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My yugioh deck I call it Aced lol


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I want three Chainsaw Insects.... For my GREED deck!!!


I also really wish I could play all you people, but I live in the sticks, so it's a small possibility.


Every card has a use (even Science Soldier), and every duelist has a strategy... kind of.


Anyway, good luck with your future card aquisition, jrdudedj.

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On the topic of Blade Knight, I also run a deck like that, I call it Anti-Hand Control. You play Kuribohs, stalls, stuff like Full Salvo, Swift Gaia, Blade Knight, even Bubbleman, Forced Requisition, and the like.


And, dude, having a theme to your deck is ALWAYS a good thing. There's no "generic beatdown" that Top-8'ed in the SJC. (If I remember right, there was DDT, Demise OTK x 3 (its' getting really cheap), D-Hero/Bazooper, and two more that I can't pull off my head.

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