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Yugioh Grand Tour (GT)

EHERO Andrew

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I'm thinking of making my own Yugioh fanfic. Here are the characters I already have. I need a female character. and more villains.

Put in Character Name, Deck, Personality (Similar to a Yugioh character), Star Card (you can use a real one) and Duel Spirit (if any).





1.Maximus (Main Character)

Deck: Gladiator Beasts

Personality: Zane Trusedale and Jaden Yuki (season 4)

Star Card: Gladiator Beast Heraklinos

Duel Spirit: Gladiator Beast Octavius


2.Ceasar Anderson (Son of Jesse Anderson)

Deck: Crystal Beast

Personality: Jesse Anderson

Star Card: Rainbow Dragon

Duel Spirit: All Crystal Beasts


3.Cyrus Trusedale (Duel Academy Professor)

Deck: Cyber Dark/Vehicroid

Personality: Himself, only more mature

Star Card: Chimeratech Overdragon

Duel Spirit: None



1.Andrew Yuki (Goes from Evil to Good)

Deck (Evil): Elemental/Evil Hero

Deck (Good): Elemental Hero/Neos/Remover

Personality (Evil): Supreme King Jaden

Personality (Good): Jaden Yuki (Season 4)

Star Card (Evil): Evil Hero Lightning Golem

Star Card (Good): Elemental Hero Neos

Duel Spirit (Evil): Evil Hero Dark Gaia

Duel Spirit (Good): Elemental Hero Neos Alius



1.Chazz Princeton II

Deck: Dragon

Personality: Chazz Princeton

Star Card: Light and Darkness Dragon

Duel Spirit: Light and Darkness Dragon


2.Aster Phoenix (Turns evil)

Deck: Destiny Hero

Personality: Himself, more evil

Star Card: Destiny Hero-Plasma

Duel Spirit: None

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Yugioh GT Episode 1 (Introduction)


In the Underground Cage Dueling (UCD) a boy named Maximus was dueling a new competitor.


Maximus LP: 8000

Competitor LP: 4000


Maximus on field: 2 face-downs and 1 Gladiator Beast Secutor (ATK/400 DEF/300).

Competitor on field: no cards


Competitor draws.


I return Treeborn Frog from my Graveyard in defense mode. I set two more cards face-down and sacrifice my frog to summon Raiza! It's over!


Wrong! I chain to your summon with Solemn Judgment! I pay half of my Life Points to negate the summon of Raiza! (LP 8000- 4000).


Raiza is destroyed.


Crap! I end my turn.


Maximus draws and looks at this hand.


I set 1 spell/trap card face-down. And Secutor will attack!


I chain your attack with Sakuretsu Armor!


I chain your Trap with Parry! By sending 1 Gladiator Beast to my Deck, I can negate your trap and destroy it! [sends Gladiator Beast Alexander to his deck and shuffles].


Gladiator Beast Secutor attacks. (Competitor's LP 4000-3600)


Secutor's ability activates. After my Battle Phase, I can Special Summon any 2 Gladiator Beasts from my Deck. I summon Gladiator Beast Laquari(ATK/1800 DEF/400) and Gladiator Beast Spartacus (ATK/2200 DEF/1600)!


This is madness!


Madness? This is Sparta! Spartacus activates his abilty to bring out 1 Gladiator Beast equip Spell card to my hand (Gladiator Beast's Battle Manica) and Laquari becomes 2100 ATK. Now, I contact fuse my Gladiators to summon my most powerful Gladiator! Gladiator Beast Heraklinos (ATK/3000 DEF/2500)!


That monster won't be here for long, I chain with Bottomless Trap Hole!


Sorry, but by discarding 1 card from my hand (now has 3 left), by Heraklinos' ability, I can negate the activation and effect of any Spell or Trap card. I end my turn.


I scoop! I quit! You win! (Cries like a baby).

“And he calls himself a tournament champ.”


Audience cheers. A tall man approaches Maximus.


Hello, Mr. Maximus.


What do you want? Do you want to duel me?


Oh, no. I'm here to get you out of this illegal organization is all.


Get me out?


Where are my manners? I'm Maxamillen Pegasus, the creator of Duel Monsters.




Opening Theme: “For the Love of the Game” by Pillar

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Episode 1 posted.


So why have you come to free me?


My boy, after seeing your duel, you are the best duelist I have ever seen. You may even surpass Yugi Moto and Jaden Yuki.




Pegasus gasps.


You never heard of Yugi Moto and Jaden Yuki?! They are the Duel Kings of our time!Don't you want to see how good you are outside this place?


Why would I leave here? This is my home.


No it's not! You are nothing but a slave here. You leave this place and duel to be the next Duel King!


But where am I supposed to go? I don't have home. Where will I live?


I know a place. It's called Duel Academy. It's the perfect place to live in.


Duel Academy?


Please, Maximus, you will be better off in the academy than here. What do you say?


Maximus thinks.


Ok. I'll go.




Hey, what are you doing with my champion? Leave here now!


I'm sorry, sir, but your champion must come with me. He now belongs to me.


What are you talking about? He's mine! What makes you think I will just let him go! He's making me more money than ever!


If you don't release him, then you will have to answer to my lawyer and see how illegal your organization is... I don't think you want that now do you?


Fine, take him! Just don't turn me into the police!


Pegasus and Maximus leave. They go in Pegasus' private helicopter. They go to Maximilien's mansion. Maximilien shows Maximus his closet of new clothes.


So why are you doing all this for me?


Because you need new clothes for the academy that's why.


No, I mean, you don't know who I am and you're treating me like I'm your son. So what is this really about?


Well... Those Gladiator Beast cards you have were mine. Our company just created these new monsters and they aren't even released yet. Our employee, Choji, created the cards and he was supposed to bring them to the Yugioh Card Conference, but he lost them. Somehow you found them. I have a feeling that the cards have chosen you to be their master. Just like with Jesse Anderson's cards, you have a great connection with the Gladiators.


“No wonder why I can my cards come to life.”


Now, go pick your clothes.


Maximus picked a black shirt, a red jacket and red sweat pants. They go the Duel Academy test arena.


Now go sign up and pass that test.


But I don't have any money...


That's why you have a free-test pass. So you don't have to pay for it. From now on, your on your own.


Pegasus leaves. Maximus enters the building. Maximus meets up with a kid who looks like Jesse Anderson.


Hey, I'm Caesar Anderson. What's your name?


I'm Maximus.


So what kind of deck do you run? I run Crystal Beasts.


I run Gladiator Beasts.


I never heard of those cards, but they sound awesome. Hope you do well on this test.




Mr. Trusedale, there's something you need to see.


What is it?


We have these following testers here. You may recognize most of them, but one of them was a requested by Pegasus for you to test.


Testers: Andrew Yuki, Caesar Anderson, Chazz Princeton II, and Maximus.


Yeah, they do sound familiar, but with the Maximus character. Very well.


Maximus and Caesar were sent to test room 5. Chazz and Andrew were there.


Well, look what the cat dragged in...


No one said a word.


Cyrus appears.


Welcome, scholars. I'm Cyrus Trusedale. I'm one of the academy's professor and I am testing you for today. So here are the rules:

1.You must win to pass

2.You get 3 chances to win.

3.For every loss, you lose one color grade. For example. 1st round win gets you to Obelisk blue dorm. 1st round loss, 2nd round win gets you to Ra yellow dorm. 1St 2 rounds lost and 3rd round win gets you to Slifer red dorm. Lose all rounds, you fail the test and don't get to go to the academy.

Got it? Let's get started. Who goes first?


I will go.


So, Yuki. I know your father, Jaden Yuki, the Duel King.


“Andrew Yuki is the son of the Duel King? He'll probably win the first round and get into the academy.”


To Be Continued...

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1.MIke weber

Deck: spellcaster/warrior

Personality: Zane Trusedale(season 4)

Star Card: Black luster soldeir-evony of beginng

Duel Spirit: Black luster soldeir-evony of beginng


2.Sara Rohdes(daughter of alexis rohdes)

Deck: spellcaster

Personality: alexis rohdes

Star Card: Silent magican lv8

Duel Spirit: Silent magican lv4



Deck: Cyber-style deck

Personality: syrus trusdale(season 4

Star Card: Cyber orge #2

Duel Spirit: None


Chris perry

Deck: Armor deck(main rival of mike)

Personality: chazz princeton(season 2)

Star Card: AEON the armor king

Duel Spirit: none


A link to the armor deck

aka it's varons armor deck in the Domas orchalios saga

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