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Pokemon Trainer Cards - Whats Your Team?


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Okay I think I'll be the firs to post.




one strategy with this team is simply that my togakiss leads in the hope that the enemy will use it's weakness electric so I can catch them in a trap by switching to my electravire who takes no damage from electric type moves and also when you use electric type moves on him his speed increases that plus his massive attack and varied move set he usually sweeps through the enemy lol. thats one lil trick.

Oh and I made the card in paint.

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good against a tank team but with sweapers skarmary would be dead in one flamethrougher so Skarmory + Spikes + Roar + focus sash just to make shore lol but should work most times anyway.


Best Pokemon for combos is darkrai thats why he is classed as an uber dark void + dream eater + nightmare + double team not many Pokemon can beat that. that is also why ubers should be ban lol.

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I'll join in though


Gengar is for the opponent strong Special Sweepers, seeing that Gengar has above average Speed and low Sp Def and Def i Destiny Bond them and hope for a 1-t-k

Skarmory for Stealth Rocking and triple Spiking and dealing some damage.

Breloom for Sweeping or dealing some damage.

Empoleon is the same as above.

PZ for Special Sweeping.

Giratina ftw.

No inrunning tactics here, just see what i can do and do it.

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[align=center]lol gota post this then.




This is my first team this team is called slow cold death. It is built to put you to sleep and use all manner of poison type effects like darkrais ability, nightmare, and if you wake up you got toxic to deal with and confusion and while you are dealing with that glacion and darckrai blow the living crap out of ya lol.[/align]

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Slow but it has a high success rate although the fact that it was slow was what made me switch to the new team.

And sorry to be so stupid but what did you mean shedinja I'm not seeing what your seeing.


Confuse Ray ain't that succesive.

Shedinja could cover 2/3 of your team

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Mean look only lasts as long as the pokemon that cast it is still alive and besides I think hypno is the only pokemon shedinja is safe from since it has lo speed and it only has 1 base hp so it. Actualy just been checking and hypno can learn Fire punch so all of them can kill shedinja in one hit before it can move.

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Mean look only lasts as long as the pokemon that cast it is still alive and besides I think hypno is the only pokemon shedinja is safe from since it has lo speed and it only has 1 base hp so it. Actualy just been checking and hypno can learn Fire punch so all of them can kill shedinja in one hit before it can move.


The only moves it's vulnerable to is Super Effective ones.

It could show a big threat, though i've never seen it in OU

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