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Anyone interested in getting Pokemon HG and/or SS when they come out?

Can't Decide, On one hand, im too old for pokemon (In My opinion), and on the other, the originals were one of my all-time favorite games favorite games, and i been wanting a remake for years...

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Anyone interested in getting Pokemon HG and/or SS when they come out?

Can't Decide, On one hand, im too old for pokemon (In My opinion), and on the other, the originals were one of my all-time favorite games favorite games, and i been wanting a remake for years...

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Anyone interested in getting Pokemon HG and/or SS when they come out?

Can't Decide, On one hand, im too old for pokemon (In My opinion), and on the other, the originals were one of my all-time favorite games favorite games, and i been wanting a remake for years...

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I still own a few pokemon games' date=' {Diamond, Gold, Pokemon XD:Gale of Darkness}, but I don't use them..



CAN I HAZ THEM!? lolnoiswhatimguessingyouwillsay


Anyway, I was born a pokemon fanboy, just without the "protect it by cussing out anyone who dislikes it". I mean everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

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Lmao. I just got the Title "Grand Theft Yoshi"


Yeah me and my "Friend" (dont ask why i put the " Sign there. HE Knows What im talking about. And knows i am not very pleased with him.) Anyway were playing a couple days back, and yea i always had the Original<3 Yoshi and he got the other trash...lol (Yellow.....*Shivers*)

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Username: Pikachu

Favorite Nintendo Game: SSBB/Pokemon Games

Favorite Nintendo Character: Let's play a game. It's the 'Guessing Game'. Ok, so it start's with a 'P' and ends with a 'ikachu'. What is it?

Any Friend Codes?: No, screw that.

Why screw Friend Codes?: Because i dun hav wun. >_<

So tell me...: What?

When was the last time you fapped?: LOLWUT?

I'll tell you when I last did...: Who are you anyway?

I'm the freakin' application form!: Oh, right. Sorry mate.

Lolwut?: I c wut u did thar.

Cool: Yes, I am cool.

No, I meant what you did was cool: Exactly.

What are your hopes on being accepted: Very high.


Aw, fine...: YES, COOKIE TIME!


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