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2010's first King/Queen of the Hill Contest [started, challenge posted]


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[align=center]The Semi-Annual 2010 King/Queen of the Hill contest will be starting soon. Aside from a title I'm working on a plaque that will hold the first 5 King/Queen of the Hill contest winner's names on it to post on future King/Queen of the Hill Contests as well as having a few reps for prizes.


Note* Contest will most likely be rated by The Organization if possible.


[spoiler=Current King/Queen of the Hill]Kailyn Kyosuke


[spoiler=current 1v1]Striker9211 vs Kailyn Kyosuke


[spoiler=How this contest works]This contest is a series of 1v1 contests, rated by a set of Judges. The first round will decide the starting King/Queen of the Hill. From there I will travel down the list of contestants, each of which will face the Owner of the Hill until the Owner is defeated or achieves a victory count of 15. To win the 1v1 the entrant must recieve a 2/3 vote from the Judges. In order to win the contest you must have 15 wins and at least 5 more wins than defeats. Rules for contests will change with each change of Hill possesion. People who are invited have either impressed me with their cardmaking abilities or have one previous King/Queen of the hill contests. Also Judges are allowed to invite One member of their choosing.


[spoiler=Prizes]6 reps

Title of King/Queen of the Hill

Name on Plaque


[spoiler=Current challenge]

1. Dark Attributed

2. must support Fairy-Type

See Yugioh Wikia for any information you require.


[spoiler=Rules of Judging]All Judging will be done over PM and results will be posted here. All Judges must provide 2-5 sentences as to why they choose the card they voted for and must point out any errors they spot on both cards. Judges are not to give out information on the current 1v1.



Deustodo, Bösitige Zauberer, Le Createur


[spoiler=Regards to the Cardmakers]As a way to help improve the skills of the entrants after every Judged 1v1 I will PM the entrants what the Judges saw as flaws in their card (if any). This will allow the Cardmaker to know where and what to improve and will hopefully be to the benifit of all contestants.



Kailyn Kyosuke 1-0, ΕεΔδΛλΙιΡρΣσςΕε, KurashiDragon, Striker9211, The Monarch King, Sidepipe, ĐŕANZĔŔ™, Punisheris, DeckCreater722, HaloAndHorns, sephiran1 0-1,


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You will face off like everyone else. You are the winner of the 2009 contest, that however will have no meaning here.


So Kailyn you will participate along with everyone else.

Just so you know though, you are basically a member of the King/Queen of the Hill hall of fame.

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Guest War Torn

I'm ready to show off my best card in my new set in this contest! So you better watch out people 'cause I have a good chance of winning.

(You can notice that I didn't say that I was going to win.)

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