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Bye Fsjal.

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How long have i been gone??


Whats a Fsjal?


If you don't know what a Fsjal is' date=' you've been gone for a LONG time.



Yes i left for a month(?) cuz i went snowboarding

So can some1 explain?


Its virtually a Meme that is killing the forum.

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Someone had to do it.

I'm sick of Fsjals. It spread too much.

But now they're dead. People will continue to post them.

Bt they'll always be a lolYCM dead meme.

You know you wanna sig this O3O[/align]

You said it had spread too much, but everyone that posted here didn't have a fsjal thing in there avi, interesting.....


But thank you very much, and who better to be the one to kill 'em?

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<_< Um...Fslals are the most un-epin thing I have ever seen, it should've died when it came out. cool. I like them because they are funny, but do we really need a thread about them? Next thing ya know, they'll be a Ycm war, people will be banned, few permi-banned. So let's put all this behind us and just agree to disagree.

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