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DBZ Revelolution chapter 3 started Revivel Of Icer [PLS LOCK

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In the year 3000 the Z Fighters went to visit Planet Namek. 1 year has past and they still have not got back. One day Bulma got a messege from a mysterios Alien. His name was Icer,he informed her that he is Frieza's son and he has killed the Z fighters and he is going to earth to destroy it. After hearing the terrible news Balma Went straight to Master Roshi. Master Roshi Stood up and said " To Protect the earth we must make a new Z Fighter Team. What would you choose Good or evil

Z fighters


double_c4- Kirimono Murusaga

Visser -Zak

Pokefan5678 - Pokefan5678

Daily News-Mitarashi Kunozuka

Love is Eternal - Sammie


Icers Team

el make -Zajin

Dark Lightning -Rai



ProtoMachineKing-Android 22

hirikiri-Danaka Idra

App form



Pic-( How you look like in the rp )


Team- Z fighters or Icers Team

Special move- Example- Death strike-kills opponent instently

My app






Team-Icer's team

special move-freeze death-Freezes victems heart

Instant transmission



No spamming,flaming and swearing


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Name- Kirimono Murusaga

Age- 20


With long, black hair down to the shoulders and light skin.


Race- Saiyan

Team- Z fighters

Special Moves-

1. Shining Kamehameha

2. Super Saiyan

3. Super Saiyan 2

4. Super Kamehameha

5. Super Form

6. Instantaneous Transmission

7. Super Saiyan 3

8. Instantaneous Kamehameha

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Race-example-3/4 human. 1/4 Sayan

Team- Z fighters

[spoiler=Special move- (most of them are based off of Yuyu Hakasho]

Spirit gun-Shoots a blast of energy from his finger.

Shotgun-Throws out his fist & hundreds of smaller blast's of energy shoot from his fist, spreading out at almost a 90% angle.

Spirit wave-Concentrates a large about of energy in to one part of his body, usually his fist, & fires it at close range.

Spirit sword- Creates a sword out of pure energy.

Spirit bomb-(I don't think i have to explain this one.)

Dragon fist-Punches the target & released a large amount of energy turning him in to a dragon long enough to attack

Instant transmission-


Super saiyan-


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Name- Kano

Age- 202

Pic- lunch_for_one_by_silentsasuke.png the one on left

Race- Bio-Android (similar to cell)

Team- Icers

[spoiler=[b]Special moves[/b]]

Absorb - Launches a large beam which draws the opponent into a hole in one of his hands from their he absorbs them gaining their power, any powers they have/had and is able to use these skills as he wishes

Original Kamehameha - a Technique which was used only by Roshi, similar to the kamehameha but slightly more powerful, by performing the dance like movement of the arms and then pulling hand to side of hip the Kamehameha is charged then released infront by thrusting hands forward releasing the ki in a beam, this was the original technique

Disposal - Kano's back opens , the metal back plating folding into other part of his body, leaving this as a weak spot temporarily until he closes. Kano uses this technique to dump bodies out after He has stolen their skills, if dumped withing 15 minutes of absorbtion the body will still be at perfect strength, if held in any longer it's power is started to drain, the Disposal can be activated from inside Kano's body by hitting a certain area on the inside of him.



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Race-Buu Race


[spoiler=Special Move(s)/Racial]

Absorb:By a destroyed piece, the only way to get out is some1 to get inseide and do it, i gain power with that

Regeration:regenerate body from even a small piece

Power Ball:A huge ball of power that can erse a palnet in seconds

Power Blize:Shoots blasts every where

Candy Beam:IF it hits some1 it makes his choclate

Burning ball:Blooderis becomes a burning ball bouncing and destroy eveything tha collades with it


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OOC: You are one of the bad guys who are attacking the planet.


IC: There was a small explosion as Zak lost control of an attack & flew backwards in to master Roshies house. "No mater how hard i try i can't make the spirit bomb any bigger than a basketball." He complained as he looked at his hands which had been burnt from the explosion.

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