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YCM-kun, this is something you need to read.


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PR is good for many things. Especially getting better and learning. But I also found out that it's good for learning, and not nessecarily at GFX'ing. This time it's at CnC'ing.


So, YCM-kun, please take your time and read this. I don't know if you need an account to read it, I hope not, because I really want you to read this.




And don't post any tl;dr comments, it will help you become more respected in Showcase. Heck, you might even learn something from it in a GFX point of view, from reading the CnC he posted as examples. Yes, you can learn stuff by reading others CnC on other peoples tags.


I am tired of people here just posting "Hey, nice sig" (It's called a tag. A TAG.) Does it help the user? No. Therefore, read this, and learn something.


Now go YCM-kun, read it and learn.


PS: I know this goes in Tutorials, but next to no people visit there, and they only search for specific threads. Here, more people will read it, ergo it becomes more helpful.




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Wow, +1 to JG. I think you've given Icy and I less to do. This ultimately what's wrong with this section, too much "i dont like it" (or the opposite, that we see a lot more frequently "I LOVE IT!!"). This guide shows you all something that you simply aren't doing, and you need to start doing. Sure, posting "i like it" is fine, but you guys don't do it properly. State a few reasons why you like it, otherwise you're just spamming and being a fanboy. If you think a tag needs work, give it real CnC. If you aren't that great and don't want to, then just state a few things that you think is wrong with it and say that's your opinon.


Really YCM, it's not that hard to understand.

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This is nudging me into the direction of critiquing sigs again. Also' date=' I note you only scanned it. :o



I said I'd read it later today(yesterday). I read it like 5 seconds after I'd posted that comment ;D And thanks Icy.

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