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Hogwarts Roleplay: The Third War [Started / Accepting / Advanced]

Felix Culpa

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Darien sat down at the Slytherin table and picked at his sandwich with distaste and boredom, looking around the Great Hall to see if he can pick out any familiar faces then spots Rigel speaking with an unfamiliar ravenclaw. He decides to get up and sits next to him "Hey Rigel!"


"Whats up?" He said to Rigel, looking from Rigel to the unknown ravenclaw.

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Rigel's eye twitched in annoyance. Confundo, he thought pointing his wand at Darien. Nothing happened. Ugh, I hate these nonverbal spells.


"Hey, Darien," Rigel said exasperated. "I'm doing nothing. Anymore."


He looked to Britney with a look that said, I don't want him here either, but no use stopping now. "Britney and I were just talking."

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Profesor Harker crawled his way into the Great Hall for a meal. Half way through the room he looked at Regil with grimace and distain. While his concentration was on him he dropped a small scalpel to the ground from his robes. Quickly , he returned the cutting tool to an inside pocket before so hopefully no one would notice. It left a bit of red on the floor but there was nothing he could do now. He quickly swiveled a degrees of 180 and left the room as fast as he entered to try to avoid being questioned.

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"Well, I've got my next class on the fifth floor, but I need to make a side trip, if you don't mind," Rigel said to Darien, looking at Britney next, "And I must bid you a good day, as I don't have any more classes with Ravenclaw until Wednesday."


Rigel stood, walking off, toward the Gryffindor Common Room, entering with the password that was on the map, which was now unfolded in his hand. He sneaked to the Gryffindor 5th year boys common room, putting the map in James' trunk.

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Darien twists around toward the noise, but shrugs and turns back to his meal and finishes it quickly nodding towards Britney "See you later then" and grabs his things before she can reply, dashing out the Great Hall on his way to the Grand Staircase.


He climbs up the staircase to the second floor heading towards Charms class.

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Rigel walked down the stairs, watching the stairs move, following the correct staircase, jumping the trick stair, and then going down another staircase, looking at the door to the Charms room, waiting for the Professor to come from the Great Hall. The Hufflepuff Prefects were already standing there, waiting with an eager look on their face which only made Rigel laugh on the inside.


"I must say," the Professor said, climbing the stairs, "Those shortcuts are helpful, aren't they Rigel?"


"I agree," Rigel said, nodding. The Professor was constantly late to classes, so Rigel showed him a shortcut to the second floor.

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Professor Harker marched past the Charms Corridor, looking anxious and worried. Being a new teacher can't be too hard, can it?


"Today," the Professor said, "We will be practicing Silencing Charms! Everyone, grab a toad, and use the incantation Silencio to make your toad as silent as possible. Observe."


One loudly croaking toad sat on his desk, "Silencio." Instantly, the toad was absolutely silent, though it still tried to make noise.

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Rigel looked agitatedly at Darien, who's toad had stopped croaking, but had to move onto a raven. Rigel's toad would get quieter, but it wouldn't stop making noise, which was starting annoy him, so he just prodded it with his wand, muttering, "Silencio" for a moment before it finally stopped. It started again when the professor waved his wand.


"Only in one attempt, Mr. Black," he said.

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Rigel's tongue unrolled and he left the room, the raven disappearing after the door slammed and he stomped out to the grounds, where the lake and the white tomb calmed him. He always wondered what Albus Dumbledore was like, though he could just go to the headmaster's office, though Rigel doubted he would pay an unwilling visit to the Headmaster any time soon.

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Darien pulls a pouch out of his pack and takes a handful of the Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder and drops it onto the floor helping him to escape, but not to follow his now pissed off friend, but instead heads to the Slytherin common room.


Once inside his owl Squen looks up at him eagerly, squawking loudly with enthusiasm "Hey Squen come with me" he grabs Squen's cage and starts for the Owlry.

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Britney listened to he care of magical creaturesteacher as they were learning about Blast Ended Screwts so she was really excited. Britney watched as some boy trying to act cool threw a skrewt into the air andcatching it. "Idiot" .Britney said as the boy got blasted with fire from the sckrewt and his eyebrows were completely singed off. Britney laughed at him andsat on a rock looking at the castle seeing Rigel in the distance.

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Rigel stood at the edge of the lake, throwing stones in, seeing the giant squid slap them back to the ground. "No point in going back now. I assume class will end soon for the day."


Rigel pointed at a stone on the ground, making it a shiny green before throwing it again. Color-Change Charms were always some of his favorites, especially since they were a specialty of his.

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Britney began to back away slowly from her class without the teacher knowing as he was too busy with the boy who singed himself so she ran over to the lake and sat down next to Rigel. "Well hello Rigel i see we didn't get to finish our conversation at lunch if you remember" .Britney said as she watched him throwing the stones into the lake and seeing the giant squid slapping them back to him.

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"Nice to see you," Rigel said, making a rock stop just before skimming the side of her leg with Impedimenta. "Well, how were your classes today?"


Rigel sank down under a tree, looking up at Britney. "Mine were okay, but we've got to listen to the O.W.L. speech, again. Tomorrow. We have Potions together, tomorrow, don't we?"

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"Yes we do have potions i almost forgot with my mixed up class list cause one day i have a certain order than the next day i have another order so im stuck running from one place to another all on different days" .Britney said as she sat right next to Rigel with a sudden shine in her eyes. "Luminio" .Britney said as the end of her wand shone with a light that was barely seen with the sun shining outside.

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Rigel leaned back, lying under the tree now, and looked Britney. "I'm so tired of having to hear the O.W.L. speech but we have to get really good scores in our exams or else we'll be unable to go for a good job. Imagine not being able to work in the future."


"So what do you want to be when you leave here?" Rigel asked.

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Marumi walked to her next class, Transfiguration. She sighed. She was a fifth year, but that also meant that it was the O.W.L. year. The year of studying like crazy, getting all hyped up because of the exams. It was going to be hard, she would have to stay up later then usual to study for her classes. It was going to be great. Just great. She walked into the transfiguration class (and actually on time) and sat down in an empty seat.

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