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Vortex Trooper Discussion Thread.

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Vortex = Lightning vortex

Trooper = Vortex Trooper

Card Trooper is called "Card Trooper" in this thread, the phrase "Trooper" is always vortex Trooper.


Card Name: Vortex Trooper


Aqua, Wind, 3 stars, effect monster



When this card is Normal Summoned, you can shuffle 2 cards from your hand into your Deck, then draw 2 cards. When this card is destroyed, draw 1 card.


More Info: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Vortex_Trooper


Vortex Trooper is an interesting card to say the least. When I first looked at it, I thought it wouldn't be very good, maybe for a JFF deck, but, I was proven wrong.


My friend recently obtained it, and decked it without my knowledge. About 7 turns in, I flip dustshoot, his hand has.


2x POA

2x Hydrogeddon

Vortex Trooper

Volcanic Shell.


Now, seeing this, obviously I took Vortex, preventing him from putting pack a Hydro and POA (or 2 POA, I dunno what he would have done). Almost guaranting me game.


Now, it returned upon me killing his sangan a couple turns later, so he played it, yeah, 0 attack, but he got to put back a hydro and POA and draw another two cards. Drew cydra and Frog.


I vortex'd him after he got cydra/2 hydro/frog face up.


Uses his other POA, puts back 2 hydro, cydra, snipe and marshmallon from his graveyard, draws two. Then hilariously plays prem, takes vortex trooper (no first effect) and then plays MST on prem. Dumb move, -1, but draws into L Vortex from V troopers effect, and nearly wins. Basically, I won 3 turns later, his zaborg hit my raiza, and attacked my apprentice, which I then brought out faith with. Faith --> E controller. E controller kills faith and takes zaborg, Attack for Game.


It was interesting how Vortex Trooper actually assisted him.


Discuss, though I request that the phrase "He sucks because he has 0 attack" not be said, because the attack of a card that replaces itself does NOT matter. (CARD trooper only has 400 more when he dies, so not much difference is made by the attack)


Anyways. Discuss if hes worth decking for reasons other than his stats, because I will repudiate you from this thread (with words) if you say hes bad ONLY because of his stats.

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This card would be great, provided it was a WATER attribute monster instead of WIND. This is because Trooper could be Special Summoned with Mother Grizzly, and that would let you get the +1 Draw effect. I don't like the Aqua|WIND combination. He is searchable by Sangan though.


It's only worth decking if you use Sangan, or Skreech.

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i think this card could be teched. its very cool and unexpected since its only just recently been released.


if i had it i would try it out' date=' but its only good in some decks, and [b']only when youve got something to protect it.[/b]


First part (not bolded). Agreed.


Second part (bolded):


Not nessicarily, the damage is almost always worth the extra card. Tell me, would Trooper see NEARLY as much meta play if it did not have the last part of its effect? It would not. Therefore, in the deck that uses cards that come out of the deck, such as shell's hydros and etc... This card works. it replaces itself, and can fix your hand. (puts two [sometimes one] undesirable cards back and lets you draw 2 more, chances are you are going to get something better (esp for putting back second hydros and shells).


In the right deck, it replaces Card trooper nicely, and sometimes is better for that deck. (specifically in Shell and deck swarm decks.)


Is it good for perfect circle? Not at all, there is only one case where it would be useful, and thats drawing into the second Malicious, but it works for the Hybrid Shell/swarm/monarch deck Eric and myself worked on for him.



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First part (not bolded). Agreed.


Second part (bolded):


Not nessicarily' date=' the damage is almost always worth the extra card. Tell me, would Trooper see NEARLY as much meta play if it did not have the last part of its effect? It would not. Therefore, in the deck that uses cards that come out of the deck, such as shell's hydros and etc... This card works. it replaces itself, and can fix your hand. (puts two [sometimes one'] undesirable cards back and lets you draw 2 more, chances are you are going to get something better (esp for putting back second hydros and shells).


In the right deck, it replaces Card trooper nicely, and sometimes is better for that deck. (specifically in Shell and deck swarm decks.)


Is it good for perfect circle? Not at all, there is only one case where it would be useful, and thats drawing into the second Malicious, but it works for the Hybrid Shell/swarm/monarch deck Eric and myself worked on for him.




you have a point. i didnt think about when Card Trooper's effect stops and he's only got 400.

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