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Savior Ice Dragon


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Savior Brionac FTW.



Sea Serpent



"Salvation Dragon - Savior Dragon" + "Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary" + 1 non-Tuner monster

This card cannot be destroyed by card effects. This card cannot be removed from the field, except by it's own effect. By discarding 1 card from your hand, you can return up to 2 cards on the field to their owner's Deck, then shuffle the Deck. When this card destroys a monster by battle, that card is returned to the top of the Deck instead of being sent to the Graveyard. During the End Phase, return this card from the field to the Extra Deck, and Special Summon 1 "Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary" from your Graveyard.


Before you say something like, "it's barrier not boundary n00b", Boundary is what they are called in the OCG. And it sounds cooler. R8/H8. Whatever floats your boat.

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IMO' date=' Wouldnt the LOLMAJESTIC version of Brionac has a costless version of Brionac's effect? Like when you Summon him, he returns everyone of the Opponent's side of the field?



But then Konami would be liek, "O NOEZ. HE CAN WINZ DA GAME, LET'S BAN HAX HIM" D:

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IMO' date=' Wouldnt the LOLMAJESTIC version of Brionac has a costless version of Brionac's effect? Like when you Summon him, he returns everyone of the Opponent's side of the field?



But then Konami would be liek, "O NOEZ. HE CAN WINZ DA GAME, LET'S BAN HAX HIM" D:


With there logic, despite Brionac bieng @1, they would pretty much do that :/

Because knowing Konami, we cant ever have anything awesome.

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IMO' date=' Wouldnt the LOLMAJESTIC version of Brionac has a costless version of Brionac's effect? Like when you Summon him, he returns everyone of the Opponent's side of the field?



But then Konami would be liek, "O NOEZ. HE CAN WINZ DA GAME, LET'S BAN HAX HIM" D:


With there logic, despite Brionac being @1, they would pretty much do that :/

Because knowing Konami, we cant ever have anything awesome.


People would use something like that, because what they'd spend to summon it is less than the savings of a free field-bounce.

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