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Screw the Rules I have Kuribohs'!


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Kuriboh needs an archetype I'm not kidding they fail awfully. the official Kuriboh Archetype!


[spoiler=Teh Kuribohs!]


Kuriboh Blader/EARTH/Level 2/Fiend/Effect/800 ATK/400 DEF

Lore: When a Monster is declared as an attack you can remove this card from play to increase the ATK of the target monster equal to the ATK of the attacking monster. During your End Phase you can remove from play 1 other "Kuriboh" Monster in your Graveyard to return this card to your Graveyard.


Kuriboh Monk/LIGHT/Level 1/Spellcaster/Tuner/100 ATK/1000 DEF

Lore: You can discard 1 "Kuriboh" Monster from your hand to the Graveyard to Special Summon 1 "Kuriboh" Monster from your Deck. This monster can only be used for the Synchro Summon of a "Kuriboh" Monster.




Kuriboh Helm/Spell/Equip

Lore: Equip this to a face-up "Kuriboh" Monster you control. The equipped monster cannot be destroyed by battle. If this is equipped to a "Kuriboh Knight" increase the ATK of the equipped monster by 1000.


Kuriboh Land/Spell/Field

Lore: When a Monster is sent to the Graveyard place 1 Kuriboh Counter on this card. All "Kuriboh" Monsters you control gain 200 ATK for every Kuriboh Counter on this card. You can discard a "Kuriboh" Monster from your hand to Special Summon 1 "Kuriboh" Monster from your Deck.





Kuriboh Bomb/Trap/Normal

Lore: Tribute 2 face-up "Kuriboh" Monsters you control, destroy every card on the field.



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