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Pokemorph Sprites

Kingdom Xathers

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I don't know if this is considered the same as the "splicing" that you kids are so fond of doing, but nonetheless I will show you my creations.


Used Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum/HeartGold/SoulSilver sprites to make these.


(((By the way, I took some liberties in making some of the Pokemorphs (Namely the Mismagius[Amy Lenne] and Gengar [Desuke])


Pachu Kizura (Raichu)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cain Darson (Arcanine)



Joseph León (Smeargle)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wyatt Denver (Abomasnow)



Amy Lenne Ephemera (Mismagius)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raquel Oak (Eevee)



Professor Richard "Bonz" Marow (Marowak)~~~~Professor Feunard "Prog" Kyoku



Desuke Lokiami (Gengar)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Alexis Blackthorne (Roserade)


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I see some inconsistency in Sprite Style...

Can I get a timeline or something?




But yeah' date=' this is technically splicing + spriting.



Quoting this.

Without a timeline, and names of the pokemon you used (as some dont even look like pokemorphs) I'm gonna think that you ripped.

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