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Wander Works presents : A Light?


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Guest JoshIcy



as if i didn't hate you enough' date=' you suck icy, get a life



Im sorry, what did I do to you? And if you're referring to my comment. Ive told Wanderely many times, that if he has a problem with me or how I say things. To PM me, so we can talk it face to face, person to person.

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as if i didn't hate you enough' date=' you suck icy, get a life



Im sorry, what did I do to you? And if you're referring to my comment. Ive told Wanderely many times, that if he has a problem with me or how I say things. To PM me, so we can talk it face to face, person to person.


Don't think you can quite talk to face to face. ;)


But yeah, I agree with Icy. Don't tell someone that you've never spoken to that you hate them, or insult them (get a life? :?) because of it without knowing them first.

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