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~Creator Enterprises presents~ Inventor Creation Archetype [39/39]


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Credit goes to Father Wolf, Alcander, Wanderley, Shadowplasma, and HP Doom for the pictures

~Inventor Creation~

[spoiler=EN001 Mini Titan]2cfxdtd.jpg


[spoiler= EN002 Mechanical Knight Unit #2]dfhxm8.jpg


[spoiler=EN003 Longshot]2zno512.jpg


[spoiler=EN004 Shadow Shield Knight]2vdsftf.jpg


[spoiler=EN005 Tesla Destroyer]2zywysx.jpg


[spoiler=EN006 Dismissal of Time]r2s4lh.jpg


[spoiler=EN007 Iron Shield Guardian]10s51qa.jpg


[spoiler=EN008 Flame Magnum]dvkpeh.jpg


[spoiler=EN009 High Speed Blader]2cfb2nb.jpg


[spoiler=EN010 Pressurized Float Unit]2mlgg2.jpg



[spoiler=EN011 Mechanical Hero]vomwyp.jpg


[spoiler=EN012 Dragon Assualt Unit]29c6gjd.jpg


[spoiler=EN013 Unstable Plasma Field]262wha0.jpg


[spoiler=EN014 Medic Bot Ver. 3]eg1jmg.jpg


[spoiler=EN015 Salvage Bot Programming]f0dxtd.jpg


[spoiler=EN016 Invention Synchron]cne3q.jpg


[spoiler=EN017 Omega Assualt Suit]20prfgi.jpg


[spoiler=EN018 Rough Ranger]1zxr6mh.jpg


[spoiler=EN019 Synchron Version 2]2myrsdk.jpg


[spoiler=EN020 Plasma Energizer Ver. 1]2a8p79u.jpg


[spoiler=EN021 Plasma Energizer Ver. 2]1054ktu.jpg


[spoiler=EN022 Plasma Energizer Ver. 3]34qtmhw.jpg


[spoiler=EN023 Arcane Golem]k49y86.jpg


[spoiler=EN024 Plasma Energizer Ver. 4]ta4snr.jpg


[spoiler=EN025 Mechanical Implants]r0p6k1.jpg


[spoiler=EN026 Mana Colossus]2hnuhow.jpg


[spoiler=EN027 Drone Unit #7]2yyo0u8.jpg

[spoiler=EN028 Matontodo]15cd0rp.jpg

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned when 7 "Inventor Creation" cards are removed from play during the same turn. This card is unaffected by Trap Cards. As long as there is another Monster Card on your field, this card cannot attack. Once per turn, by discard 3 cards from your Deck to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon 1 Machine-Type Monster that was removed from play to the field in face-up Attack Position. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon 3 "Inventor Creation" cards that were removed from play to the field in face-up Attack Position.


[spoiler=EN029 Jetwing]21e3v2p.jpg


[spoiler=EN030 Supreme Machine Overlord]24zgf0p.jpg

This card cannot be Ritual Summoned except by the effect of "Machine Dominance". When this card is sucessfully Ritual Summoned, increase the ATK of all Machine-Type monsters by 500. Increase this card's ATK by 500 for every non-Machine-Type Monster this card destroys in battle. Whrn this card's ATK is 4000 or greater, all damage inflicted is halved. Once per turn, by paying 700 Life Points you can negate the activation of a Spell or Trap card and remove it from play. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, discard your hand and increase your Life Points by 1000.


[spoiler=EN031 Machine Dominance]315cvfk.jpg


[spoiler=EN032 EMP Iron Walker]15i2jjk.jpg


[spoiler=EN033 Barrage Overdrive]f1wie9.jpg


[spoiler=EN034 Deep Sea Queen]14wftol.jpg


[spoiler=EN035 Observation Unit]1z6875x.jpg


[spoiler=EN036 Supreme Machine]t5rp12.jpg


[spoiler=EN037 Overlord's Dark Dragon Blaster]4qjt6d.jpg


[spoiler=EN038 Siege Warrior (new)]2zh2hdd.png


[spoiler=EN039 The Famfrit (new)]2mmz2vb.png


Disclaimer: If you dislike Fake-Type then ignore these cards as they have a Fake-Type created by me. If the Type on the card doesn't matter to you and instead you look at the quality of the card then continue on to observe these cards.

[spoiler=Inventors EN001-EN010]358951y.jpg

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first off, this card here is either supposed to be an equip spell, or a normal trap that has as part of its effect saying that it is an equip spell. so unless that was intentional, you may want to fix it.

other then that, i see nothing wrong, especially since epic cards are epic. 10/10 for all, just fix the one that i mentioned before and you'll be golden.

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