Ģค๓blє Posted January 6, 2010 Report Share Posted January 6, 2010 [align=center] :3 I was bored- and heres Royce, a new trainer I made. Here's some trainers I made due to people liking them. I recolored some crap and made this. [spoiler=Royce] RoyceMale - 16 NidoqueenFemaleRoyce nicknamed her "Ruby" at birth. This was due to her red areas. The egg was like a regular egg accept for the spots being red. No person would take it, fearing it was a new pokemon. Royce did, though. DiglettMaleThis pokemon was name "Diggy" when given to Royce for his birthday. He was young, and that resulted in the name. Diggy often hides behind Royce due to it's terrible shyness. [spoiler=Gym Leader Macy] MacyFemale - 20 AltariaFemale Macy generously saved this pokemon from an abusive owner as a Swablu. She raised it like a baby and named it Cotton. She is very attached to Macy and would never leave her side. AmbipomMale Skamp is a very mischievous Ambipom. He often meddles in business that isn't his and ruins something. Often, it is very easily fixed though. Macy loves Skamp as much as any other pokemon. MunchlaxMale Macy named this pokemon Petey for no real reason. Unlike most Munchlax, Petey can be quite active when he's awake. His strength is very great and it's a pretty good thing when you beat him in a battle. [spoiler=Stanley] StanleyMale - 14 PichuFemale Stanley named this pokemon Holly due to it's Christmas colors. This has always been one of his favorite pokemon. It's attitude with things can be very wrong sometimes, but he still loves her. PikachuMale This pokemon was named Graham for no real reason. This was Stanley's second pokemon, and his laziest. This pokemon tends to sit around and sleep most of the time. RaichuFemale Sizzle, Stanley's Raichu, is a girl but acts nothing like it. She loves to battle and absolutely despises battles. The battles she fights in have always been won by her. Her talents are amazing! TorterraFemale Stanley named this Torterra Autumn due to it's brown leaves. It's a great, reliable pokemon. She is very kind and usually doesn't like to battle. This pokemon also dreams of being in contests, but knows it could not make it through and beauty rounds. InfernapeMale This pokemon was not given a name, as it was the most recently caught. Not much is known about it yet. EmpoleonMale Icecap is an odd name, but suited for this pokemon. Somehow, the albino gene only traveled to what is supposed to be the yellow parts. It is also very cold at those points, which enables this pokemon to learn all Ice-Type moves. [spoiler=Tao] TaoMale - 36 LucarioFemale Tao and Auria have been studying karate together since age 3. They were both taken in to the same dojo after being abandoned in the rain. [spoiler=Gym Leader Sarah] SarahFemale - 19 GardevoirFemale This pokemon is extremely kind. It has been Sarah's favorite since she first caught it as a Ralts. It's hair was brown naturally, which Sarah liked a lot, so she named it Layla. LopunnyFemale This pokemon was found by Sarah, starving, in the forest. She took it in and fed it. It would not leave so she kept it and named it Peanut. WingullMale This is Sarah's only boy pokemon. She uses him a lot less in battles, as no one has ever gotten past Peanut. She also nicknamed this pokemon Sammy. [spoiler=Hunter] HunterMale - 17 CharizardFemale Kya is Hunter's Charizard. Her wings are slightly orange due to a birth defect, not just because she was born that way. Her mother was injected with an experimental fluid before making the egg. MudkipMale Scooter is Hunter's overactive Mudkip. He is constantly running around crashing into something. It's main personality, if you were to sum it up in one word would be "hyper". ManectricMale Strikey, Hunter's Manectric, is a very kind pokemon. It loves to be around people... and getting treats. It is very fierce in battle, though. MightyenaMale Lucky is Hunter's golden-retriever like pokemon. He is a very loyal pokemon with a big heart. It hates anyone who stands in the way of his happiness though. [spoiler=Expert Coordinator Valkenhayn] ValkenhaynMale - 23 DragoniteFemale This pokemon is often mistaken as a boy pokemon for the green wings on her. For that reason, Valkenhayn named her "Crystal" to clear any gender questions. MiloticFemale Tessa, Valkenhayn's Milotic, is his favorite pokemon. He is known as one of the greatest contest coordinators for her great beauty and talent. GyaradosMale Tyrant is a completely out of control Gyarados. He is an extremely fierce fighter who will do what ever it takes to win. Nothing can stop it, and nothing ever has. [spoiler=Seth] SethMale - 16 FeraligatrMale This feraligatr was found as an egg by this trainer caught in a sewer grate. [spoiler=Dolly] DollyFemale - 14 KirlambFemale This Kirlamb has been through a lot during its lifetime. It was found hiding next to Dolly's barn during a rainstorm. MiltankMale Dolly bought this Miltank at the market one day. A devious merchant was not supposed to sell it, but still did. GrumpigFemale Missy is a very lazy Grumpig. It's life has always been sitting and rolling in the mud. [spoiler=Elite Youngster Martial] MartialMale - 13 ScizorMale This scizor was found roaming the grasses as a scyther. Martial had fed it, and befriended it. GarchompFemale Martial met this pokemon in wayward cave. It was resting on a rock and Martial used Scizor to capture it. SteelixUngendered Martial first met this pokemon in a dark cave. He mistook it for a rock and sat on it. MagmortarFemale This is Martials favorite pokemon, and always has been. He has never lost a battle with this pokemon. LudicoloMale This pokemon was stolen from an evil Team Rocket member. Its pokeball was dropped in a rush. [spoiler=Kymor] KymorMale - 36 KabutopsMale Kymor resurected this Kabutops from a fossil in Oreburgh City. It instantly grew attached to him and was nickname "Swipe". ShedinjaUngendered This Shedinja was created when Kymor evolved his Nincada. He ended up releasing his Ninjask though and named this pokemon "Skins". QuilavaFemale Embers was found as a small dwarfish egg. It was supposed to be a dead egg, but Kymor still tried to nurse it and hatch it. GalladeMale This Gallade, nicknamed "Burn", is one of the only Gallade able to learn Fire-Type moves. This was due to an experiment done on it by Team Rocket before Kymor saved it. [spoiler=George] GeorgeMale – 27 TorkoalMale Steamer, this Torkoal, is a very strong, powerful Torkoal. It’s whole life has been devoted to battling. GrotleMale This Grotle is a great battler and hunter. George uses him to find items if he needs to. BlastoiseFemale George was given this pokemon as an egg from his mom who breeds Squirtle. [spoiler=Gym Leader Ice] IceFemale - 23 SneaselFemale This pokemon was hatched by Ice herself. She bought the egg and raised it. WeavileMale This Weavile was also hatched by Ice, and is the brother to her Sneasel. SableyeMale Ice found this Sableye in an iced over cave. It was frozen into one of the walls. [spoiler=Gym Leader Foo] FooMale - 68 SlakingMale This Slaking was named "Buddha" by Foo for his golden appearance. LoudredMale This Loudred was nicknamed "Rocky" for no real reason. His brown appearance made it hard to spot him in the rocks. LaironMale This Lairon looks as if it was a small gold deposit. Foo saved it from a gold mine just in time. [spoiler=Gym Leader Lilly] LillyFemale - 23 VictreebellMale This Victreebell was nicknamed "Count" because of his dark red leaves and sharp teeth. BellossomFemale This Bellossom was found by Lilly as a small egg. It has stuck by her side ever since. RoseradeFemale Lilly got this Roserade in a trade with a friend. She traded away her old Venasaur. [spoiler=Kuro] KuroMale - 18 TorterraMale Kuro caught this pokemon and was concerned about the wood color. It was also very damp. He took it to a hospital to find it was Mahogany, and the wetness enabled the use of Water-Type moves. InfernapeMale This Infernape was greatly overpowered when it was caught. Trails of flames were found in the forest a mile away after the battle. Eventually, it caught a sort of disease that lowered its power. It is better now, though. EmpoleonFemale Empoleon lived in a swamp before, and was a very respected Pokemon. It had one of its parts infected when the swamp water got to it. [spoiler=Luciano] LucianoMale - 16 FlygonMale Due to Luciano's obsession with his blonde hair, he loved yellow Pokemon. This Flygon was eating many different yellow berries in a small oasis in the desert. It was an odd journey, but he found this Pokemon. GardevoirFemale Knowing Luciano loved yellow Pokemon, his friend gave him their Yellow Ralts. It was nicknamed "Janette" for some reason, and Luciano refused to call it anything else. MagmarFemale Aquamarine was a a Fire-Type Pokemon found in the oddest spot. Luciano was fishing when he caught Aquamarine. It was an amazing catch! PlusleFemale This Plusle was also caught for being yellow. It is actually a famous Pokemon Star. It plays "Division A, Plusle" in the sitcom "Fallen Gems". [spoiler=David] DavidMale - 15 NinetailsFemale Foxe, David's Ninetails, is among the highest ranked Fire-Type Pokemon. It is also able to learn Dark-Type moves, unlike many other Pokemon. FlygonMale Areo is a Pokemon to remember. It can fly at speeds up to Mach 5. Its speed is so high that even the best Pokemon scientists have not been able to identify it. MetagrossUngendered Deep in the mountains, David found Metra. He was searching the mossy hillsides looking for a good battle. Metra was hidden due to its color, but David found it. TyphlosionMale Blaze was a lone soul. He wondered the small deserts in search of a trainer worth his talent. Then, David came. Blaze battled him and his team for about two hours, but David won. [spoiler=Ex-Champion Zan] ZanMale - ??? DragoniteFemale Jade, as Zan named her, was found as a small Dratini. It was the runt of the litter. Now, it is the center of his team. Radiant GolemMale This Golem is actually and undead, reborn one. It was killed in a battle that Zan lost; this removed him from his Championship. When he first caught this Pokemon, he named it "Boulder". RaichuMale Static was a very stubborn Pokemon when caught. It would not move or attack. Eventually, Zan got it to listen by giving it expertly made poffins. CharizardFemale Overheat's flame burns so intensely that it has turned blue. It's fire attacks can cause a burn that would require 2 Burn potions to heal. [spoiler=Kitty] KittyFemale - 19 DragoniteFemale Princess is a very prissy Dragonite. She will not eat anything but berries and will not battle. CharizardMale Itachi was caught while Kitty was scouring the GTS. She traded for it with a person in Canada. VaporeonMale Mako is one of the best Water Pokemon ever. It is extremely powerful. PidgeotMale Dragon was named its own name because it knew Draco Meteor. It is Kitty's powerhouse Pokemon. [spoiler=Lucas] LucasMale - 21 LucarioMale Lucario, or Jameson, is Lucas' lifelong friend. Lucas was given this Pokemon as a Riolu for his birthday. [spoiler=Cindy] Cindy15 - Female SwampertMale This Swampert was actually afraid of something in its name. It hates swamps due to the mud, and would never set foot in one. SalamenceMale For some reason, Cindy found this Pokemon in the desert. She thinks it is yellow due to the long time in the sunlight. FlygonFemale This Pokemon was found in the same place as her Salamence. She also thinks that the sunlight caused the skin tone also. MagikarpMale When Cindy caught Magikarp, she actually thought it was another Pokemon's... waste. It's brown color was odd, but when it moved, she knew it was alive. [spoiler=Gym Leader Straton] StratonFemale - 20 ElectabuzzMale Gamma, as Straton calls him, is her favorite Pokemon. Its attacks are filled enough power that it could create its own thunderstorm. ManectricMale Shock is Straton's pride and joy. It has made it up to the top 10 Manetric on the planet. It is an amazingly powerful Pokemon. MagnezoneUngendered Polarity is Straton's finishing Pokemon. It is not the strongest, but it gets the job done. PlusleFemale Dancer, believe it or not, is Straton's powerhouse Pokemon. In a battle where she used her, she has never lost. [spoiler=Soler] SolerMale - 17 SolrockUngendered Ray is a wonderful Pokemon. Besides its wonderful loyalty, its a wonderful battler. LunatoneUngendered Luna is one of Soler's favorite Pokemon. Its colors are just like the moon, and that's why she loves it. GabiteMale Chomper will bite on anything you give it. It actually swallowed its own Pokeball, so Soler had to give it another one. [spoiler=Kaij] KaijMale - 22 SpiritombMale Envoy is a very mischievous Pokemon. It loves to use "Mean Face" in battle. Most Pokemon freeze in fear when it happens. HonchcrowMale Don is extremely fond of hiding in trees. It loves to jump out and attack different Pokemon... Well... It used to before Kaij caught it. Vibrant HaunterFemale Reminiscence was a wonderfully beautiful women before passing on. Like most humans, when they die, they become a Gastly. This Pokemon died... Again... Then Kaij revived it. [spoiler=Zane] ZaneMale - 9 YanmegaMale Mega was Zane's first Pokemon. He actually got Zane into Bug Catching. FlygonMale Quetzal is a very active Flygon. Its speed is so high that it can fly faster than an airplane. [spoiler=Raze] RazeMale - 18 LucarioFemale Raze actually found this Pokemon, minutes from death. He caught it to bring it to the Pokemon Center, and it grew attached to him. LuxrayMale Raze actually thinks Luxray is a mixbreed Pokemon, but is unsure. The colors tell him he is correct. StaraptorMale Staraptor has incredibly strong wings. It can fly in the opposite direction of winds at 100mph. EmpoleonFemale This Empoleon can use Dark-Type moves. It used them so many times that its base color became black. [spoiler=Buster] BusterMale – 21 MonfernoFemale Monferno's colors are extremely unique. Scientists have found that part of it is actually albino. BreloomMale Breloom loves to eat Mushrooms. In the forests, no matter where they may be, it always finds some. PoliwrathMale Due to Poliwrath spending a lot of time with his original trainer, a lifeguard, the sun lightened his color. He was given to Buster as a gift. MedichamFemale Medicham is a very popular Pokemon model. It has been in many commercials for Human Dojos. [spoiler=Gepetto] GepettoMale - 63 WailordMale Monstro once swallowed Gepetto, but he luckily escaped. It was simply luck. BanetteMale This Pokemon was actually made by Gepetto himself. It took long hours and hard work, but he came to life. KrickituneMale Jiminy Cricket was Pinocchio's aid in the search of Gepetto when Monstro swallowed him. It was a successful mission. [spoiler=Ban List... Yeah, I needed it]These people should never set foot in here or they shall suffer negs -.- Requests Don't be to specific. Just fill out this formName (I choose the title.):Gender of Trainer:Pokemon (4 or less. If wanted, include genders and names):Nothing Else IF YOU ADD ANYTHING TO THE FORM AFTER MY POST AT 8:02 ON JAN 8, IT WILL BE COMPLETELY IGNORED Animated icons from bulbapedia. Alright everyone... I'm tired of people wanting to use my idea. Whenever you PM, the answer is no. Always. I do not like it when people use my ideas... So... Yeah. I will neg if I have to, but I would rather not.[/align] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarthSuhail Posted January 6, 2010 Report Share Posted January 6, 2010 Nice story... I like the pokemon trainer, and Nidoqueen... Are u making more? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ģค๓blє Posted January 6, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 6, 2010 I guess I could. Do you think I should? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeriesUmbra Posted January 6, 2010 Report Share Posted January 6, 2010 The story is nice and the sprite is a recolour of silver is it not kinda good the recolour on nidoqueen is okay to but digglets not to fond of lol. Nice work and ye make more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ģค๓blє Posted January 6, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 6, 2010 Yes it is a recolor of a trainer, and yes the others are recolors of pokemon. Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeriesUmbra Posted January 7, 2010 Report Share Posted January 7, 2010 Have you edited silver I can't tell cus I'v only seen the old Pokemon gold version of him and his jacket is puffy put that one is kinda good did you make it or is that there improvements for heart gold n silver. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lightning Bagon Posted January 7, 2010 Report Share Posted January 7, 2010 Make more this is epic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ģค๓blє Posted January 7, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 7, 2010 Have you edited silver I can't tell cus I'v only seen the old Pokemon gold version of him and his jacket is puffy put that one is kinda good did you make it or is that there improvements for heart gold n silver.I think I get what you mean. Yes, he's your rival in Heart Gold/Soul Silver and THANKS!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
§hadow §triker Posted January 7, 2010 Report Share Posted January 7, 2010 Recolors are nice. trainer looks good too. Overall, everything looks nice soo good job. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarthSuhail Posted January 7, 2010 Report Share Posted January 7, 2010 You should make more, theyre good! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeriesUmbra Posted January 7, 2010 Report Share Posted January 7, 2010 No prob and kool I'm glad they made him look kool cus he was a good trainer. And just a suggestion why not make your own elite 4 in this way that would be kool. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ģค๓blє Posted January 7, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 7, 2010 Recolors are nice. trainer looks good too. Overall' date=' everything looks nice soo good job.[/quote'] Thanks :DYou should make more' date=' theyre good![/quote'] I probably will now, thanks.No prob and kool I'm glad they made him look kool cus he was a good trainer. And just a suggestion why not make your own elite 4 in this way that would be kool.Nice idea... I'll make gym leaders and elite four, after a few trainers of course. Thanks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeriesUmbra Posted January 7, 2010 Report Share Posted January 7, 2010 Kool can't wait and I like the bobing sprites lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ģค๓blє Posted January 7, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 7, 2010 Kool can't wait and I like the bobing sprites lol. Thanks! These are actually icons from the real game, I just used them from bulbapedia. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeriesUmbra Posted January 7, 2010 Report Share Posted January 7, 2010 There still kool lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lightning Bagon Posted January 7, 2010 Report Share Posted January 7, 2010 Do you take requests? :smile: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ģค๓blє Posted January 7, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 7, 2010 Thanks and, I guess I could take a request. I will do the colors. All you have to tell me is the general look of the trainers, not exact stuff, that makes it no fun for me. And tell me what pokemon to use. : D AND I'm about the add Gym Leader Macy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lightning Bagon Posted January 7, 2010 Report Share Posted January 7, 2010 You know Barry from D/P/P? something like him, and Pikachu, Raichu, Pichu, Empoleon, Torrtera, Infernape Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarthSuhail Posted January 7, 2010 Report Share Posted January 7, 2010 The new ones great... Nice... If you're doing requests, can u do a trainer with Lucario? but Lucarios colour like he is in Super Smash Bros Brawl... The white and black colour if you can :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ģค๓blє Posted January 7, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 7, 2010 You know Barry from D/P/P? something like him' date=' and Pikachu, Raichu, Pichu, Empoleon, Torrtera, Infernape[/quote'] Okay... Will do! The new ones great... Nice... If you're doing requests' date=' can u do a trainer with Lucario? but Lucarios colour like he is in Super Smash Bros Brawl... The white and black colour if you can :D[/quote'] Yep! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lightning Bagon Posted January 7, 2010 Report Share Posted January 7, 2010 Can you keep the animations outside of the spoiler? I can't see them move in spoilers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ģค๓blє Posted January 7, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 7, 2010 The new ones great... Nice... If you're doing requests' date=' can u do a trainer with Lucario? but Lucarios colour like he is in Super Smash Bros Brawl... The white and black colour if you can :D[/quote'] No, Sorry. That ruins the effect. Those are supposed to show which pokemon it is. (I've finish the trainer for your request, I'm starting the pokemon) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarthSuhail Posted January 7, 2010 Report Share Posted January 7, 2010 The new ones great... Nice... If you're doing requests' date=' can u do a trainer with Lucario? but Lucarios colour like he is in Super Smash Bros Brawl... The white and black colour if you can :D[/quote'] No, Sorry. That ruins the effect. Those are supposed to show which pokemon it is. (I've finish the trainer for your request, I'm starting the pokemon) I wanted it like this if u could? http://media.photobucket.com/image/white%20and%20black%20lucario%20sprite/Knilshadowhero/Dry_Lucario.jpg Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ģค๓blє Posted January 7, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 7, 2010 Yeah, I know. Me and Skippy play it together all the time :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NeriesUmbra Posted January 7, 2010 Report Share Posted January 7, 2010 Kool geting better this could make a good RP lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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