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First 5 Dracoknights


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These are prototypes to a Set. Please rate them as if they are just regular cards though.


|Swift Dracoknight/EARTH



|Whenever a Trap-Card is activated you can increase or decrease this card's ATK and DEF by 100 until the Trap's Effect resolves.

|1500 ATK / 1500 DEF


|Armored Dracoknight/EARTH



|When this card is attacked by a Non Machine-Type monster, increase this card's DEF by 1000 until the end of damage calculation.. If this card attacks a Machine-Type monster increase this card's ATK by 600 until the end of damage calculation.

|1550 ATK / 1700 DEF


|Anti-Magic Dracoknight/DARK



|Only 1 "Anti-Magic Dracoknight" can be face-up on your side of the field. All Spellcaster-Type monsters are instantly destroyed in battle (Damage Calculation is ignored)

|0 ATK / 1200 DEF


|Warp Dracoknight/WIND



|Whenever a Spell or Trap card is activated, this card is treated as being in it's controller's Out of Play Zone.

|2200 ATK / 1100 DEF


|Dracoknight Uplink


|The effects of all face-up Dracoknight cards can be activated on another Dracoknight card if other conditions are met.

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