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GRC ~ Great Revolutionary Contest; 1000 Points 3 reps FIRST PRIZE

Jerry OldMaster

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This card cannot be Normal Summoned. This card can only be Special Summoned when "Ague" and "Amethyst the Atropine" are both sent to the Graveyard. When your opponent draws a card during his/her Draw Phase, create 1 token with the same name/Attribute/Type/ATK/DEF/Effect (if any) as the card drawn (this effect can only be used once). The token is placed in your Field Zone and is treated as a Field Spell Card. Each monster on your opponent's side of the field, that attacks your monster(s) must attack this token, if your opponent's monster's ATK is lower then the tokens ATK, it is automatically destroyed.DMP2php.jpg[/align]

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Well I thought of something somewhat unique, may not be what you were looking for but it was fun to do all the same. We have seen people on here make Duelist Monster Carts I went a step further and created two new type of card altogether. Introducing Strategy Cards and Duelist Cards, they add a bit more to the game and have their own rules I shall now do my best to try and explain the rules as I see them.


Each player must have at least three Duelist Cards of the same name in their Deck. You cannot have two of the same Stages in one Deck. (not that you would want to anyway) Duelist cards are places in their Zone on the field. ( at some point the can become monsters but will go into that later) You start the duel with a Stage 3 or lower, ( it is smartest to start with you lowest since you cannot downgrade a stage) other Duelist Cards are shuffled into your deck and you begin play as normal. If during the Duel you draw a higher Stage you can send the lower one to your Graveyard and place the higher stage in its place, you can only go TWO stages higher than the one you had in play. (ex. You have Stage 2 Duelist in your Duelist Zone you can play nothing higher than a stage 4). Duelist Cards are not affected by the effects of Spell, Traps or Monster Cards. (even if they are placed in he Monster Zone) Duelist Cards have no Type or Attribute.


At any time you may bring your Duelist to the field as a Monster each stage has it own requirement to do so:

Stage 1-2: offer one monster you control as tribute, your Duelist ATK and DEF are equal to half of the Tributed monster

Stage:3-4: Remove from play two monster card in your Graveyard, the ATK and DEF of the lowest card removed become that of the Duelist.

Stage:5-8: Remove from play two monster card in your Graveyard, the ATK and DEF of the highest card removed become that of the Duelist.

Stage:9+: offer 2 monster you control as tribute, your Duelist ATK and DEF are equal to double of the Tributed monsters


If your Duelist is destroyed you loose the Duel so take caution on bringing it into play.


Strategy cards are like Spell and Trap Cards, you can chain them to other cards they can be chained against. (treat Strategy Cards as Spell Speed 2). Strategy cards can be powerful so limitation are placed on them. You are only aloud 5 total in a Deck and none can be the same. You have more control over Strategy Cards . At any time you may return them to your hand ,send to the Graveyard, or shuffle them back into your Deck. Every thing must have a weakness, so at any time a player may pay 2000 Life Point to destroy a Strategy Cards in play.

Rise of the Duelist




Duelist Cards





Strategy Cards (not the best but what i came up with)


Also i created the Game Matt.


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Still one fact - the results will be posted later then the 1st. A few hours after I see them, and I see them around 3rd, I'm heading to Center Parcs for three days.




I'm tired of those individuals who can't wait to hear they lose -.-



btw, Bloodrun and Derek, if you thought you must include at least one Normal Monster and\or at least one Ritual, you were wrong :P


You have time to change it.

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Well I thought of something somewhat unique' date=' may not be what you were looking for but it was fun to do all the same. We have seen people on here make Duelist Monster Carts I went a step further and created two new type of card altogether. Introducing Strategy Cards and Duelist Cards, they add a bit more to the game and have their own rules I shall now do my best to try and explain the rules as I see them.


Each player must have at least three Duelist Cards of the same name in their Deck. You cannot have two of the same Stages in one Deck. (not that you would want to anyway) Duelist cards are places in their Zone on the field. ( at some point the can become monsters but will go into that later) You start the duel with a Stage 3 or lower, ( it is smartest to start with you lowest since you cannot downgrade a stage) other Duelist Cards are shuffled into your deck and you begin play as normal. If during the Duel you draw a higher Stage you can send the lower one to your Graveyard and place the higher stage in its place, you can only go TWO stages higher than the one you had in play. (ex. You have Stage 2 Duelist in your Duelist Zone you can play nothing higher than a stage 4). Duelist Cards are not affected by the effects of Spell, Traps or Monster Cards. (even if they are placed in he Monster Zone) Duelist Cards have no Type or Attribute.


At any time you may bring your Duelist to the field as a Monster each stage has it own requirement to do so:

Stage 1-2: offer one monster you control as tribute, your Duelist ATK and DEF are equal to half of the Tributed monster

Stage:3-4: Remove from play two monster card in your Graveyard, the ATK and DEF of the lowest card removed become that of the Duelist.

Stage:5-8: Remove from play two monster card in your Graveyard, the ATK and DEF of the highest card removed become that of the Duelist.

Stage:9+: offer 2 monster you control as tribute, your Duelist ATK and DEF are equal to double of the Tributed monsters


If your Duelist is destroyed you loose the Duel so take caution on bringing it into play.


Strategy cards are like Spell and Trap Cards, you can chain them to other cards they can be chained against. (treat Strategy Cards as Spell Speed 2). Strategy cards can be powerful so limitation are placed on them. You are only aloud 5 total in a Deck and none can be the same. You have more control over Strategy Cards . At any time you may return them to your hand ,send to the Graveyard, or shuffle them back into your Deck. Every thing must have a weakness, so at any time a player may pay 2000 Life Point to destroy a Strategy Cards in play.

[center']Rise of the Duelist[/center]




Duelist Cards





Strategy Cards (not the best but what i came up with)


Also i created the Game Matt.



Lol I made something like this a long time ago. Not exactly that, but something similar. Well anyway, good luck to everyone to the contest and may the best YCM Member win.

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