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Eh.. A Set you guys will call me No0bish for..


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I know it's very childish, and ysome of you may think it's idiotic. But I started.. A Pokemon set.. I've been working on an "Eevee + Evo's" Structure Deck. I have this so far. I need help with the effects of cards like Moss Rock and the Elemental Stones. Also, I have made the "Ice" type. And any ideas on what other Pokemon and cards I should add into the Structure Deck? They're not in the order from the games, just from the regions. For the Espeon, any good things to replace "Mind" with?








If you find any good/realistic pictures of the Elemental Stones, please give me a link. Also, rate/suggestions?

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Yeah. I know, but Espeon is the strongest, any suggestions?


Also this is Umbreon's text:


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by the effect of the Spell Card "Dark Happiness" while there is a face-up "Eevee, Beast of Elements" on your side of the field. Once per turn, by sending 1 card from you hand to the Graveyard, you can activate 1 of these effect depending on the card discarded.

- Monster Card: Destroy 1 card on the field.

- Spell Card: This monster can attack directly.

- Trap Card: The ATK and DEF of this card are swapped.


Overpowered? Should i change "Dark Happiness" and "Light Happiness" to "Midnight Happiness" and "Daylight Happiness"?

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