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A Chance for a Hundred Points!


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Here's how it works:

1) I make a topic.

2) You post a word relating to the topic.

3) First to post 70th relating word wins 100 points. :shock:

4) To win, you must have more than 2 correct posts.



1) Words unrelated to the topic or repeated words will not count.

2) You can still post unrelated words just to confuse people.(I will try to confuse you.)

3) One word per post.

4) Don't correct people's mistakes if they get it wrong. It just makes it harder for you to win.

5) Looking at the example is recommended.



[spoiler=[b]{Example}[/b]The topic is... Things that are soft.]


Post 1: Pillows

Post 2: Leaves(Leaves aren't really soft so this is wrong, but I'm not telling you what's right and wrong)

Post 3: Bed

Post 4: Play Doh


Post 50:Fur Coat. Do I win?(If you think you won, ask this question)

Me: No. There was a word that was unrelated to the topic.

(Notice that I don't point out the mistakes. Figure them out yourselves.)






[spoiler=The topic is...]



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