recommended that you either PM me, or suggest something in my emporium. Enjoy the RP now!





Long plot, eh? Well, that's what it's supposed to be like! If your plot doesn't reach that standard, it won't really make a good RP! Remember: The longer the plot, the better! And also, your plot needs to be catchy and makes people wanna join. Don't be too convinced to join any old RP that flies in your way. It would be ABSOLUTELY pointless.





[spoiler=2. Rules:]

Rules, you can suggest some of those if you like, but there's not much I can give, but who cares? Definately NO spamming WHATSOEVER! No godmodding either! These two rules are SO damn important, Rinne will look for those so-called spammers and GMers! >.> Again, if you want to suggest some of this, spill it out!


Suggested by double_c4: As you already know, power-playing is the act of controlling someone else's character without permission via PM or OoC post. I actually did it once and after I realized the problem, I never did it again.





[spoiler=3. Applications:]

Applications these days... I'd possibly say: Make a long application that possibly lasts for DAYS! Not.. 10 seconds! God! If the application's short, you're posts will be short aswell! Don't think you can get away with that either! Here's a really good example of an application:


[spoiler=Example of a good application:]

Name: Insert name here


Age: Insert age here


Gender: Male or Female?


Side: Good, Neutral or Evil?


Race: Human? Vampire? Demon? Angel? Anything!


Birthplace: Where was this character born?


Appearance: Make the description decent, if you're not bothered to make a description, hunt for a pic. Hunting for a pic's MUCH harder than putting in a description. Descriptions require MORE time than hunting for a pic, though.


Biography: Maybe a few lines about your character's life.. How'd he live and all that.. You should know this unless you're a total noob. If you don't know this, then look at other people's bios.


Weapon Type: What type of weapon does your character wield? If you're making a Fantasy-related RP? Maybe something like Swords or something way over this world?


Weapons: List the names of all of your weapons here. ONLY if you're making a Fantasy-related RP. None else.


Height: How tall's your character? Don't think you can make your charcter 11 foot something. That's WAY TOO far. Don't make your character TOO tall or TOO short.


Weight: How big or heavy's your character? Again, don't make him/her too heavy or too light as this will result in your character dying WAY too easily.


RP Sample: Bring in your RP sample and the host will tell you whether or not you should be accepted. This will prevent you from accepting any old guy that flies past. :3





That's how it should look! If you're stuck on what to use, take ideas from here! It won't hurt, will it?





[spoiler=4. Participants:]

Limit your participants so ONLY the people YOU think who can RP can enter. As the rules of YCM keep saying, you HAVE to discriminate. Are you a good RPer? If not, then get some practice! Talk to other people and see if they can help you. I could help aswell, so don't be afraid to PM me. More can be suggested aswell, so don't be afraid to spill it out here.





[spoiler=5. Others:]

You can put other things in your RP like Side Quests from my RP, I'm sure you can hunt that one out, huh? Here's an example of a side quest or optional stuff.


[spoiler=Examples of an optional being:]

1. Name of side quest - Difficulty: LVL XX - XXX (Boss of Side Quest - HP: XXXXX)


These guys take place either at the beginning of a story, during, or after the story. If you guys didn't understand that, now's the time you should know this. These guys tells you that another person is waiting to join you by being defeated. Only available in Fantasy-related RPs.


2. Mini-games


This shows that there's either a problem or a puzzle that needs solving, or something like that, just to keep yourself busy.


3. Something you have NEVER experienced


Maybe something like a Battle for the Bomb or something like that, you name it. These guys will be made up by a host and you will follow the rules provided.





You DON'T have to put these optional stuff in here if you DON'T wanna, it's only there as an example.





If something goes wrong, it will be edited by Rinne OR me.

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Well, first time making a guide in AGES! We'll see how things go and Rinne, if YOU lurk in here, sticky if possible! Wrong section? Move this for me.


[spoiler=1. Plots:]

Make sure your plot is decent and long and ensure your spelling's correct too! If you don't come up with a really good spelling, you could be SO dead! Be careful now! And also, you could make your plot a real twist! Here's my example of a plot, from my At World's End RP:


[spoiler=My example of a plot:]

In the past, Ron and the others headed to the Edge of Madness.. Just to defeat Chaos, but many blocked paths had to be cleaned up... So they had a tough fight against enemies they never fought against, they kept dying and what more is there to give?


Then, many of Ron's stuff and the others who participated had their stuff stolen aswell, so they head to Yuri's lair, just to kill Yuri Walker himself, who used to be Ron's identical twin brother until Yuri's older brother, Ashley ditched Ron in the middle of a local road. This made Ron and Yuri enemies.


After that, when Yuri was isolated and defeated, so Ron persuaded Yuri to give all of the stuff he has stolen back. This made Ron take Yuri with him, but Ron never trusted him.


After a while, Yuri has swapped positions with characters, making him the main character of the RP. Ron wasn't totally convinced about the idea at all, so he had to fight Yuri back for his position AND for their stuff back as he has stolen the same things again. Ron couldn't give a damn but to fight back.


Now, how will you revive the future? Just apply and surf through this whole RP. For all suggestions, it is highly recommended that you either PM me, or suggest something in my emporium. Enjoy the RP now!





Long plot, eh? Well, that's what it's supposed to be like! If your plot doesn't reach that standard, it won't really make a good RP! Remember: The longer the plot, the better! And also, your plot needs to be catchy and makes people wanna join. Don't be too convinced to join any old RP that flies in your way. It would be ABSOLUTELY pointless.





[spoiler=2. Rules:]

Rules, you can suggest some of those if you like, but there's not much I can give, but who cares? Definately NO spamming WHATSOEVER! No godmodding either! These two rules are SO damn important, Rinne will look for those so-called spammers and GMers! >.> Again, if you want to suggest some of this, spill it out!


Suggested by double_c4: As you already know, power-playing is the act of controlling someone else's character without permission via PM or OoC post. I actually did it once and after I realized the problem, I never did it again.





[spoiler=3. Applications:]

Applications these days... I'd possibly say: Make a long application that possibly lasts for DAYS! Not.. 10 seconds! God! If the application's short, you're posts will be short aswell! Don't think you can get away with that either! Here's a really good example of an application:


[spoiler=Example of a good application:]

Name: Insert name here


Age: Insert age here


Gender: Male or Female?


Side: Good, Neutral or Evil?


Race: Human? Vampire? Demon? Angel? Anything!


Birthplace: Where was this character born?


Appearance: Make the description decent, if you're not bothered to make a description, hunt for a pic. Hunting for a pic's MUCH harder than putting in a description. Descriptions require MORE time than hunting for a pic, though.


Biography: Maybe a few lines about your character's life.. How'd he live and all that.. You should know this unless you're a total noob. If you don't know this, then look at other people's bios.


Weapon Type: What type of weapon does your character wield? If you're making a Fantasy-related RP? Maybe something like Swords or something way over this world?


Weapons: List the names of all of your weapons here. ONLY if you're making a Fantasy-related RP. None else.


Height: How tall's your character? Don't think you can make your charcter 11 foot something. That's WAY TOO far. Don't make your character TOO tall or TOO short.


Weight: How big or heavy's your character? Again, don't make him/her too heavy or too light as this will result in your character dying WAY too easily.


RP Sample: Bring in your RP sample and the host will tell you whether or not you should be accepted. This will prevent you from accepting any old guy that flies past. :3





That's how it should look! If you're stuck on what to use, take ideas from here! It won't hurt, will it?





[spoiler=4. Participants:]

Limit your participants so ONLY the people YOU think who can RP can enter. As the rules of YCM keep saying, you HAVE to discriminate. Are you a good RPer? If not, then get some practice! Talk to other people and see if they can help you. I could help aswell, so don't be afraid to PM me. More can be suggested aswell, so don't be afraid to spill it out here.





[spoiler=5. Others:]

You can put other things in your RP like Side Quests from my RP, I'm sure you can hunt that one out, huh? Here's an example of a side quest or optional stuff.


[spoiler=Examples of an optional being:]

1. Name of side quest - Difficulty: LVL XX - XXX (Boss of Side Quest - HP: XXXXX)


These guys take place either at the beginning of a story, during, or after the story. If you guys didn't understand that, now's the time you should know this. These guys tells you that another person is waiting to join you by being defeated. Only available in Fantasy-related RPs.


2. Mini-games


This shows that there's either a problem or a puzzle that needs solving, or something like that, just to keep yourself busy.


3. Something you have NEVER experienced


Maybe something like a Battle for the Bomb or something like that, you name it. These guys will be made up by a host and you will follow the rules provided.





You DON'T have to put these optional stuff in here if you DON'T wanna, it's only there as an example.





If something goes wrong, it will be edited by Rinne OR me.

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Well, first time making a guide in AGES! We'll see how things go and Rinne, if YOU lurk in here, sticky if possible! Wrong section? Move this for me.


[spoiler=1. Plots:]

Make sure your plot is decent and long and ensure your spelling's correct too! If you don't come up with a really good spelling, you could be SO dead! Be careful now! And also, you could make your plot a real twist! Here's my example of a plot, from my At World's End RP:


[spoiler=My example of a plot:]

In the past, Ron and the others headed to the Edge of Madness.. Just to defeat Chaos, but many blocked paths had to be cleaned up... So they had a tough fight against enemies they never fought against, they kept dying and what more is there to give?


Then, many of Ron's stuff and the others who participated had their stuff stolen aswell, so they head to Yuri's lair, just to kill Yuri Walker himself, who used to be Ron's identical twin brother until Yuri's older brother, Ashley ditched Ron in the middle of a local road. This made Ron and Yuri enemies.


After that, when Yuri was isolated and defeated, so Ron persuaded Yuri to give all of the stuff he has stolen back. This made Ron take Yuri with him, but Ron never trusted him.


After a while, Yuri has swapped positions with characters, making him the main character of the RP. Ron wasn't totally convinced about the idea at all, so he had to fight Yuri back for his position AND for their stuff back as he has stolen the same things again. Ron couldn't give a damn but to fight back.


Now, how will you revive the future? Just apply and surf through this whole RP. For all suggestions, it is highly recommended that you either PM me, or suggest something in my emporium. Enjoy the RP now!





Long plot, eh? Well, that's what it's supposed to be like! If your plot doesn't reach that standard, it won't really make a good RP! Remember: The longer the plot, the better! And also, your plot needs to be catchy and makes people wanna join. Don't be too convinced to join any old RP that flies in your way. It would be ABSOLUTELY pointless.





[spoiler=2. Rules:]

Rules, you can suggest some of those if you like, but there's not much I can give, but who cares? Definately NO spamming WHATSOEVER! No godmodding either! These two rules are SO damn important, Rinne will look for those so-called spammers and GMers! >.> Again, if you want to suggest some of this, spill it out!


Suggested by double_c4: As you already know, power-playing is the act of controlling someone else's character without permission via PM or OoC post. I actually did it once and after I realized the problem, I never did it again.





[spoiler=3. Applications:]

Applications these days... I'd possibly say: Make a long application that possibly lasts for DAYS! Not.. 10 seconds! God! If the application's short, you're posts will be short aswell! Don't think you can get away with that either! Here's a really good example of an application:


[spoiler=Example of a good application:]

Name: Insert name here


Age: Insert age here


Gender: Male or Female?


Side: Good, Neutral or Evil?


Race: Human? Vampire? Demon? Angel? Anything!


Birthplace: Where was this character born?


Appearance: Make the description decent, if you're not bothered to make a description, hunt for a pic. Hunting for a pic's MUCH harder than putting in a description. Descriptions require MORE time than hunting for a pic, though.


Biography: Maybe a few lines about your character's life.. How'd he live and all that.. You should know this unless you're a total noob. If you don't know this, then look at other people's bios.


Weapon Type: What type of weapon does your character wield? If you're making a Fantasy-related RP? Maybe something like Swords or something way over this world?


Weapons: List the names of all of your weapons here. ONLY if you're making a Fantasy-related RP. None else.


Height: How tall's your character? Don't think you can make your charcter 11 foot something. That's WAY TOO far. Don't make your character TOO tall or TOO short.


Weight: How big or heavy's your character? Again, don't make him/her too heavy or too light as this will result in your character dying WAY too easily.


RP Sample: Bring in your RP sample and the host will tell you whether or not you should be accepted. This will prevent you from accepting any old guy that flies past. :3





That's how it should look! If you're stuck on what to use, take ideas from here! It won't hurt, will it?





[spoiler=4. Participants:]

Limit your participants so ONLY the people YOU think who can RP can enter. As the rules of YCM keep saying, you HAVE to discriminate. Are you a good RPer? If not, then get some practice! Talk to other people and see if they can help you. I could help aswell, so don't be afraid to PM me. More can be suggested aswell, so don't be afraid to spill it out here.





[spoiler=5. Others:]

You can put other things in your RP like Side Quests from my RP, I'm sure you can hunt that one out, huh? Here's an example of a side quest or optional stuff.


[spoiler=Examples of an optional being:]

1. Name of side quest - Difficulty: LVL XX - XXX (Boss of Side Quest - HP: XXXXX)


These guys take place either at the beginning of a story, during, or after the story. If you guys didn't understand that, now's the time you should know this. These guys tells you that another person is waiting to join you by being defeated. Only available in Fantasy-related RPs.


2. Mini-games


This shows that there's either a problem or a puzzle that needs solving, or something like that, just to keep yourself busy.


3. Something you have NEVER experienced


Maybe something like a Battle for the Bomb or something like that, you name it. These guys will be made up by a host and you will follow the rules provided.





You DON'T have to put these optional stuff in here if you DON'T wanna, it's only there as an example.





If something goes wrong, it will be edited by Rinne OR me.

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Hey, A.C.! Nice thought of bringing another RP guide in here.


Anyway, You have good points about the plots, applications, etc. But there was a rule that has the exact same purpose of spamming and God-modding:




As you already know, power-playing is the act of controlling someone else's character without permission via PM or OoC post. I actually did it once and after I realized the problem, I never did it again.




This rule is very important in the Advanced Clause of the new RP rules. This rule should be added ASAP.

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