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Set 2! Play with custom cards! The YCCG Organization


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|Isolation Spell|0|YCCG|Spell Card|Spell|||||Select 1 face-up monster on the field. Until your 2nd Standby Phase after this card's activation' date=' the selected card cannot be targetted and is not effected by any other card effects.|



effected = affected

not affected = unaffected

any other = not needed

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|Isolation Spell|0|YCCG|Spell Card|Spell|||||Select 1 face-up monster on the field. Until your 2nd Standby Phase after this card's activation' date=' the selected card cannot be targetted and is not effected by any other card effects.|



effected = affected

not affected = unaffected

any other = not needed

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|Isolation Spell|0|YCCG|Spell Card|Spell|||||Select 1 face-up monster on the field. Until your 2nd Standby Phase after this card's activation' date=' the selected card cannot be targetted and is not effected by any other card effects.|



effected = affected

not affected = unaffected

any other = not needed

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|Isolation Spell|0|YCCG|Spell Card|Spell|||||Select 1 face-up monster on the field. Until your 2nd Standby Phase after this card's activation' date=' the selected card cannot be targetted and is not effected by any other card effects.|



effected = affected

not affected = unaffected

any other = not needed


you = jabroni/gtfo


I'll probably make some more cards tonight, dunno.

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|Isolation Spell|0|YCCG|Spell Card|Spell|||||Select 1 face-up monster on the field. Until your 2nd Standby Phase after this card's activation' date=' the selected card cannot be targetted and is not effected by any other card effects.|



effected = affected

not affected = unaffected

any other = not needed


you = jabroni/gtfo


I'll probably make some more cards tonight, dunno.

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|Isolation Spell|0|YCCG|Spell Card|Spell|||||Select 1 face-up monster on the field. Until your 2nd Standby Phase after this card's activation' date=' the selected card cannot be targetted and is not effected by any other card effects.|



effected = affected

not affected = unaffected

any other = not needed


you = jabroni/gtfo


I'll probably make some more cards tonight, dunno.

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|Punishment Whip|091|YCCG|Spell Card||Equip Spell|||This card can only be equipped to a Normal Monster you control. When the equipped monster battles an Effect Monster with a higher Level, When the equipped monster battles an Effect Monster with a higher Level, skip damage calculation and destroy that monster. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, return it to the bottom of your Deck instead.|


Inspired by something we know about ;3

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|Counter Destruction|0|YCCG|Trap Card||Counter|||This card can only be activated when your opponent declares an attack. Destroy all face-up cards your opponent controls except the attacking monster.|


Tbh, it's balanced, as it's very unlikely we won't have trap negation.

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|Rusty Cog|x|YCCG|Machine/Effect|Light|1||0|0|Once per turn, you can add 1 "Rusty Cog" from your Deck or Graveyard to your Hand.|


|Blood Hound|x|YCCG|Beast/Effect|Dark|4||2300|1500|During each of your End Phases, destroy 1 card you control or this card is destroyed.|


|Ascension|x|YCCG|Warrior/Effect|Wind|4||1300|1900|By returning this face-up card to your hand, you can normal summon 1 additional time this turn. You can only gain this effect once per turn.|



This one was balanced a little from its old CCG form:


|Rapid-Fire Spellbook|x|YCCG|Spell Card|Spell||Normal|||This card can only be activated from your Hand, after you have activated 2 Normal Spell Cards this turn. Draw 2 cards from your deck, and show your opponent your hand. Remove all "Rapid-Fire Spellbook" cards in your Hand from play.|




NOTE: I put "x" as the number

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|Rageheart Warrior|0||Warrior/Effect|Earth|5||1000|1000|Increase this card's ATK by the sum of monsters on your opponent's side of the field x1000 (max. 3000). During each of your End Phases, pay 500 Life Points or destroy this card|


Limited, maybe?

EDIT: 1 card added


|Dark Poison Master|0|SIDEPIPE|Fiend/Effect|Dark|9||2500|2500|This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. When your opponent destroys a Plant Monster you control, Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. During each of your End Phases, inflict 200 damage to your opponent.|

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For the first one - I'm trying not to make cards that punish large numbers of monsters. Swarming is difficult in this and should generally be rewarded, not punished.


For the second - Nothing that mentions specific types/attributes/cards/archtypes yet please.

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Ok, then we'd better get making more.

Opaque-Shot Summoner

Lvl 4 DARK

Rock-Type / effect

Once per turn, you can remove 1 Normal monster in your Graveyard from play to Special Summon 1 Normal monster from your Graveyard

1500 ATK / 2000 DEF


And the fusion

Chaos-Blast Avatar

Lvl 8 DARK

Rock-Type / Fusion / Effect

Clear-Shot Charger + Opaque-Shot Summoner

If this card is not Fusion Summoned, it is treated as a Normal monster and cannot use its effects. Twice per turn, you can remove 1 Normal monster in your Graveyard from play to destroy 1 card on the field. While in the Graveyard this card is treated as a Normal monster. If this card is removed from play, Special Summon it.

2200 ATK / 2500 DEF

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