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A Dawn and a Twilight:A Compass3-rp


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Well. Other people make rps, why can't I?


[spoiler=PLOT] You are one of the most gifted children in the world. You are invited to attend a special school calling itself "Dawn and Twilight." When you arrive, the whole building is a ghost town. Nothing but you, and however else shows up. However, when you pick rooms to sleep in, a large red button is in each. Will you push it? Yes. When you do, you simply fall asleep. During this nap, you are given a single power. Just one. One that fits what you do in life, what makes you good, what makes you evil. What makes you Dawn, and what makes you Twilight.



[spoiler=STUFF YOU NEED TO KNOW] When you wake up, you divide into two bands, Dawn and Twilight. Twilight is generally evil, and Dawn is generally good. Please, Please avoid having a power too strong, I'd hate to deny apps. So, welcome to my first rp, and I hope it will be a good one!



[spoiler=forbidden powers]

I'm not going to make a big long list, but onipotence is out, (The abilty to be everywhere at the same time.) and "Manipulating the elements" is not fair either. Pick one. Anyway, most people should know what goes here.





Apperance: (Please put picture so I am able to see it.)

Talent: (Can be school-related, and be non-school related. Why do you think you got accepted into Dawn and Twilight?)


Personality: (Talent and Personality go hand-in-hand. THey should make up your power.)


Band: (Twilight or Dawn?)




My app is comeing soon. For now, just post your apps if you wish to join, and...thank you so much!

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Btw you forgot age.


Name: Kristan Clement(commonly known as kris)

Age: 16

Apperance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime%20boy/BlackRoseMii/Anime%20images/Anime%20Boys/anime_boy.jpg

Talent: Quick thinking and is a fast runner. He knows three types of martial arts.

EDIT: Bio: Kris was an orphan at 3. He never knew his parents but was found with a note with his name on. When he was ten the orphanage mysteriously disappeared and since Kris was the only survivor he is the main suspect. He was living on the streets as a criminal for a while and is very respected. He is currently trying to settle a 'Debt' with a Rat called bob who snitched on him to the cops.

Personality: Quickthinking, fast learner. Is very friendly but can be dark and dangerous to anyone who gets on his bad side.

Power: Agility(basically extremely fast and agile)

Band: Dawn

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Name:Zane Kuro

Apperance: (Please put picture so I am able to see it.)



Talent: (Can be school-related, and be non-school related. Why do you think you got accepted into Dawn and Twilight?)able to plan ahead in a special way (as in a good 10-20 steps ahead of you) able to think with extreme speed (although his thoghts often stray)

Bio:Alays an oucast from society Zane went to this school by accident as he was running away fom the orphanage butwhen he arrived at the school they took him in and discovered his uniqe mind.

Personality:usually calm, used to being alone, shows no emotion if he can although if he does show emotion thy are very vivid (as in if he is angry he will start yelling, sad he will cry for a long time loudly) but his emotions are very under control so this is unlikely to happen (Talent and Personality go hand-in-hand. THey should make up your power.)

Power:Able to move and change the form/temperature of water extremely fast (basically an aquamancer

Band: (Twilight or Dawn?)Twilight

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