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Trainer's Story - 29 Trainers - Taking Requests - Newest: Gepetto


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[align=center]I <3 this thread, check here for new trainers every time I log on. And now my request:


Name (I choose da title) Straton

Gender of Trainer: Female

Pokemon (4 or less):

Manectric {If possible, body color: purple, nickname: Shock}

Electabuzz {If possible, nickname: Gamma}

Magnezone {Don't care about nickname}

Plusle {If possible, body color: pink, nickname: Dancer}


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[align=center]I <3 this thread' date=' check here for new trainers every time I log on. And now my request:


Name (I choose da title) Straton

Gender of Trainer: Female

Pokemon (4 or less):

Manectric {If possible, body color: purple, nickname: Shock}

Electabuzz {If possible, nickname: Gamma}

Magnezone {Don't care about nickname}

Plusle {If possible, body color: pink, nickname: Dancer}


I'm happy to know people like them -.^




So many requests, so little time. I will finish them though!

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