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YCM Russian Roulette - Round 3 Has Begun!

Skippy Canoe

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[align=center]Welcome. Here, all bets are final. *dramatic music*


I'll explain the game first. I will allow at most 10 contestants join. If joining comes to a standstill, I'll start with less. The entry fee is ten points.


This game doesn't have a set number of rounds. It depends on how things run.


At the beginning of each round, every contestant must donate any number of points between 1 and 10 to me. The first five people to submit their point will win 10x their bet, which will be saved in their bank. The last five will be put in jeopardy and not win anything. I will spin the metaphorical pistol in the center of the table.


Now if the pistol points to you, you are shot by me, your dealer. BUT there is only one bullet in the gun, calling for a one in six chance of being eliminated. If you are eliminated, you lose your saved up winnings.


At the end of a round, you may either be a) eliminated, and forced to be out, b) walk away with your winnings, or c) continuing the game. It could be your choice, it could not.


There's a twist, though. You can "second guess" a contestant. At the beginning of a round, you may second guess a contestant by stating their name and if you think they'll be in jeopardy. If you are correct by the end of the round, you steal half of their winnings. If you are incorrect, they steal half of your winnings.


At the end of the game, there will be 2 contestants left. By now you have no choice but to play. These two will play for both of their winnings. There will be no points donated to me during this round, and no second guessing. Instead, you will state two numbers between one and five. Two contestants may not pick any of the same numbers. I will pick a random number by random number generator between one and five. If one of you is correct, you take all of the winnings and shoot your opponent. If you are both incorrect, I shoot both of you, and you lose your winnings.


NOTE: I will post when a round begins.


Now, I welcome you to play. If you have any questions, pm them to me so as to not clog this thread up with less important posts.


Sidepipe ... Bank: 0 - 6th Place

Eurynome ... Bank: 0 - 7th Place

Silver ... Bank: 200

.:~WhiteTiger~:. ... Bank: 200

Yu-Gi-Oh Dude ... Bank: **WINNINGS 200 - 4th Place

Snitch ... Bank: 0 - 5th Place

~MT~ ... Bank: 100



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This is sick. I'm in.


Pay the entry' date=' please.


I am so in!


You're in. :D


I'll play player six' date=' thanks. :3



Okay, just remember the fee, even though I won't be making a profit with this game anyway. :3


Awaiting payment from Snitch and Silver, but they are accepted.

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