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Mathmagicians - STUCK!!!!


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Mathmagician: Original

Mathmagician - One Gunman

Level 1

Attribute: Fire

Atk/0 Def/0


Once per turn, you can select one "Mathmagician" in your hand and shuffle it into your deck. Inflict damage to your opponent's life points equal to half the original attack of the monster selected. If this effect is activated successfully, draw one card, if it is a "Mathmagician" monster, reveal it to your opponent and draw another card.


Mathmagician - Two Trooper

Level 2

Attribute: Earth

Atk/500 Def/500


When this monster is successfully normal summoned, special summon 1 level 1-4 "Mathmagician" monster from your hand to the field. As long as this monster is on the field, the special summoned monster is not destroyed by battle.


Mathmagician - Three Creator

Level 3

Attribute: Light

Atk/1300 Def/1300


Once per turn, add 3 cards from either player's graveyard to the bottom of their respective decks. If this effect is activated, increase this card's attack by 300 points. This monster's attack cannot decrease except by a monster card effect.


Mathmagician - Four Fortress

Level 4

Attribute: Earth

Atk/400 Def/2000


As long as this monster is on your side of the field, your opponent cannot select another "Mathmagician" monster as an attack target. Any battle damage involving this monster battling another becomes 0.


Mathmagician - Five Facechanger

Level 4

Attribute: Dark

Atk/0 Def/0


Once per turn, select one face-up "Mathmagician" monster on the field. This monster's original attack and defense becomes the attack and defense of the selected monster. If this monster is to be destroyed by battle, you can destroy the selected monster instead.


Mathmagician - Six Sage

Level 4

Attribute: Dark

Atk/600 Def/600


Increase this monster's attack by 600 points for every card in your spell and trap zone. Increase this monster's defense by 600 for every card in your opponent's spell and trap zone.


Mathmagician - Seven Summoner

Level 6

Attribute: Dark

Atk/1700 Def/2000


Once per turn pay 700 life points to special summon 1 "Mathmagician" monster from your grave or hand. If this card is to be destroyed by battle, destroy 1 special summoned monster instead.


Mathmagician - Eight Eavesdropper

Level 8

Attribute: Wind

Atk/2800 Def/800


Once per turn, select one card in your opponent's hand. Your opponent draws a card, if the selected card is the same card type (monster/spell/trap) as the other card, your opponent discards both cards and takes 800 points of damage. If not, your opponent selects one of the two cards and places on the bottom of his or her respective deck.


Mathmagician - Nine Numbroid

Level 9

Attribute: Dark

Atk/2900 Def/1000


This monster can be normal summoned without a tribute, if so, it's original attack and defense points are halved. When this monster is normal summoned, send up to 5 "Mathmagician" monsters from your graveyard to the bottom of your deck and draw 2 cards.


Mathmagician - Pi

Level 3

Attribute: Dark

Atk/100 Def/400


This monster can only be special summoned by having at least 3 "Mathmagician" monsters, 1 "Mathmagician" trap card, and 4 "Mathmagician" spell cards in the grave. This monster is not affected by spells, traps, or monster effects. This monster is not destroyed by battle and any battle damage this monster takes becomes 0.


Mathmagician - Infinity

Level 4

Attribute: Light

Atk/0 Def/0


This monster cannot be normal summoned or set. This monster can only be special summoned by sending all "Mathmagician" monsters on your field to the grave. This monster's original attack and defense points is the sum of all the levels of the monsters sent to the graveyard X 300


Mathmagician: Advanced


Mathmagician - Destiny Divide

Level 3

Attribute: Dark

Atk/0 Def/0


When this monster is summoned, send 1 "Mathmagician" monster from your hand to the grave to special summon 2 "Mathmagician" monsters from you hand. The original attack and defense of those monsters become 0.


Mathmagician - Zeron

Level 4

Attribute: Dark

Atk/500 Def/500


When this monster is summoned, take 500x the number of cards on the field damage and send it to the graveyard to send all cards on the field, hand and graveyard (except for this card) back to their owner's respective decks. Both players then draw 5 cards.



Level 3

Attribute: Earth

Atk/0 Def/0


This monster is counted as a "Mathmagician" monster when in your hand. When this monster is sent back to your deck by the effect of a card with "Mathmagician" in it's name, special summon it to the field. This monster's original attack and defense is equal to that of the monster with the highest original attack on the field.


Mathmagician - Dark Decimler

Level 4

Attribute: Dark

Atk/1000 Def/500


When this monster is destroyed by battle, special summon 1 level 4 or below "Mathmagician" monster from your hand or deck. If this effect is successfully activated, draw 1 card.


Mathmagician: Tuner


Mathmagician - Star Plus

Level 2

Attribute: Light

Atk/0 Def/0


When this monster is summoned, flip the top card of your deck. If the card is a "Mathmagician" monster, special summon it to the field in face-up defense position. If not, return the card to the bottom of your deck.


Mathmagician - Times Tuner

Level 1

Attribute: Wind

Atk/0 Def/0


If there is a "Mathagician" monster on the field, special summon this monster in face-up attack position from your graveyard. If you do so, send one card from your hand to the bottom of your deck.


Mathmagician: Synchro


Mathmagician - Minus Magician

Level 5

Attribute: Dark

Atk/0 Def/0


1 "Mathmagician" Tuner monster + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

Once per turn, select a monster on the field, you can choose one of the following effects.

- This monster's attack and defense becomes that of the selected monster.

- The selected monster's attack becomes 0 until the end phase.


Mathmagician - Lightspeed

Level 6

Attribute: Wind

Atk/0 Def/0


1 "Mathmagician" tuner monster + 1 or more "Mathmagician" monsters

When this card is successfully synchro summoned, send it to the grave to special summon up to 3 level 4 or below "Mathmagician" monsters from your hand in face-up attack position. At the end of the turn this effect is activated, send the special summoned monsters back to your deck and draw 3 cards. Special summon this monster on your field in face-up defense position at the end phase that this monster's effect is activated.


Mathmagician: Spell


Decision of the Mathmagician

Quickplay Spell

Send 1 "Mathmagician" monster from your hand to your deck. Add attack equal to the card sent back to your deck's attack to a "Mathmaigician" monster on the field.


The First Abacus


Send 1 "Mathmagician" monster from your hand to the bottom of your deck. Special summon 1 level 4 or lower "Mathmagician" from your hand. Draw a card from each "Mathmagician" monster on the field and take 100x the sum of all "Mathmagician" monsters on the field's level points of damage.


The Calculator of Hope

Equip Spell

This card can only be equipped to a monster with "Mathmagician" in it's name. Increase the monster's attack by 100x it's level. If that monster is to be destroyed by battle, destroy this card instead.


Mathmagician: Trap

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Mathmagician: Original

Mathmagician - One Gunman

Level 1

Attribute: Fire

Atk/0 Def/0


Once per turn, you can select one "Mathmagician" in your hand and shuffle it into your deck. Inflict damage to your opponent's life points equal to half the original attack of the monster selected. If this effect is activated successfully, draw one card, if it is a "Mathmagician" monster, reveal it to your opponent and draw another card.


Mathmagician - Two Trooper

Level 2

Attribute: Earth

Atk/500 Def/500


When this monster is successfully normal summoned, special summon 1 level 1-4 "Mathmagician" monster from your hand to the field. As long as this monster is on the field, the special summoned monster is not destroyed by battle.


Mathmagician - Three Creator

Level 3

Attribute: Light

Atk/1300 Def/1300


Once per turn, add 3 cards from either player's graveyard to the bottom of their respective decks. If this effect is activated, increase this card's attack by 300 points. This monster's attack cannot decrease except by a monster card effect.


Mathmagician - Four Fortress

Level 4

Attribute: Earth

Atk/400 Def/2000


As long as this monster is on your side of the field, your opponent cannot select another "Mathmagician" monster as an attack target. Any battle damage involving this monster battling another becomes 0.


Mathmagician - Five Facechanger

Level 4

Attribute: Dark

Atk/0 Def/0


Once per turn, select one face-up "Mathmagician" monster on the field. This monster's original attack and defense becomes the attack and defense of the selected monster. If this monster is to be destroyed by battle, you can destroy the selected monster instead.


Mathmagician - Six Sage

Level 4

Attribute: Dark

Atk/600 Def/600


Increase this monster's attack by 600 points for every card in your spell and trap zone. Increase this monster's defense by 600 for every card in your opponent's spell and trap zone.


Mathmagician - Seven Summoner

Level 6

Attribute: Dark

Atk/1700 Def/2000


Once per turn pay 700 life points to special summon 1 "Mathmagician" monster from your grave or hand. If this card is to be destroyed by battle, destroy 1 special summoned monster instead.


Mathmagician - Eight Eavesdropper

Level 8

Attribute: Wind

Atk/2800 Def/800


Once per turn, select one card in your opponent's hand. Your opponent draws a card, if the selected card is the same card type (monster/spell/trap) as the other card, your opponent discards both cards and takes 800 points of damage. If not, your opponent selects one of the two cards and places on the bottom of his or her respective deck.


Mathmagician - Nine Numbroid

Level 9

Attribute: Dark

Atk/2900 Def/1000


This monster can be normal summoned without a tribute, if so, it's original attack and defense points are halved. When this monster is normal summoned, send up to 5 "Mathmagician" monsters from your graveyard to the bottom of your deck and draw 2 cards.


Mathmagician - Pi

Level 3

Attribute: Dark

Atk/100 Def/400


This monster can only be special summoned by having at least 3 "Mathmagician" monsters, 1 "Mathmagician" trap card, and 4 "Mathmagician" spell cards in the grave. This monster is not affected by spells, traps, or monster effects. This monster is not destroyed by battle and any battle damage this monster takes becomes 0.


Mathmagician - Infinity

Level 4

Attribute: Light

Atk/0 Def/0


This monster cannot be normal summoned or set. This monster can only be special summoned by sending all "Mathmagician" monsters on your field to the grave. This monster's original attack and defense points is the sum of all the levels of the monsters sent to the graveyard X 300


Mathmagician: Advanced


Mathmagician - Destiny Divide

Level 3

Attribute: Dark

Atk/0 Def/0


When this monster is summoned, send 1 "Mathmagician" monster from your hand to the grave to special summon 2 "Mathmagician" monsters from you hand. The original attack and defense of those monsters become 0.


Mathmagician - Zeron

Level 4

Attribute: Dark

Atk/500 Def/500


When this monster is summoned, take 500x the number of cards on the field damage and send it to the graveyard to send all cards on the field, hand and graveyard (except for this card) back to their owner's respective decks. Both players then draw 5 cards.



Level 3

Attribute: Earth

Atk/0 Def/0


This monster is counted as a "Mathmagician" monster when in your hand. When this monster is sent back to your deck by the effect of a card with "Mathmagician" in it's name, special summon it to the field. This monster's original attack and defense is equal to that of the monster with the highest original attack on the field.


Mathmagician - Dark Decimler

Level 4

Attribute: Dark

Atk/1000 Def/500


When this monster is destroyed by battle, special summon 1 level 4 or below "Mathmagician" monster from your hand or deck. If this effect is successfully activated, draw 1 card.


Mathmagician: Tuner


Mathmagician - Star Plus

Level 2

Attribute: Light

Atk/0 Def/0


When this monster is summoned, flip the top card of your deck. If the card is a "Mathmagician" monster, special summon it to the field in face-up defense position. If not, return the card to the bottom of your deck.


Mathmagician - Times Tuner

Level 1

Attribute: Wind

Atk/0 Def/0


If there is a "Mathagician" monster on the field, special summon this monster in face-up attack position from your graveyard. If you do so, send one card from your hand to the bottom of your deck.


Mathmagician: Synchro


Mathmagician - Minus Magician

Level 5

Attribute: Dark

Atk/0 Def/0


1 "Mathmagician" Tuner monster + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

Once per turn, select a monster on the field, you can choose one of the following effects.

- This monster's attack and defense becomes that of the selected monster.

- The selected monster's attack becomes 0 until the end phase.


Mathmagician - Lightspeed

Level 6

Attribute: Wind

Atk/0 Def/0


1 "Mathmagician" tuner monster + 1 or more "Mathmagician" monsters

When this card is successfully synchro summoned, send it to the grave to special summon up to 3 level 4 or below "Mathmagician" monsters from your hand in face-up attack position. At the end of the turn this effect is activated, send the special summoned monsters back to your deck and draw 3 cards. Special summon this monster on your field in face-up defense position at the end phase that this monster's effect is activated.


Mathmagician: Spell


Decision of the Mathmagician

Quickplay Spell

Send 1 "Mathmagician" monster from your hand to your deck. Add attack equal to the card sent back to your deck's attack to a "Mathmaigician" monster on the field.


The First Abacus


Send 1 "Mathmagician" monster from your hand to the bottom of your deck. Special summon 1 level 4 or lower "Mathmagician" from your hand. Draw a card from each "Mathmagician" monster on the field and take 100x the sum of all "Mathmagician" monsters on the field's level points of damage.


The Calculator of Hope

Equip Spell

This card can only be equipped to a monster with "Mathmagician" in it's name. Increase the monster's attack by 100x it's level. If that monster is to be destroyed by battle, destroy this card instead.


Mathmagician: Trap

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Mathmagician: Original

Mathmagician - One Gunman

Level 1

Attribute: Fire

Atk/0 Def/0


Once per turn, you can select one "Mathmagician" in your hand and shuffle it into your deck. Inflict damage to your opponent's life points equal to half the original attack of the monster selected. If this effect is activated successfully, draw one card, if it is a "Mathmagician" monster, reveal it to your opponent and draw another card.


Mathmagician - Two Trooper

Level 2

Attribute: Earth

Atk/500 Def/500


When this monster is successfully normal summoned, special summon 1 level 1-4 "Mathmagician" monster from your hand to the field. As long as this monster is on the field, the special summoned monster is not destroyed by battle.


Mathmagician - Three Creator

Level 3

Attribute: Light

Atk/1300 Def/1300


Once per turn, add 3 cards from either player's graveyard to the bottom of their respective decks. If this effect is activated, increase this card's attack by 300 points. This monster's attack cannot decrease except by a monster card effect.


Mathmagician - Four Fortress

Level 4

Attribute: Earth

Atk/400 Def/2000


As long as this monster is on your side of the field, your opponent cannot select another "Mathmagician" monster as an attack target. Any battle damage involving this monster battling another becomes 0.


Mathmagician - Five Facechanger

Level 4

Attribute: Dark

Atk/0 Def/0


Once per turn, select one face-up "Mathmagician" monster on the field. This monster's original attack and defense becomes the attack and defense of the selected monster. If this monster is to be destroyed by battle, you can destroy the selected monster instead.


Mathmagician - Six Sage

Level 4

Attribute: Dark

Atk/600 Def/600


Increase this monster's attack by 600 points for every card in your spell and trap zone. Increase this monster's defense by 600 for every card in your opponent's spell and trap zone.


Mathmagician - Seven Summoner

Level 6

Attribute: Dark

Atk/1700 Def/2000


Once per turn pay 700 life points to special summon 1 "Mathmagician" monster from your grave or hand. If this card is to be destroyed by battle, destroy 1 special summoned monster instead.


Mathmagician - Eight Eavesdropper

Level 8

Attribute: Wind

Atk/2800 Def/800


Once per turn, select one card in your opponent's hand. Your opponent draws a card, if the selected card is the same card type (monster/spell/trap) as the other card, your opponent discards both cards and takes 800 points of damage. If not, your opponent selects one of the two cards and places on the bottom of his or her respective deck.


Mathmagician - Nine Numbroid

Level 9

Attribute: Dark

Atk/2900 Def/1000


This monster can be normal summoned without a tribute, if so, it's original attack and defense points are halved. When this monster is normal summoned, send up to 5 "Mathmagician" monsters from your graveyard to the bottom of your deck and draw 2 cards.


Mathmagician - Pi

Level 3

Attribute: Dark

Atk/100 Def/400


This monster can only be special summoned by having at least 3 "Mathmagician" monsters, 1 "Mathmagician" trap card, and 4 "Mathmagician" spell cards in the grave. This monster is not affected by spells, traps, or monster effects. This monster is not destroyed by battle and any battle damage this monster takes becomes 0.


Mathmagician - Infinity

Level 4

Attribute: Light

Atk/0 Def/0


This monster cannot be normal summoned or set. This monster can only be special summoned by sending all "Mathmagician" monsters on your field to the grave. This monster's original attack and defense points is the sum of all the levels of the monsters sent to the graveyard X 300


Mathmagician: Advanced


Mathmagician - Destiny Divide

Level 3

Attribute: Dark

Atk/0 Def/0


When this monster is summoned, send 1 "Mathmagician" monster from your hand to the grave to special summon 2 "Mathmagician" monsters from you hand. The original attack and defense of those monsters become 0.


Mathmagician - Zeron

Level 4

Attribute: Dark

Atk/500 Def/500


When this monster is summoned, take 500x the number of cards on the field damage and send it to the graveyard to send all cards on the field, hand and graveyard (except for this card) back to their owner's respective decks. Both players then draw 5 cards.



Level 3

Attribute: Earth

Atk/0 Def/0


This monster is counted as a "Mathmagician" monster when in your hand. When this monster is sent back to your deck by the effect of a card with "Mathmagician" in it's name, special summon it to the field. This monster's original attack and defense is equal to that of the monster with the highest original attack on the field.


Mathmagician - Dark Decimler

Level 4

Attribute: Dark

Atk/1000 Def/500


When this monster is destroyed by battle, special summon 1 level 4 or below "Mathmagician" monster from your hand or deck. If this effect is successfully activated, draw 1 card.


Mathmagician: Tuner


Mathmagician - Star Plus

Level 2

Attribute: Light

Atk/0 Def/0


When this monster is summoned, flip the top card of your deck. If the card is a "Mathmagician" monster, special summon it to the field in face-up defense position. If not, return the card to the bottom of your deck.


Mathmagician - Times Tuner

Level 1

Attribute: Wind

Atk/0 Def/0


If there is a "Mathagician" monster on the field, special summon this monster in face-up attack position from your graveyard. If you do so, send one card from your hand to the bottom of your deck.


Mathmagician: Synchro


Mathmagician - Minus Magician

Level 5

Attribute: Dark

Atk/0 Def/0


1 "Mathmagician" Tuner monster + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

Once per turn, select a monster on the field, you can choose one of the following effects.

- This monster's attack and defense becomes that of the selected monster.

- The selected monster's attack becomes 0 until the end phase.


Mathmagician - Lightspeed

Level 6

Attribute: Wind

Atk/0 Def/0


1 "Mathmagician" tuner monster + 1 or more "Mathmagician" monsters

When this card is successfully synchro summoned, send it to the grave to special summon up to 3 level 4 or below "Mathmagician" monsters from your hand in face-up attack position. At the end of the turn this effect is activated, send the special summoned monsters back to your deck and draw 3 cards. Special summon this monster on your field in face-up defense position at the end phase that this monster's effect is activated.


Mathmagician: Spell


Decision of the Mathmagician

Quickplay Spell

Send 1 "Mathmagician" monster from your hand to your deck. Add attack equal to the card sent back to your deck's attack to a "Mathmaigician" monster on the field.


The First Abacus


Send 1 "Mathmagician" monster from your hand to the bottom of your deck. Special summon 1 level 4 or lower "Mathmagician" from your hand. Draw a card from each "Mathmagician" monster on the field and take 100x the sum of all "Mathmagician" monsters on the field's level points of damage.


The Calculator of Hope

Equip Spell

This card can only be equipped to a monster with "Mathmagician" in it's name. Increase the monster's attack by 100x it's level. If that monster is to be destroyed by battle, destroy this card instead.


Mathmagician: Trap

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Mathmagician: Original

Mathmagician - One Gunman

Level 1

Attribute: Fire

Atk/0 Def/0


Once per turn, you can select one "Mathmagician" in your hand and shuffle it into your deck. Inflict damage to your opponent's life points equal to half the original attack of the monster selected. If this effect is activated successfully, draw one card, if it is a "Mathmagician" monster, reveal it to your opponent and draw another card.


Mathmagician - Two Trooper

Level 2

Attribute: Earth

Atk/500 Def/500


When this monster is successfully normal summoned, special summon 1 level 1-4 "Mathmagician" monster from your hand to the field. As long as this monster is on the field, the special summoned monster is not destroyed by battle.


Mathmagician - Three Creator

Level 3

Attribute: Light

Atk/1300 Def/1300


Once per turn, add 3 cards from either player's graveyard to the bottom of their respective decks. If this effect is activated, increase this card's attack by 300 points. This monster's attack cannot decrease except by a monster card effect.


Mathmagician - Four Fortress

Level 4

Attribute: Earth

Atk/400 Def/2000


As long as this monster is on your side of the field, your opponent cannot select another "Mathmagician" monster as an attack target. Any battle damage involving this monster battling another becomes 0.


Mathmagician - Five Facechanger

Level 4

Attribute: Dark

Atk/0 Def/0


Once per turn, select one face-up "Mathmagician" monster on the field. This monster's original attack and defense becomes the attack and defense of the selected monster. If this monster is to be destroyed by battle, you can destroy the selected monster instead.


Mathmagician - Six Sage

Level 4

Attribute: Dark

Atk/600 Def/600


Increase this monster's attack by 600 points for every card in your spell and trap zone. Increase this monster's defense by 600 for every card in your opponent's spell and trap zone.


Mathmagician - Seven Summoner

Level 6

Attribute: Dark

Atk/1700 Def/2000


Once per turn pay 700 life points to special summon 1 "Mathmagician" monster from your grave or hand. If this card is to be destroyed by battle, destroy 1 special summoned monster instead.


Mathmagician - Eight Eavesdropper

Level 8

Attribute: Wind

Atk/2800 Def/800


Once per turn, select one card in your opponent's hand. Your opponent draws a card, if the selected card is the same card type (monster/spell/trap) as the other card, your opponent discards both cards and takes 800 points of damage. If not, your opponent selects one of the two cards and places on the bottom of his or her respective deck.


Mathmagician - Nine Numbroid

Level 9

Attribute: Dark

Atk/2900 Def/1000


This monster can be normal summoned without a tribute, if so, it's original attack and defense points are halved. When this monster is normal summoned, send up to 5 "Mathmagician" monsters from your graveyard to the bottom of your deck and draw 2 cards.


Mathmagician - Pi

Level 3

Attribute: Dark

Atk/100 Def/400


This monster can only be special summoned by having at least 3 "Mathmagician" monsters, 1 "Mathmagician" trap card, and 4 "Mathmagician" spell cards in the grave. This monster is not affected by spells, traps, or monster effects. This monster is not destroyed by battle and any battle damage this monster takes becomes 0.


Mathmagician - Infinity

Level 4

Attribute: Light

Atk/0 Def/0


This monster cannot be normal summoned or set. This monster can only be special summoned by sending all "Mathmagician" monsters on your field to the grave. This monster's original attack and defense points is the sum of all the levels of the monsters sent to the graveyard X 300


Mathmagician: Advanced


Mathmagician - Destiny Divide

Level 3

Attribute: Dark

Atk/0 Def/0


When this monster is summoned, send 1 "Mathmagician" monster from your hand to the grave to special summon 2 "Mathmagician" monsters from you hand. The original attack and defense of those monsters become 0.


Mathmagician - Zeron

Level 4

Attribute: Dark

Atk/500 Def/500


When this monster is summoned, take 500x the number of cards on the field damage and send it to the graveyard to send all cards on the field, hand and graveyard (except for this card) back to their owner's respective decks. Both players then draw 5 cards.



Level 3

Attribute: Earth

Atk/0 Def/0


This monster is counted as a "Mathmagician" monster when in your hand. When this monster is sent back to your deck by the effect of a card with "Mathmagician" in it's name, special summon it to the field. This monster's original attack and defense is equal to that of the monster with the highest original attack on the field.


Mathmagician - Dark Decimler

Level 4

Attribute: Dark

Atk/1000 Def/500


When this monster is destroyed by battle, special summon 1 level 4 or below "Mathmagician" monster from your hand or deck. If this effect is successfully activated, draw 1 card.


Mathmagician: Tuner


Mathmagician - Star Plus

Level 2

Attribute: Light

Atk/0 Def/0


When this monster is summoned, flip the top card of your deck. If the card is a "Mathmagician" monster, special summon it to the field in face-up defense position. If not, return the card to the bottom of your deck.


Mathmagician - Times Tuner

Level 1

Attribute: Wind

Atk/0 Def/0


If there is a "Mathagician" monster on the field, special summon this monster in face-up attack position from your graveyard. If you do so, send one card from your hand to the bottom of your deck.


Mathmagician: Synchro


Mathmagician - Minus Magician

Level 5

Attribute: Dark

Atk/0 Def/0


1 "Mathmagician" Tuner monster + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

Once per turn, select a monster on the field, you can choose one of the following effects.

- This monster's attack and defense becomes that of the selected monster.

- The selected monster's attack becomes 0 until the end phase.


Mathmagician - Lightspeed

Level 6

Attribute: Wind

Atk/0 Def/0


1 "Mathmagician" tuner monster + 1 or more "Mathmagician" monsters

When this card is successfully synchro summoned, send it to the grave to special summon up to 3 level 4 or below "Mathmagician" monsters from your hand in face-up attack position. At the end of the turn this effect is activated, send the special summoned monsters back to your deck and draw 3 cards. Special summon this monster on your field in face-up defense position at the end phase that this monster's effect is activated.


Mathmagician: Spell


Decision of the Mathmagician

Quickplay Spell

Send 1 "Mathmagician" monster from your hand to your deck. Add attack equal to the card sent back to your deck's attack to a "Mathmaigician" monster on the field.


The First Abacus


Send 1 "Mathmagician" monster from your hand to the bottom of your deck. Special summon 1 level 4 or lower "Mathmagician" from your hand. Draw a card from each "Mathmagician" monster on the field and take 100x the sum of all "Mathmagician" monsters on the field's level points of damage.


The Calculator of Hope

Equip Spell

This card can only be equipped to a monster with "Mathmagician" in it's name. Increase the monster's attack by 100x it's level. If that monster is to be destroyed by battle, destroy this card instead.


Mathmagician: Trap

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Mathmagician: Original

Mathmagician - One Gunman

Level 1

Attribute: Fire

Atk/0 Def/0


Once per turn, you can select one "Mathmagician" in your hand and shuffle it into your deck. Inflict damage to your opponent's life points equal to half the original attack of the monster selected. If this effect is activated successfully, draw one card, if it is a "Mathmagician" monster, reveal it to your opponent and draw another card.


Mathmagician - Two Trooper

Level 2

Attribute: Earth

Atk/500 Def/500


When this monster is successfully normal summoned, special summon 1 level 1-4 "Mathmagician" monster from your hand to the field. As long as this monster is on the field, the special summoned monster is not destroyed by battle.


Mathmagician - Three Creator

Level 3

Attribute: Light

Atk/1300 Def/1300


Once per turn, add 3 cards from either player's graveyard to the bottom of their respective decks. If this effect is activated, increase this card's attack by 300 points. This monster's attack cannot decrease except by a monster card effect.


Mathmagician - Four Fortress

Level 4

Attribute: Earth

Atk/400 Def/2000


As long as this monster is on your side of the field, your opponent cannot select another "Mathmagician" monster as an attack target. Any battle damage involving this monster battling another becomes 0.


Mathmagician - Five Facechanger

Level 4

Attribute: Dark

Atk/0 Def/0


Once per turn, select one face-up "Mathmagician" monster on the field. This monster's original attack and defense becomes the attack and defense of the selected monster. If this monster is to be destroyed by battle, you can destroy the selected monster instead.


Mathmagician - Six Sage

Level 4

Attribute: Dark

Atk/600 Def/600


Increase this monster's attack by 600 points for every card in your spell and trap zone. Increase this monster's defense by 600 for every card in your opponent's spell and trap zone.


Mathmagician - Seven Summoner

Level 6

Attribute: Dark

Atk/1700 Def/2000


Once per turn pay 700 life points to special summon 1 "Mathmagician" monster from your grave or hand. If this card is to be destroyed by battle, destroy 1 special summoned monster instead.


Mathmagician - Eight Eavesdropper

Level 8

Attribute: Wind

Atk/2800 Def/800


Once per turn, select one card in your opponent's hand. Your opponent draws a card, if the selected card is the same card type (monster/spell/trap) as the other card, your opponent discards both cards and takes 800 points of damage. If not, your opponent selects one of the two cards and places on the bottom of his or her respective deck.


Mathmagician - Nine Numbroid

Level 9

Attribute: Dark

Atk/2900 Def/1000


This monster can be normal summoned without a tribute, if so, it's original attack and defense points are halved. When this monster is normal summoned, send up to 5 "Mathmagician" monsters from your graveyard to the bottom of your deck and draw 2 cards.


Mathmagician - Pi

Level 3

Attribute: Dark

Atk/100 Def/400


This monster can only be special summoned by having at least 3 "Mathmagician" monsters, 1 "Mathmagician" trap card, and 4 "Mathmagician" spell cards in the grave. This monster is not affected by spells, traps, or monster effects. This monster is not destroyed by battle and any battle damage this monster takes becomes 0.


Mathmagician - Infinity

Level 4

Attribute: Light

Atk/0 Def/0


This monster cannot be normal summoned or set. This monster can only be special summoned by sending all "Mathmagician" monsters on your field to the grave. This monster's original attack and defense points is the sum of all the levels of the monsters sent to the graveyard X 300


Mathmagician: Advanced


Mathmagician - Destiny Divide

Level 3

Attribute: Dark

Atk/0 Def/0


When this monster is summoned, send 1 "Mathmagician" monster from your hand to the grave to special summon 2 "Mathmagician" monsters from you hand. The original attack and defense of those monsters become 0.


Mathmagician - Zeron

Level 4

Attribute: Dark

Atk/500 Def/500


When this monster is summoned, take 500x the number of cards on the field damage and send it to the graveyard to send all cards on the field, hand and graveyard (except for this card) back to their owner's respective decks. Both players then draw 5 cards.



Level 3

Attribute: Earth

Atk/0 Def/0


This monster is counted as a "Mathmagician" monster when in your hand. When this monster is sent back to your deck by the effect of a card with "Mathmagician" in it's name, special summon it to the field. This monster's original attack and defense is equal to that of the monster with the highest original attack on the field.


Mathmagician - Dark Decimler

Level 4

Attribute: Dark

Atk/1000 Def/500


When this monster is destroyed by battle, special summon 1 level 4 or below "Mathmagician" monster from your hand or deck. If this effect is successfully activated, draw 1 card.


Mathmagician: Tuner


Mathmagician - Star Plus

Level 2

Attribute: Light

Atk/0 Def/0


When this monster is summoned, flip the top card of your deck. If the card is a "Mathmagician" monster, special summon it to the field in face-up defense position. If not, return the card to the bottom of your deck.


Mathmagician - Times Tuner

Level 1

Attribute: Wind

Atk/0 Def/0


If there is a "Mathagician" monster on the field, special summon this monster in face-up attack position from your graveyard. If you do so, send one card from your hand to the bottom of your deck.


Mathmagician: Synchro


Mathmagician - Minus Magician

Level 5

Attribute: Dark

Atk/0 Def/0


1 "Mathmagician" Tuner monster + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

Once per turn, select a monster on the field, you can choose one of the following effects.

- This monster's attack and defense becomes that of the selected monster.

- The selected monster's attack becomes 0 until the end phase.


Mathmagician - Lightspeed

Level 6

Attribute: Wind

Atk/0 Def/0


1 "Mathmagician" tuner monster + 1 or more "Mathmagician" monsters

When this card is successfully synchro summoned, send it to the grave to special summon up to 3 level 4 or below "Mathmagician" monsters from your hand in face-up attack position. At the end of the turn this effect is activated, send the special summoned monsters back to your deck and draw 3 cards. Special summon this monster on your field in face-up defense position at the end phase that this monster's effect is activated.


Mathmagician: Spell


Decision of the Mathmagician

Quickplay Spell

Send 1 "Mathmagician" monster from your hand to your deck. Add attack equal to the card sent back to your deck's attack to a "Mathmaigician" monster on the field.


The First Abacus


Send 1 "Mathmagician" monster from your hand to the bottom of your deck. Special summon 1 level 4 or lower "Mathmagician" from your hand. Draw a card from each "Mathmagician" monster on the field and take 100x the sum of all "Mathmagician" monsters on the field's level points of damage.


The Calculator of Hope

Equip Spell

This card can only be equipped to a monster with "Mathmagician" in it's name. Increase the monster's attack by 100x it's level. If that monster is to be destroyed by battle, destroy this card instead.


Mathmagician: Trap

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Mathmagician: Original

Mathmagician - One Gunman

Level 1

Attribute: Fire

Atk/0 Def/0


Once per turn, you can select one "Mathmagician" in your hand and shuffle it into your deck. Inflict damage to your opponent's life points equal to half the original attack of the monster selected. If this effect is activated successfully, draw one card, if it is a "Mathmagician" monster, reveal it to your opponent and draw another card.


Mathmagician - Two Trooper

Level 2

Attribute: Earth

Atk/500 Def/500


When this monster is successfully normal summoned, special summon 1 level 1-4 "Mathmagician" monster from your hand to the field. As long as this monster is on the field, the special summoned monster is not destroyed by battle.


Mathmagician - Three Creator

Level 3

Attribute: Light

Atk/1300 Def/1300


Once per turn, add 3 cards from either player's graveyard to the bottom of their respective decks. If this effect is activated, increase this card's attack by 300 points. This monster's attack cannot decrease except by a monster card effect.


Mathmagician - Four Fortress

Level 4

Attribute: Earth

Atk/400 Def/2000


As long as this monster is on your side of the field, your opponent cannot select another "Mathmagician" monster as an attack target. Any battle damage involving this monster battling another becomes 0.


Mathmagician - Five Facechanger

Level 4

Attribute: Dark

Atk/0 Def/0


Once per turn, select one face-up "Mathmagician" monster on the field. This monster's original attack and defense becomes the attack and defense of the selected monster. If this monster is to be destroyed by battle, you can destroy the selected monster instead.


Mathmagician - Six Sage

Level 4

Attribute: Dark

Atk/600 Def/600


Increase this monster's attack by 600 points for every card in your spell and trap zone. Increase this monster's defense by 600 for every card in your opponent's spell and trap zone.


Mathmagician - Seven Summoner

Level 6

Attribute: Dark

Atk/1700 Def/2000


Once per turn pay 700 life points to special summon 1 "Mathmagician" monster from your grave or hand. If this card is to be destroyed by battle, destroy 1 special summoned monster instead.


Mathmagician - Eight Eavesdropper

Level 8

Attribute: Wind

Atk/2800 Def/800


Once per turn, select one card in your opponent's hand. Your opponent draws a card, if the selected card is the same card type (monster/spell/trap) as the other card, your opponent discards both cards and takes 800 points of damage. If not, your opponent selects one of the two cards and places on the bottom of his or her respective deck.


Mathmagician - Nine Numbroid

Level 9

Attribute: Dark

Atk/2900 Def/1000


This monster can be normal summoned without a tribute, if so, it's original attack and defense points are halved. When this monster is normal summoned, send up to 5 "Mathmagician" monsters from your graveyard to the bottom of your deck and draw 2 cards.


Mathmagician - Pi

Level 3

Attribute: Dark

Atk/100 Def/400


This monster can only be special summoned by having at least 3 "Mathmagician" monsters, 1 "Mathmagician" trap card, and 4 "Mathmagician" spell cards in the grave. This monster is not affected by spells, traps, or monster effects. This monster is not destroyed by battle and any battle damage this monster takes becomes 0.


Mathmagician - Infinity

Level 4

Attribute: Light

Atk/0 Def/0


This monster cannot be normal summoned or set. This monster can only be special summoned by sending all "Mathmagician" monsters on your field to the grave. This monster's original attack and defense points is the sum of all the levels of the monsters sent to the graveyard X 300


Mathmagician: Advanced


Mathmagician - Destiny Divide

Level 3

Attribute: Dark

Atk/0 Def/0


When this monster is summoned, send 1 "Mathmagician" monster from your hand to the grave to special summon 2 "Mathmagician" monsters from you hand. The original attack and defense of those monsters become 0.


Mathmagician - Zeron

Level 4

Attribute: Dark

Atk/500 Def/500


When this monster is summoned, take 500x the number of cards on the field damage and send it to the graveyard to send all cards on the field, hand and graveyard (except for this card) back to their owner's respective decks. Both players then draw 5 cards.



Level 3

Attribute: Earth

Atk/0 Def/0


This monster is counted as a "Mathmagician" monster when in your hand. When this monster is sent back to your deck by the effect of a card with "Mathmagician" in it's name, special summon it to the field. This monster's original attack and defense is equal to that of the monster with the highest original attack on the field.


Mathmagician - Dark Decimler

Level 4

Attribute: Dark

Atk/1000 Def/500


When this monster is destroyed by battle, special summon 1 level 4 or below "Mathmagician" monster from your hand or deck. If this effect is successfully activated, draw 1 card.


Mathmagician: Tuner


Mathmagician - Star Plus

Level 2

Attribute: Light

Atk/0 Def/0


When this monster is summoned, flip the top card of your deck. If the card is a "Mathmagician" monster, special summon it to the field in face-up defense position. If not, return the card to the bottom of your deck.


Mathmagician - Times Tuner

Level 1

Attribute: Wind

Atk/0 Def/0


If there is a "Mathagician" monster on the field, special summon this monster in face-up attack position from your graveyard. If you do so, send one card from your hand to the bottom of your deck.


Mathmagician: Synchro


Mathmagician - Minus Magician

Level 5

Attribute: Dark

Atk/0 Def/0


1 "Mathmagician" Tuner monster + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

Once per turn, select a monster on the field, you can choose one of the following effects.

- This monster's attack and defense becomes that of the selected monster.

- The selected monster's attack becomes 0 until the end phase.


Mathmagician - Lightspeed

Level 6

Attribute: Wind

Atk/0 Def/0


1 "Mathmagician" tuner monster + 1 or more "Mathmagician" monsters

When this card is successfully synchro summoned, send it to the grave to special summon up to 3 level 4 or below "Mathmagician" monsters from your hand in face-up attack position. At the end of the turn this effect is activated, send the special summoned monsters back to your deck and draw 3 cards. Special summon this monster on your field in face-up defense position at the end phase that this monster's effect is activated.


Mathmagician: Spell


Decision of the Mathmagician

Quickplay Spell

Send 1 "Mathmagician" monster from your hand to your deck. Add attack equal to the card sent back to your deck's attack to a "Mathmaigician" monster on the field.


The First Abacus


Send 1 "Mathmagician" monster from your hand to the bottom of your deck. Special summon 1 level 4 or lower "Mathmagician" from your hand. Draw a card from each "Mathmagician" monster on the field and take 100x the sum of all "Mathmagician" monsters on the field's level points of damage.


The Calculator of Hope

Equip Spell

This card can only be equipped to a monster with "Mathmagician" in it's name. Increase the monster's attack by 100x it's level. If that monster is to be destroyed by battle, destroy this card instead.


Mathmagician: Trap

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I came up with a similar idea a while back, only, I called them the "Mathemmatical" monsters which where where Psychic Type and they where based around manipulating my oppnent's monsters' ATK and DEF points. They also had strange ATK and DEF points themselves.


I also named my monsters and support cards efter aspects of Maths.


Heck! Why did I post that!? Now your gonna steal my ideas.

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I won't

but those are actually good ideas, my effects revolve around increasing the number of "Mathmagicians" on the field, then using those to bring out the all-powerful (if used correctly) infinity and pi.

I added 5 new cards:

Star Plus

Times Tuner

Minus Magician



I should add another few synchro monsters to the list

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I have lost track of your cards...so many of them

I have problem with Mathmagician - Zeron. It essentially clears the field for your with no cost but summoning this card.

Mathmagician - Lightspeed's effects are quite interesting, opens for a lot of strategy, since many of your Mathmagicians activate their effects when they are summoned...there must be some way of abusing this card's effects >.>

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