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Dark Justice vs Aequitas

Twin Seed

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Start Date: January 3rd, EST

End Date: Januarty 9th, EST



1) No spamming

2) No flaming

3) All votes must be legitamite(sp)

4) No pointing out errors

5) No outside help(card edits must be made yourself, no OCG help from anybody)

6) No biased votes please



Make a monster with a long and unique effect.


There are no rewards, this is just for fun.



[spoiler=Dark Justice] 451108d.jpg

This card cannot be Special Summoned. When this card is Normal Summoned succesfully, draw 1 card and remove from play the bottom card of your deck. If the card removed from play is a Monster Card, remove from play the top card of your Graveyard. If the card is a Monster Card, randomly select and remove from play 2 cards in your hand. If both cards are Monster Cards, destroy all cards on the field. You gain Life Points equal to the number of cards in your Graveyard and removed from play x300. During each of your Battle Phases, after the Damage Step, place 1 Phantom Counter on this card(max 3). When this card has 3 Phantom Counters on it, you can remove this card from play to Special Summon 1 monster from your Extra Deck, ignoring the summoning conditions. During each of your End Phases, you can place 1 Spirit Leaf Counter on this card(max 3). You can remove 3 Spirit Leaf Counters from this card to Special Summon 1 Level 5 or lower monster in your Graveyard, ignroring the summoning conditions. This card can only have 1 type of counter on it at a time.


[spoiler=Aequitas] Image from Father Wolf


This card is treated as a Continuous Spell Card. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, all Tuner monsters are treated as Level 1 monsters. Anytime a Tuner monster is sent to the Graveyard, increase the Level of all Tuner monsters on the field by 1. Once per turn, you can select 1 Tuner monster from either player's Graveyard and place it on the top of their Graveyard, face-down. A player with a face-down card on top of their Graveyard cannot Synchro Summon and when a Tuner monster they control would be sent to the Graveyard, remove it from play instead. This card is unaffected by Trap Cards. If this card is sent to the Graveyard, remove it from play instead.



Dark Justice:

Aequitas: 3

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No Rewards?

No rewards. It's just for fun.


Might wanna state that.

I did.


Dark Justice' date=' perhaps we should change the end date. This thread is getting bumped down quickly, and with school starting, it may not survive 7 days.


It's ok, we'll just see who has the most on the 9th.

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