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Sub-Sections and More


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Hello, and welcome to my suggestions thread. I know I am only new, but I really would like to give my opinion, and hopefully change some stuff on this site. Now, to my suggestions.


1. Make "Pop Culture Cards" into 2 sections. One for realistic cards, and one for fun cards. I thought of this when I was looking through the Pop Culture Card threads. I really enjoyed looking at some thread, because they were realistic, but then when I went to a thread I would have really wanted to see, they were non-realistic, so I would prefer 2 different sections.


2. Now, I don't know about you, but I really dislike when people rate my cards and graphics with comments like so.

"Hey, nice card. I like it!"


"This sig is cool."

My suggestion is, possibly adding a rule to stop things like this, and make it so you need to post Constructive Critisicm.

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I'm new and i've Read the rules already, There is an rule were you need to give good advices and stuff for the card section. I've taken a look in graphic, And i think you should be able to rate(Outsider). I agree with you on the 2nd but on the 1st i don't agree, Splitting it up will only result bad. (My opinion) But also i don't even prefer Yugioh so much so i shouldn't complain about that one.

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