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1st Wero's Contest! Started! :D 2nd Round!


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Me card this

[spoiler=Me card]


Me card's Lore: You must show your opponent your hand while this card is face-up on the field. This card cannot be affected by the effects of Trap cards if there is at least 1 Trap Card in your hand. This card cannot be destroyed by battle if there is at least 2 Monsters in your hand. This card's ATK increases by the number of Spell Cards in your hand X 200.


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I'm in points on the way!!


Do we pm or post the card??



Post in spoilers!


Read the rules Plz!


You haven't sent the points yet! you have until the end of this 1st round Raptorslayer! So plz be hurry! ^^



And for everyone! Read the rules!


Check everything cuz if you miss something your card will be disqualified!




The contest has started!^^

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Right, firstly, I just came in as a judge. I'd like to say that expect some harsh criticism, because I have seen some of the cards, and who has posted them. And now I guarentee there WILL be some face-palming included.

Wero, can you please kindly put all entrants cards up at the top post, so they are easier to judge. If so, that would be great. I should have entered this, the way it's looking I could have won pretty easily.

Remember, the facepalm never lies, and I will privately tell you your scores seperately when the timing is adiquate. Now, if you're ready, let's get started!

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Of course my dear Judge! ^^


This is going to be done maybe tomorrow for now I'm goin to rest.

And I need that everyone read the rules ;D cuz no one of this card has WCONTEST in the circulation Box! ;D


That is neccesary cuz means that is a Card make Specially for this contests! As I'm asking ;D


So maybe Tomorrow a edit this ;D

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now that the contest has started, here is my card

[spoiler=contest card]445010g.jpgThis card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 1 Light monster from your graveyard. When this card is Special Summoned to the Field, destroy all Fiend-Type monsters on your opponents side of the Field.


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[spoiler=Card] 451108.jpg

While you have no cards in your hand, this card's Attribute is treated as DARK. Once per turn, during you Main Phase 1, you can discard 1 Beast, Warrior, or Beast Warrior monster you control to increase your opponent's Life Points by 1000. If you activate this effect, draw 2 cards. During your Battle Phase, you can remove this card from play to increase the Level of 1 Tuner monster you control by up to 2.


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[spoiler=card] 467571.jpg Once per turn, you can select 1 of your opponent's monsters and equip it to this card. This card's ATK Increases by the level of the monster(s) equipped to it x100. If this card would be destroyed by Battle you can destroy all equipped monsters instead. Then Special Summon 1 Engulfer Token(WATER/LVL 3/0 ATK/0 DEF/Aqua) in Defense Position.

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[spoiler=MY CONTEST ENTRY]207292.jpg

♥♥♥♥♥♥LORE♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ :D

This card cannot be Normal Summoned. When you active a Spell Card draw one card. If that card is a FIRE monster you can increase this card's ATK by 500 until the End Phase of the turn this effect was activated. If there is a Field Spell Card on the active when this card is summoned, you can increase the ATK of all DARK monsters on the field by 350 excluding this card.


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Once per turn, if this card is face-up on the field, you can return it to your hand to destroy 1 card on the field. (This effect cannot be activated during the turn this card is Summoned.) When this card is sent directly from your hand to the Graveyard, you can draw 1 card. If the card is a Level 4 or lower Fiend-Type monster, you can Special Summon it.


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