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Noise Wizard -EARTH-



You can Tribute 1 "Noise" monster, except "Noise Wizard" to Special Summon this card from your hand. If this card is Special Summoned in this way, this card's Attribute is treated as DARK, and this card's origional ATK becomes 2300.

1400ATK / 1600DEF


Retro Noise -FIRE-



You can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard by removing 4 Speed Counters off of a "Speed World" you control.

0ATK / 1500DEF


Power Noise -FIRE-



You can discard this card to increase the level of 1 "Noise" monster by up to 2. Also, Increase your Speed Counters by 1.

900ATK / 0DEF


Blockade Noise -FIRE-



Increase the ATK of this card by 200 for each Speed Counter on your "Speed World".

1100ATK / 500DEF


Flight Noise -FIRE-



If the effect of a "Speed Spell" Spell card is activated, you can Tribute this card to increase your Speed Counters by 3.



Phantom Noise -FIRE-



Once per turn, you can Remove Speed Counters off of a "Speed World" you control, equal to the level of a face-up monster on the field. Until the End Phase of this turn, gain control of the selected monster.

500ATK / 500DEF


Violent Noise -FIRE-



If there are any "Noise" monsters in your Graveyard, this card gains 300ATK. If this card destroys a monster by battle, increase your Speed Counters by 2.

1800ATK / 1100DEF


Massive Noise -FIRE-



Each time a "Noise" monster is Summoned, increase your Speed Counters by 1. If a "Noise" monster is destroyed as a result of battle, increase your Speed Counters by 1.

1000ATK / 1000DEF


Crimson Noise Dragon -FIRE-



1 "Noise" Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monster(s).

This card cannot be Special Summoned, except by a Synchro Summon. Once per turn, if you activate the effect of a "Speed Spell", you do not have to remove Speed Counters off of a "Speed World" you control. If the Opponent activates the effect of a Spell, Trap, or Monster effect, you can remove 3 Speed Counters off of a "Speed World" you control to negate the activation and effect of that card and destroy it.

3800ATK / 3000DEF


Crimson Jammer -Speed Spell-

You can only activate this card if both players have at least 3 Speed Counters. Remove 3 Speed Counters from all "Speed World"s on the field.


Crimson Release -Speed Spell-

You can only activate this card, if you have 3 or more Speed Counters, and you control a "Noise" monster. Remove any number of Speed Counters off of a "Speed World" you control, and draw 1 card for every 2 Speed Counters you removed.


^Dont worry, its not an auto-Exodia with Crimson Noise Dragon^


Noise Shuffle -Quick-Play Speed Spell-

You can only activate this card during the Battle Phase, and only if you control at least 1 "Noise" monster. Select up to 2 monsters on the field, and switch them to defence position. You can then Tribute 1 "Noise" monster to increase your Speed Counters by 2.


Static Noise -Trap-

If the Opponent declares an attack agenst a "Noise" monster you control, negate the attack and increase your Speed Counters by 1.


Noise Return -Counter Trap-

You can only chain this card to a Spell or Trap card, and only if you control a "Noise" monster. Remove 1 Speed Counter off of a "Speed World" you control to negate the activation and effect of the Spell or Trap card that this card is chained to, and destroy it. The Opponent takes 500 points of damage.


Crystal Noise -Continuous Trap-

Each time a "Noise" monster battles an Opponent's monster, place 1 Crimson Counter on this card. You can send this card to the Graveyard with 8 or more Crimson Counters on it to Special Summon 1 "Noise" monster from your deck. You can increase the level of the monster that was Special Summoned by this effect, by up to 8. If this card is removed from the field, Remove it from play, and you take 800 points of damage.


Turbo Noise -Trap-

You can only activate this card in responce to a "Speed Spell" Spell Card, and only if you control a "Noise" monster. Increase your Speed Counters by 3.


Noise Control -Trap-

Tribute 1 "Noise" monster to activate. Increase your Speed Counters by the level of the Tributed monster.

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Or maybe add an effect where when it is destroyed' date=' Special Summon a "Ace Noise Token" and a "Joker Noise Token"?[/quote']

Non-"Noise" Tokens seem a little redundant IMO


P.S. I played Ryuusei 3' date=' too. Black End Galaxy FTW... except when against Sirius, Red Gaia is better.


My guess, you played the Japanese version.

*has the American one*


They should have given Black Ace more abilitys, then simply giving him Float Shoe :/

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