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Pokemon Neon Signs - No Requests Anymore

Skippy Canoe

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I <3 these so much. it make my head esplode. Well... maybe not.


Solrock Tanning Booth.

Or you could replace it with Torkoal' date=' or with another thing starting with T.



Thanks, and I reject those.


You are an amazing graphics artist. KICKASS!


Thanks... but this is spriting. ;D


Meh... Nah. Crobat Coroners is open for business. Bring your unexplained deaths.

OMG ily. I sig yes? =D


Go ahead. :D


Can i have an Exploud one?


Idea: Exploud's Sound Emporium


Mebbe later...

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hey can u do one with ganger,lapras,umbreon, pikachu, pigeot, charizard,espeon with a male trainer (all together). With a insigmia saying D.O.K (black; in the backgorund) and one badge. I would really appreciate it.


The second is one with espeon and umbreon fighting each other. Words saying sibling rivalry and could u make them move to?


I really appreciate this, thanks!

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