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The land of Oblivion (started/accepting) Please join.

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Name:Tiberius Renegade







Power/exceptional talent: My character has the ability of Blue Flamed Fire.

Bio: Tiberius was born into a family of Roamers, People who roam the land. Tiberius then became a martial artist, Studying Wing Chun, Nan Chuan, and Drunken Fist style. His parents died in the war. Now, he wants to join the mystics to help them rid the world of oblivion.

Personality: Tiberius is a kind and passionate type of person. He is also very caring about everyone. At first, he shows reluctance to Kill, But as his character progresses, He finds that he has no choice. Will protect anyone, especially women at his expense. Is also very knowledgeable in strategy and very intellectual.

Rp sample:"Alright, thanks for the report," Tiberius says. "We'll wait for the others. Then we shall make our move. Meanwhile, I'm going to check on something in the city. I'll be right back." With that Tiberius ran into the city. The city was torn up. Tiberius stayed against the walls so no one would see him. Tiberius looked around and ran to a blueish white building. There he went down to the cellar. There were about 20-30 people here. Tiberius put his fingers to his lips to tell the people to remain quiet and follow him. He ran out first and checked for the all clear. Tiberius led the 30 people out of harms way and towards the forest where Ninjew and Kaizen were stationed. When he got there, Tiberius told the people to hide in Eddie's town and stay there until Tiberius came back.

Rule 4:3+ lines


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OOC: I'll start now. Hopefully more people will join later.


IC: Kris walked out of the temple for the last time. The Oblivion had taken over it and would soon demolish it. He was a bit emotional as that had been his home for the last 10 years. His old master was buried there and that was the place of worship for his god, Hrashkar. He walked inside one of the vehiciles that the Oblivion had brought from wherever they had come from. It walked on four legs but when they pressed a certain button the legs folded in and it hovered. At first he felt a bit sick but didn't show it, as was his nature. He sat in one now and told the driver to fly on to one of the Oblivion's main bases. This particullar one was run by a genaral in the Oblivion army. However Kris hadn't managed to get his name. He was journeying to the lair right now to meet the general.

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Abby woke up from a short nap. "Hey you what time is it?" A man heard her and told her the time was 2:21 am. "What? it is so early..Why is everyone up?" She over heard some men talking in the backround saying that they were going to take on one of the Oblivions outposts. "Hey you!" She shouted, "When are we going?" The man looked at her and said, "Why do you care, you were sleeping the whole time. Even if we told you when, you wouldnt be ready. You dont even know the plan." She jumped at the man and demanded that he told her everything that moment or he might loose his favorite body part(HEHEHE), so he told her.

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IC: Kris looked up at the giant building that confronted him. It was miles bigger than his temple and a lot,and I mean alot, wider. It spanned almost what had been an entire forest and it looked as if it was a giant beast that would awaken and kill everything in it's path. He wasn't sure he wanted to go inside but the guards wouldn't let him go back the way he came. He wondered how many people were inside it. I'm guessing about three quarters of an army. Kris thought before continuing through the doors. After about a five minute walk he arrived outside the doors to the generals hall. He knocked and entered saying, "Hello general." Before sitting down at the table in the middle of the room.


OOC: Dark heart, do you want to be the general?

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"Well, I Kind of had to come. Not that you forced me or anything but you forced me. And I'm fine. My childhood home is being knocked down, an evil army is taking over the world in which I was born, I'm currently being forced to work with said army and to top it all of It's raining. So yeah I'm fine." Kris said sarcastically, a smirk coming over his face. He just resisted the erge to laugh and instead picked up a apple from the fruit bowl.

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Tiberius walked the city in a effort to find some water and a place to sit. After paying for the bottle of water he received, he sat down on the ground and drank the bottle. After finishing the bottle, Tiberius began to meditate. After awhile he looked up at the city. *This place is huge,* Tiberius thought to himself. *How will I ever find the General? I might as well be trying to be looking through a needle in a haystack.* With that Tiberius drank some more water, and then went back to meditating.

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OOC: Dark heart, this is the advanced clause. 3-4+ Sentences.


IC: "Why you of course. The evil army of Oblivion and from Oblivion. You've never noticed that you are evil?" Kris said smiling. He just resisted the urge to luagh. He reached out and grabbed anothe fruit from the fruit bowl. It was a pear. He started eating and waited for a response. Hopefully it isn't too funny. Kris thought.

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OOC: okay soz, also is the general evil or is kris just making a joke?


IC: 'What are you laughing at how do you know i'm not evil?' The general smiled and reached for an apple ' you may leave now kris' the general nodded at the door.


*somewhere on the land of Calcova*


Rednaxela : According to my sources the General knows about the army of oblivion Red thought to himself. if i want to do somthing i better do it quick. Red effortly did a backflip and landed like a fly on a house. Then a figure caught his eye, a man sitting more like meditating beside the river.

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