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Thru the Valley of the Shadow of Death (Adventure RP)(Not Accepting)(Started)


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Kaizen nodded. "That's good, because i don't feel like fighting, so it'll just be you against them." he explained.Kaizen looked around the corner to see one of the monsters, giving orders to the others, almost like the leade. "You think that one's the leader? I reckon you will do just fine." He sat down against the wall and let Ninjew do the scouting. After all, he looks like a ninja, so he'll probably do best at scouting. "Need me to teleport to the tree behind them?" asked Kaizen.

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"Shh," Ninjew hushed Kaizen. Whether it was the constant talking or just because he was trying to listen to them, he didn't want any noise. "No the leader would have more power and he would be in much more of a commanding way. This is simply a smaller underling group," he stated quietly. He nudged Kaizen to get up and continue moving. "We'll wait in the forest just outside the town for the others. Then we will attack," he said in a whisper.

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"Alright," said Kaizen as he stood up. He followed Ninjew quietly sneaking through the town yet again. As Kaizen walked, he looked around, he was shocked at the damage the monsters had done. Soon, they had made it out of the town, and Kaizen leaned against a tree while they reste and waited for the others to come. "Now i know how useful my teleportation is" said Kaizen.

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"Whew," Tiberius says when he saw Ninjew and Kaizen standing there in the dege of the forest. "You guys move fast. I couldn't keep up. What does the town look like? Have you been inside?" Tiberius was worried that no one from this town had survived. This town had all was helped him when he needed him most. It was time he returned the favor. "What's the status report?" Tiberius asked looking at Ninjew.

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OOC: This will be my last post for tonight.


IC: "Its not too good," he stated. He looked back towards the town. "I've spotted at least 1 small group of monsters. It was probably a scouting crew that ravaged through the town. Then another crew, larger then the first must have come through for the destruction and burning. I don't think Ignis is here however, this is a much too small of a town for him to be in. Besides that a few simple monsters should be easy to take out," he stated.

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"Alright, thanks for the report," Tiberius says. "We'll wait for the others. Then we shall make our move. Meanwhile, I'm going to check on something in the city. I'll be right back." With that Tiberius ran into the city. The city was torn up. Tiberius stayed against the walls so no one would see him. Tiberius looked around and ran to a blueish white building. There he went down to the cellar. There were about 20-30 people here. Tiberius put his fingers to his lips to tell the people to remain quiet and follow him. He ran out first and checked for the all clear. Tiberius led the 30 people out of harms way and towards the forest where Ninjew and Kaizen were stationed. When he got there, Tiberius told the people to hide in Eddie's town and stay there until Tiberius came back.

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Hey, people. I know it's late, but i like the idea of this RP and I would like to join. It dose say accepting:mrgreen::


Name: ?/'Carnage'

Age: 17

Male or Female?: Male

Appearance(If no Pic, a Full description. If Pic Spoiler): Has a skalf-like thing around face, covering nose and mouth. Has normal looking eyes, except they have red circles around the pupils. Has a bandana around head which is plain black with a red line that looks like fresh blood going around it. Has pointy grey hair. Clothing wise, he has a long sleved t-shirt ripped at the elbows down, has a combat like vest and gloves with finger holes and metal lumps on the knucles. has kakhi trousers and combat boots.

Power(No God-like abilities. Be specific when describing):

From the elbows down he can turn into metle. From theat he can fashion weapons, claws, spikes, fire shards ect.

Bio(Needs to be 4 sentences): As a child he had a lonly life, outcast by his powers. But then, after killing his first person, he changed. from a level headed outcast to a feared mercinary. After meeting ignus, he was hired to hunt down a group of warriors that were causing him trouble. But, as he does this, he secretly plans his demise so he can become a normal mercinary again. Deamons and stuff was to much for him.

Personality(Needs to be 3 sentences): Merciless. That is a word commonly conected to him. Scince he has no name that he can remember, he calls himself 'Carnage'. He is also skilled at hunting and hiding in trees...

Rp Sample(Needs to be 5 sentences): 'WHERE ARE THEY!' Carnage belowed at the helpless man. Lying next to the man as his friend, decapitated and impaled with metal shards. 'They went that way...' the man said pointing. Before he could finish his sentece his trought was impaled by the spikes Carnage had let come out of his hands. 'Good work' Carnage said.

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OOC: Okay, Your power isn't really good. I'd change it so that you have metal instead of crystal because it breaks easier. No glowing orbs either. that's too many powers and would be god-modding.

Second, No evil characters, well no permantly evil characters. The reason being is that all evil characters will die at some point. You need to be a good character.

So all in all, The app is good. but I can't accept you until you change you app. PM me when you do. Then you can be in.

Also, note that you don't post the scene when you apply. you wait till the person accepts you.


Tiberius looked at his fellow comrades waiting for the others to arrive. "Hey mapmaker," Tiberius called to the one person in the town as a mapmaker. The mapmaker came forward. "I need your help. Do you happen to have any maps with you of the town?" When the mapmaker replied yes, Tiberius grinned. "Great, pass me the best map." After the Mapmaker handed over the map, Tiberius took out a pen from his pack and began to draw on the map. 'This is the perfect enter strategy.' Tiberius thought as he waited for the others to come.

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Kaizen teleported up to Tiberius. "So, what's the plan? Woah,this place is so big, never knew!" Kaizen looked up at Tiberius who seemed content with what he has in mind. "Actually, don't worry. You can explain it to all of us when hey get here, unless it's really annoying to remember and i'll need time." asked Kaizen. Kaizen sat down and started staring at the sky. He could imagine the clouds in funny shapes. Kaizen laughed to himself.

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Ninjew watched as Tiberius brought the people back. 'So the people went into hiding from the monsters. how lucky of them,' he thought. Then he walked over to Tiberius as he opened the map up. "This is a nice size town. I've seen bigger though. I've also seen smaller," he stated. He looked towards the town and gathered references. "Ok I believe we are here," he said pointing to a side of the town. He then drew a pathway through the town in his head as he waited for Tiberius to make his pathway.

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"Correct," Tiberius says with a smile. "We are on the west side of town. I saw enemy checkpoints here." Tiberius then points towards the the towns bake shop. "And there is a checkpoint here." Tiberius then points to the bell tower. "If my guess is correct, Then the smartest thing to do is to attack in groups. That way, they will never know what hit them. And they will think an army has been sent, which will not only give us an element of surprise, but the edge over the fight as well."

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The first thing that went through Sharon's head as she listened to Tiberius' plan was that the group should strike at Ignis' base since some of his forces are out in towns. The second thing she thought was that they should free this town from his grip to raise morale, and to hopefully inspire others to fight back.


"So we're attacking in groups?" Sharon said, looking in the map. She summoned her dagger and held it at her side. "I don't know how useful I'll be, but I'm in." Indeed, someone from Ignis' army here may recognize Necra's body, but she doesn't care about that. The tattoo on her back was reacting to her resolve, trying to send pain throughout her body for trying to oppose Ignis. At this moment, though, that pain was little more than a tickle. These fiends were going down.

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"Well my thoughts were to simply go through the town as quickly as possible. Then head to Ignis and defeat him. This way we save our energy for a more worthy opponent. Then once we finish Ignis off, we come back to finish off his underlings. This would have been my route," he said. Ninjew pointed out his route, passing along through the blacksmith shop and the tavern towards the north east. "I figure that the less stopping and fighting we do the faster we can complete our journey. Also once Ignis is defeated, its possible his underlings would just seperate and leave anyway. This would help a lot in having to deal with them later instead of now," he proclaimed.

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Selene nodded. "I agree with Ninjew. It would be better to do the hard person first then to come back and kill his smaller minions. It also would be more wise; if Ignis heard that we were killing off all of his smaller minions then he would go to us and kill us at our weakest point. He would have the element of surprise and he would be able to catch us off guard." Selene pointed out. She smiled at all of them.

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"Hmmm," Tiberius said as he thought about the ramifications of both sides. On one hand, they were right. If they hit Ignis first, They would stab the heart of the problem instead of picking of people. On the Other hand, that leads so many things to chance. What if they got caught along the way? What is this was just his scouting party and his real army was surrounding his base at the other end of the continent? What would happen to the other people? Would doing this be the right thing?

"Guys I got to tell you," Tiberius said. "I like that plan. But there are so many wrong things that could happen. The one I'm most worried about is the innocents. Most innocents don't have powers. The ones that do are our age and younger. We can't leave them to die at the mercy of Ignis's forces. But I have to agree with you. This is the only way." At this thought Tiberius put's his head down and a tear rolls doewn his cheek. "But it will be a long journey to his headquarters. His base is on the opposite end of the continent. Plus I think each of us needs to get stronger, on the off chance we aren't now. Wait I got it!!! Spiritual Man Kong. He could help us." Tiberius stands up at the last bit.

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"Spiritual man Kong," Tiberius said. "You know, King of the Spirits. He is one of the strongest men on this earth. Well, he was. He trained me somewhat in my art. I had to leave because of this war. But I know he could give us a strong power boost. I know we will need it." Tiberius then looked at the questionable looks. "Look, I know we need to go straight to Ignis. But His home is on the way. He has barriers that keep the shadows out. He is wise and is very helpful. I say we head to his house first. Besides, like I said, It is a straight shot from there to the castle. Also he'll make us stronger. I actually was goin to stop there anyway. I needed to give him these back." When his finished his last sentence, he pointed to the bracelets on his arms and legs that looked latched on.

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"Alright, if he is on the way then lets go now. If we stay any longer we will be found," he said. He stood up and began to walk into town. He signaled everyone to follow as he began making his way through the town. From time to time he would stop as a group of mosnters passed by. Once they were gone, he continued on his route.

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"Alright, if he is on the way then lets go now. If we stay any longer we will be found," he said. He stood up and began to walk into town. He signaled everyone to follow as he began making his way through the town. From time to time he would stop as a group of mosnters passed by. Once they were gone, he continued on his route.

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"Alright, if he is on the way then lets go now. If we stay any longer we will be found," he said. He stood up and began to walk into town. He signaled everyone to follow as he began making his way through the town. From time to time he would stop as a group of mosnters passed by. Once they were gone, he continued on his route.

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OOC: I changed my app and LuffyLaxer acepted me throgh PM. I've read all the way through, so I know the story (kinda) and I know the five line rule.



"Why the hell did I sighn up to this?" Carnage thought to himself. Commoners and people that were alone were one thing, But these guys were another. He was told this would be hard by ignus. Oh how he cursed that name. '" "This will be your hardest task." he said"'. Under statement. The band grew larger, people came from the trees (luckely not the one he was hinding in). His position was nearly compromised when he made a small sound. Luckly, no one noticed him.

As soon as they went to the town, he was anoyed even more. "FLUNKEYS?" he thought. He hit the tree with his fist. "Why send me when his troops are getting in on the fun?". Sudenly it came to him. "He thinks I can't do it. Well, it will be better for me when I kill them with my metalic hands. Then I shall claim the money and kill him myself." He turned his hand to metal, made a shard and aimed when he saw that they weren't there. "Damn, I'm goig to have to move again." He looked around. "Oh for..." They were going through the town. He was at more danger of being caught because he had hardly any cover. Also, the monsters might spot him. He would probably be caught by the flying one as well, but he couldn't lose them. He came down from the tree and ran into the city. he would go under places with cover to help stop the one flying see him. He would also keep to the walls so the monsters couldn't get to him.

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((Is the edited app in the thread now?))


Sharon nodded. "So his house is here. Okay." At least there were some villagers that were okay. She sent a mental command to not attack any innocents or people going to fight Ignis to any Drones in the area. Ahh, I'm getting tired of this upkeep, she sighed to herself.


"I'll go this way," She said, bringing out her dagger. She headed in another direction than the others, while making sure she could still make it to Kong's place in time. As she walked there, the monsters nearby paid no attention to her, knowing better to attack one of their own. Who ranks higher than them to boot! I hope no one sees me doing this... she mumbled to herself.

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OOC: Yes, you can see it in the thread


'Hmm... That person's familier.' he said to himself. 'Though the first sign of madness is talking to one's self.' he reverted to thinking. "Well, stealth isn't her tactic. But how can.... oh" he knew. "God when ignus said there was someone on the inside going, he didn't tell me it was her. Might as well kill her while she's on here own then when she's with the other's." He slid down a side-path and to her location.

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