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The Creeper Organization. New to YCM (Started|Accepting|PG-16)


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Selene nodded resolutely. "If you go then I'll come. You never know when a flying girl's going to come in handy." she grinned a little then was greeted by the seriousness of their situation. "But we need to camp somwhere for the night." she noted.

She looked around. "Maybe if there's a cave, hollow, burrow or something..."

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"Yeah." Jecht said thinking of where they could camp that night.

"Hmmm," He thought for a second. "Caves. Well I have a few more hidout back there not far at all but I also think there's a small hollow tree I prepared ahead of time. You can stay there, it might not be as comfortable as I would wish it to be, but I can sleep anywhere."

He looked at the forest below. "C'mon let's go." Jecht said flying over the forest just above the trees until he called out "Stop! It should be right around here." His wings retracted into his bakc and he fell into the tree below him and he climbed down. He took a minutes to find the tree that was hollow. "Here." He said standing beside a tree that looked the same as the trees around it. "You'll have to climb in from the top though."

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Jakob was back at camp and walked up to Apollyon

"So then you kiulled him huh he he he, good for you" he said taking off

"I'll find the theif and kill them" he started laughing as he sprinted off into the forest with his super human speed hw zoomed

"Come out come out" he said still running he didn't expect whoever it was to be so close to the camp

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Kecht heard yelling and lifted Selene into the tree.

"Shhh! Stay still!" and transformed into a small beatle to find out who to was that was running through the forest. Man! Will I ever get some sleep?! He thought while looking arouns continuously to try and get a glance of whoever it was in the forest and why they were there. C'mon, come on out. I'll get a look of you and kill you in due time.

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Selene nodded and followed the shiny but small form of the black beetle as it traveled down the tree and then continued crawling. She decided to follow Jecht through the trees. She jumped, using aerial maneuvers she had trained herself on, through the treetops, following the fast form of the beetle.

She saw a man ahead and decided to keep back on the next tree.

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Jecht saw Selene foollowing him. Don't get us killed. he thought transforming into his normal form and drew his sword. "Get ready to fight." He whispered to Selene still not seeing anybody except Selene. His sword tranformed so it would be easier to use in a battle. Swift and quick, the way he fought. Jecht looked at his blade for a moment and thought he would try something soon the red sword turned pure black due to his shadow powers and he got back into his offensive position ready for almost anything.

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Selene kept to the shadows of the trees so the person cloaked in a silvery mist of shadow in front of her would not see her. She crept along, hovering slightly off the branch in the dark moonlight, then lightly hopping to the next tree, closer and closer. She would do a sneak attack...from the air. She wondered what Jecht was doing so far, she couldn't really get the image of his face from her mind. She drew a small dagger.

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OoC: I guess we'll just move on since he's not posting.


IC: Jecht saw nobody in the dark trees. He slightly relaxed but was still alert. "There's no use staying out here if this creeper slime won't show himself." He said still continuously looking around for any sign of movment but all there was were a few birds still out.

"You can sleep I will keep watch if this assassin will dare to reveal himself and possibly strike." He said putting his sword in the ground while looking over at Selene.

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OoC: Don't worry I still exist


Jakob stopped he thought he heard something he turned around at looked around

"This is odd" he thought as he started slowly walking back hand on sheath, he didn't want to make a noise and alert them but in thjis forwest it was hard. He slowly crept forward and stepped on a twig

"D*mn it" he said quietly ducking behind a tree, he turned his head and saw a fox hole he smiled

"Just an animal" he thought as he he shook his head

"I'm to tense"

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Name: Andrew Kozac

Age: 22

Appearance: 6"0, long black hair down to the shoulders, blue eyes, and light skinned. He wears an iron headband, a special sleeveless red and white warrior's robe, red and white warrior's pants, and black kung fu shoes. He also has a scar from left to right of the middle of his chest.

Personality: Selfless, caring, and partially trustworthy to others that join him. For his friends, he would always make sacrifices for them, even if it means he will die for their safety.

Race: Human

Bio: When Andrew was born, his life was not how it seemed. Corpses were everywhere and a battle for colonization in his home village. His life was always about avoiding death. When he was 12, he was forced to kill when the love of his life was assassinated. He was filled with vengeance. Not only that, but perseverance. He was then given the sword to fight and the two tattoos to represent his spirits of emotion. He killed through the ranks of the enemy team until he found the leader and killed him off, thus ending this war. When he turned 20, he believed that something of the sort would happen again in another place. He then set off on a journey for the truth. Now, he still looks for the truth, but what he does know that the Creeper Organization wants to kill. He will continue searching for the truth, even if it means giving his life to others that care about him.


It is a special double-edged longsword with a red handle, a white-like colored blade with a black dragon emblem on both sides. It is the reason he is able to use his powers and use them wisely. He calls his blade AlonMythica. It means "Blade of Mythical Creatures".


Any Noticeable Tattoos/Marks: Yes. He has a red dragon tattoo on his left arm and a orange phoenix tattoo on his right arm.


  1. Fire Manipulation
  2. Mythical Creature Summoning



[spoiler=Description of Powers:]

  1. Fire Manipulation: Self-explained.
  2. Mythical Creature Summoning: This allows you to summon one mythical creature at a time from your known knowledge of how many you can summon.



Faction: Peace

Goals: To find the truth about T.C.O. and stop them before it is too late.


OoC: Sorry it took so long. Because I had a Wii, I didn't have the time.

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OoC:double your accepted


IC:Jecht still saw nothing in the dark forest but he thought if Selene heard it it could have been something there. Then his eyes changed to eyes of a cat's and he could see through the trees and saw Jakob and pulled his sword from the ground and said.

"Don't move or your dead." Jecht said his swprd pointed straight at Jakob. "Why are you here? To assassinate me no doubt."

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Andrew walked for miles in the dark forest, not knowing what will happen. He then heard Jecht talking about a few meters away from where he cannot see him. He didn't know that there were others in the forest, but he knew it was a possibility. He began to walk to where Jecht was talking and hid behind a tree next to him. I wonder why this person would be talking to himself? Andrew thought still behind the tree and taking a small peek at Jecht. He prepared his blade. Then the dragon tattoo on his left arm began to glow, signaling him to blast a ball of fire on a tree on the other side of Jecht, getting his attention.

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Selene saw the new person then dropped down to the ground. "friend or foe?" she whispered as she held the dagger to the new person's neck. "If you are with Jecht and me against TCO then you are a friend." she pointed to Jecht then at her to emphasize her point.

"I hope you're a friend and not a TCO creep. If you are a TCO creep then you will die." she said softly but dangerously as she held the tip of the dagger at the person's throat. "And if you have anything...special about you, don't you think about doing that to me because I have backup." she said. She looked to the trees for emphasis but she knew that she was really bluffing. She had no backup and if this guy had anything special about him she would have to resort to hand to hand combat.

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Andrew did not know who she was, but he had decided to say it anyways. "I am a friend," he said softly to Selene. "I had only come to find the truth about T.C.O and put a stop to it. If you retract your blade now, I will help you, insured that you will not be betrayed in any way. I will do my best to give support. Just retract your blade."

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Selene nodded, lookd slightly relieved, and retracted her dagger, she hopped back to the lowest limbs of the tree. "I can fly, if you haven't figured that out already." she explained in a whisper. "there's someone over there and Jecht's taking care of him, but I'm staying up here just in case. He might need help. The other guy doesn't know I'm here."

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Andrew nodded. He turned to Jecht, wondering what he will do to the other person. Maybe he does need help. he thought. Then the orange phoenix tattoo on his right arm began to glow, symbolizing that Andrew is about to summon a mythical creature that would work at this moment. Unfortunately, he had to stop and think of what it should be, because he has 3 on his mind. Goblins, ogres, or gryphons? he thought. He then decided to stay back and watch to see what Jecht is about to do next.

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OoC: Drunken Fist this is your last chance. If your not active your out.


IC: Jecht eyes adjusted to the darkness and saw he was holding his sword up to a rabbit. He almost burst out laughing as he saw the rabbit run away. "It was just a rabbit."

He relaxed a bit and then turned to Andrew "Now who are you? Why are you here?" He said picking his sword up again but at Andrew this time.

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"STOP! HE'S A FRIEND!" Selene jumped down and grabbed Jecht's sword away. "Sorry but he's friendly..." she said sheepishly as she handed Jecht back his sword.

That was pretty funny, she thought.

"You were holding your sword up to a rabbit! A big rabbit with fangs!" she laughed derisively.

"Sorry. But that was kinda funny." Selene struggled to maintain a straight face.

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Jecht couldn't help but think it was funny but his face was serious. "You're laughing now but in these times that rabbit could have been a killer that could have stuck a poisoned dagger between my ribs. There could be more that could shapeshift. " He said looking over at Andrew watching his every move. I don't trust him. Selene thinks he's "friendly" because he said so. He could be an assassin to take me down He thought grimly his sword not fully down and could take off his head within a second.

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Andrew sighed. "I came from an unnamed village that fought for colonization even before I was born. The love of my life perished in the middle of the war and I was to take vengeance on the invading king. Selene, was it? When you saw me throw a fireball, it was because of this dragon mark," Andrew showed Selene and Jecht the dragon mark on his arm. "This mark was put on me because of my feelings of Courage and Love for the one I lost by a spirit that was believed to create the village I lived in. This mark allows me to summon fire from my hands and manipulate it in any way I can. I was also given this phoenix mark at the same time." Andrew now showed Selene and Jecht the phoenix mark on his right arm. "This was given to me for the feeling of vengeance. This can allow me to summon any mythical creature to my knowledge. I was also given this sword," Andrew took out his sword for Jecht and Selene to visualize. "It is called the AlonMythica, for Blade of Mythical Creatures. I eventually killed through the ranks of the enemy and killed their king with this sword and the powers I've obtained, thus having me as the village hero for ending the colonization in my village. I was 12 back then, and I left and began to search for any thing involving killing. I waisted 8 years searching for a problem to fix. I'm now 22 and I heard about this Creeper Organization. I heard they kill for an unknown reason. I now am trying to stop them and learn the truth behind their reasons for killing the innocent. But since I might die if I go alone, I am asking you two to help me on my quest of truth. Will you help me?" After letting out the story of how his life became a living hell, he took a deep breath and waited for Selene and Jecht's responses.


OoC: Sorry for going over the limit of the post. Since it was a story, It needed to be let out. It won't happen again.

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