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Thru the Valley of the Shadow of Death (Adventure RP)(Not Accepting)(Started)


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OOC: My internet crashed yesterday. When I turned on the computer, it saidit had a masive problem that it had to recover from.




Yesterday: Carnage receved his power-up quite quickly, though it was long in his mind. He closed his eyes, and sudenly was in a cave. It was made of granite and was dripping with blood. He saw himself at the end of the cave, taunting him. 'Stop it.' he said, but the figure carried on. 'I said STOP IT!!!' he roared, before charging with his metal out. He smashed his hands into the other him's chest. But, there was a clang. he saw the other him had metal as well, but it was up to his shoulders and it was more...

'Oh god no.' he said. His dopleganger sudenly sprouted spines from his shoulders and his claws became tenticals of metal. Now he knew what it was. It was more organic. Suddenly the tenticals reached his mouth, before pouring themselfs into him. Before long, he had consumed his dopleganger, and saw himself glow. He then woke up , bowed and walked off.

(OOC: Now his power is more organic, can work faster. Also, his limbs can come back to him if they are cut off, and he can make small spider drones that work inderpendantly to him and do recon. Not that he cares. He still likes the claws.)


Night Time: He lay down on his back. Moving his head around, he looked at his hand. he made it metal, and made a statue of himself in it. Pulling of the statue, he looke at it. Sudenly, it started to convulse, rip itself apart. It looked at him, before melting and coming back to his hand. 'Wow, I was almost impressed' He than made another object, more like a gurken in shape with four lines down it. When he put it down next to himself, it split along the lines and became four bladed legs struting on limbs coming out of a small round body with fangs on the front and six eyes. It looked like a weird spider. It looked at Carnage, but didn't melt this time. instead it walked over to him, it's legs tapping on the floor, before crouching on the floor and falling asleep. 'That will come in handy.' Carnage said to himself, before going to sleep.

(OOC: These are those drones I mentioned. Cool, hugh?)


Morning: He woke up, drousy and tired. He saw the 'spider' and proded it. It woke up, looked at him, got up, and then walked to his pocket. When he saw it do this, he instantly jumped up. The spider mearly looked at the pocket, before walking out of the door. Carnage did the same. he saw the guys that were already awake. 'Morning.' he said placidly. He watched as the spider went to Selean. 'Don't crush it. I made it last night. It wasn't ment to last this long, or be inderpendent. Came from the boost.' He had no emotion in saying that.

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Derven looked around. He had not slept since he had collapsed. He had only slept for about half an hour in then but after he had woken up from his half-hour nap he just wandered over to the window and looked outside it. He never knew such peace. The moon was full and there were no clouds. It was raining whn he had got up but when everyone else had got up, thanks to the bossy selene, it had stopped. He shrugged his shoulders and went down to the small group for the battle plan. He wasn't hungry so he decided that he would skip breakfast.

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OOC: sorry, i was busy for a bit, what do ninjew and i do? does that mean no power-up for us? Or do we do it now? Wait, have you guys left?


IC: Kaizen woke up. He realised he had slept through the whole day and he missed out on the power up. He ran downstairs, skipping breakfast, and asked "Hey, Tiberius, can i get my pwoer-up now? i overslept, sorry". He realised he ran in and interrupted them in the middle of their battle plan. He decided to wait for them to finish their talk before recieving their answer. He sat down and ate his breakfast. If he misses his power up.... god knows what he could've done after it.

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((I hate time lags in RPs; you guys go too fast sometimes! Hopefully, this should catch Sharon up to speed. And Dew, I don't think the plan started yet.))


Both of Sharon's bodies entered the breakfast hall, which doubled for a planning room, apparently. She noted that everyone was already here eating, or waiting for something. She had the Necra body stay watch by the door; no need for both of them to be there when one would suffice. That, and she wasn't yet used to what Sharon called 'double voices', the fact that is Sharon and Necra were in the same area, she would hear things twice, sometimes overlapping. And with this being a planning session, she didn't want to miss any details.


The Sharon body pulled up a seat and sat down at the table. The breakfast looked normal enough, but she simply took an apple and bit into it. It was *delicious*. She could feel the apple merely dissolving while going down her throat equivalent, but the taste... it hasn't been like this since she first 'died'.


Kaizen entered the room in a hurry, apparently because he thought he was going to miss his powerup. Sharon laughed under her breath. She knew she wouldn't get a chance to relax like this again until after Ignis dies. Of course, he still needs the upgrade, though what makes him think Tiberius was the one that would give it to him?


"Hey Kaizen." The Sharon body called out. She still wasn't used to her old voice. "You'll want to see Master Kong." She hasn't seen him yet; though until now she wasn't particularly looking for him, either. "Hopefully we have time, though," she added.

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Carnage sat down. "No-one's interested in a small spider made of metal witch I have no control over. But, from the stuff they've seen, I bet it's praticaly normal." The spider thing walked over to him, it's feet still taping, and crouched down. As Carnage was eating, he looked to see the spider sleeping. 'Hmm, this spider could come in handdy when we try to infiltrate the base.' he said to himself, before carrying on with his food.

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Tiberius looks around the room as everyone sits down and enters it. Kong comes in and starts to fix everyone breakfast. Tiberius nods to everyone in the room and points to the circular table in the room. As everyone sits down, Tiberius pulls out the map of the continent. Tiberius looks up and down the table as evryone views the map with different expressions. Tiberius then goes over to Kong's military movement desk and grabs a couple of Icons. Tiberius puts them in the places. "The red ones represent us," Tiberius says. "The green ones represent the enemy. We are currently here, in Kong's fortress. Ignis' castle is a three day journey. between us and Ignis is around 400,000 soldiers, give or take 100,000. My plan of attack is simple. We'll need to use stealth for this mission. We shall walk straight towards the base. Ignis might be smart, but he overlooks the simple things. When we get to Ignis's castle, We shall split up into 3 seperate groups. Kaizen, Sharon and Necra, You shall take the south entrance here. You guys are my stealth team. Get in there quick. Carnage, Derven, and Ninjew, you guys take the northern entrance here. You guys are the powerhouse team, so i want you to hit it hard and fast. Me and Selene will take the west entrance, the window at the side of the castle here. we can open the doors so you guys can get in. Any questions?"

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He was about to say 'Yes. I'M THE MERCINARY WHO KNOWS THAT PLACE BECAUSE I WAS THERE FOR THREE DAYS WANDERING ABOUT AND HE WILL THINK THAT I'M ON HIS SIDE!' But he liked the idea of smashing. It was his thing. He looked over his shoulder at the little spider he had made. It was chewing a little peace of left-over food. "Why has it hung around for so long?" he thought to himself. "I should probably keep it. Like a pet or something."

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Anomaly listened to the battle plan intently, waiting to hear what he was supposed to do. He closed his eyes and sighed as Tiberius finished telling the plan. "I have a question. What do you want me to do?" Anomaly asked as he opened his eyes. He knew that Tiberius didn't mean to forget him. It was probably just because he had only recently joined them, and so it would be easy to forget that he was even apart of their team. Either way, Anomaly didn't care, as long as he was going to get something to do. He wanted to be apart of Ignis's destruction. He looked around at every piece on the board, wondering what he would be able to do. He could probably be apart of the power team, or even the stealth team. He most likely thought that he would be apart of Tiberiu's team since they only had two people.

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"I like the plan, except for the part that Anomaly is excluded." Selene concluded. "So where should Anomaly fit in? Are you good for stealth or powerhousing?"

She knew the immediate answer was going to be stealth, in her opinion. But she didn't know Anomaly entirely, he could be a strong build on the inside. She would just have to wait.

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"Actually, Anomaly is coming with us," Tiberius said. "I feel that he would be more of use with us than with any else. So everyone here is what we going to do. For the next 15 minutes, everyone is going to get food and supplies, just enough that you can carry. You know food, water, and other essentials. I want everyone to meet at the staircase in 15 minutes. Bring your A game Ladies in Gentlemen." Suddenly Master Kong walked into the room. Tiberius turned to him and smiled. "Thank you master." Tiberius then Bowed. Kong replied with a bow on his own.

Kong then said," Good luck on your journey my friends."

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Selene did a final simple kow-tow. "Thank you, kong, for your hospitality." she smiled at him then followed Tiberius, "I'm going to do a quick fly around the area and fill our canteens with water." she told Tiberius. She hovered off. "Kay?"

She drew her canteen and was already scanning the area for the nearest stream.

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"Okay see ya in 15," Tiberius said with a grin. Now that he knew for sure that he was going to win, he had no fears or doubts. He didn't even have a slight hesitation in his mind. "I'm going to pack the bread and meat portions of are meals. Kong told me there is enough meat up here to last a century." Tiberius then went to work in the kitchen fixing up the meat and bread into parcels for all of the participants in this endeavor. Tiberius grabbed the Whole wheat bread, The deer and rabbit meat, and the Beef that was stored in the cold. Within ten minutes, Tiberius had everything fixed up. Tiberius had put them in his bag and went to the stairs to wait for the others.

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Selene zoomed around with all of the canteens of all of their teams' on her shoulders. She submerged herself entirely in a stream just for fun and when she emerged she was sopping wet but all of the canteens were full. She laughed and zoomed back, still dripping. Flying was made so easy now that her power had been boosted. She saw Tiberius on the stairs and flew back down, still dripping wet.

"Fell into the stream," she muttered a little bashfully.

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Tiberius just looked like he had seen god himself. Tiberius was just staring. The water glistened off Selene's hair like a Supermodel. Tiberius whole face turned red so fast that he thought his head was going to exploded. *Keep it cool Tiberius,* Tiberius thought to himself. *You'll be no use to anyone if your head explodes.* Tiberius shook his head of the cobwebs and said," Have I ever told you that you're beautiful?"

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Selene grinned. "You're the first." she said. She unslung his wet canteen and handed it to him. "You're not that bad looking yourself." she winked at him then sat back and waited for the rest of the team to show up.

"To tell you the truth I'm more of a stealthy person, not really a powerhouse person, so I'm glad you put me not on the powerhouse team." she said,changing the subject.

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Tiberius again shook the cobwebs out of his head to listen to what she had to say. "Yeah, all we have to do is locate where the throne room and open the doors for the two teams. It is the attack strategy know as delta. Attacking from three places at once. I'm actually glad I came up with this instead of doing what I usually do and wing it from the get go. I'm good when I think on my feet, but even better when I think about it beforehand."

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North, Ok. Powerhouse. Well doesn't really matter I am stealthy and strong so Ok. Now, what should I do now? Derven thought. He looked around him. Everyone was busy and he was doing nothing, nothing at all. He just couldn't think of anything. He was going to collect meat but Tibirius and Selene were talking in there so he thought he'd better not intrude. He had decided on one thing but there was no point. It was scouting to see if there were ignus' men on the way but the barriers would protect them. He walked to the window and sighed. He'd never been of much use as everyone ran away scared when he transformed. He sighed again.

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Anomaly didn't actually know what he should do when Selene asked him. He could be a little of both. When Tiberius had said that he was going with them, that made him stop worrying. He could be both the powerhouse and the stealth person for their team since he could create animals and clones to scout ahead for any guards before they got to the throne room to let the others in. Anomaly then stood up, heading off to go do something. He wasn't sure what he could do though. "Thank you as well for the hospitality Kong." Anomaly said. He walked out of the room, going to go look for a tent or something that they could use to camp in since it was a three day trip to Ignis's castle. "Hey Kong, do you have any tents or something that we could camp out in?" Anomaly asked him.

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"I'm on the stealth team?" the Sharon body asked, looking over the plan. She assumed that Tiberius wanted the sneakier group to head in the front to allow the others an easier time through. "So I'm a distraction? I can deal with that. Though you all probably want to watch out for traps. There was one that almost cut me in half the last time I was there." she continued, still glossing over the map. While she wasn't sure if that trap was still active, or if there was different ones now, she thought it best to warn everyone.


Sharon felt no pressure for the upcoming battle, even though pretty much the whole beginning relied on Kaizen and herself. The Necra body walked up besides Kaizen, and put her hand on his shoulder. "We probably have the hardest job." She smirked at him. "Ready for it?"


The Sharon body continued to scour the map, and placed her finger halfway between Kong's place and Ignus' domain, where a small amount of enemies were at. "Think we can strike here, first? A quick attack to throw some of Ignis' troops into disarray, and if we get away quick enough, we can draw a few troops from the castle out, and make it easier for us while they are looking for a nonexistent threat." Sharon placed her hand on her chin, in thought. "Not sure how we can escape undetected though... forget I said anything." She added, dismissing the idea.

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Selene watched them. "Tents would be a hold down." she said. "Slow us down, weigh us down, however you put it. There's no point anyways, I'm sure most of us have had our share of sleeping outside with no tent." she said.

"If it's a problem then we can take tents, but don't say I never warned you. I've had experiences with those things."

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"She's right!" Derven shouted. He turned around. "As usual she knows everything but she's still right. Tents cause lag which could turn a three day journey into a week long journey. You can take one but Ignus will be dead before you get there." He walked to the door. "I'm going out for a bit. Someone come get me when we'ren going." And he was gone, already transformed and gliding through the air like a giant eagle.

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Selene smiled to herself. Derven could be as much of a showoff as he was wise. She turned to them quickly and almost splattered them all with icy water.

"Shoot. Forgot I'm wet." she laughed a little and flew over to her small bag and pulled out a small piece of cloth and wiped herself off.

She smiled at them and flew back with her pack slung over her shoulder. "Anything else we need to plan?"

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OOC: Sorry, I put Kris It's derven. I like Kris better but He was my original character that quit.


IC: Derven was flying in clouds, dodging birds. He looked like an eagle or hawk from the ground. He was bored up here though so he folded his giant bat-like wings in and plummeted to the ground. He felt adrenaline rushing through his body and just before he plunged into the ground he opened his giant wings and flew back up. Brilliant, I haven't felt this alive for ages. He thought, being unable to speak.

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"Alright." Anomaly said after he had heard their points. They were right after all. A tent would slow them down. "Sorry to bother you Kong." he said as he turned away. He then walked over to Sharon who was still looking at the map. "I like that idea. I even have a solution to your problem. Why don't I make clones and have them take out the troops? Then while they're doing that, we will be on our way to the castle already. That'd help us to be in two places at once and we wouldn't have to need to get away quickly. The clones will just disappear as soon as their job is done." Anomaly said to her. "Do you like that idea Tiberius?" Anomaly asked as he looked up from the map to stare into Tiberius's face. It was a good idea. Anomaly just hoped that Tiberius liked it as well.

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Selene laughed again and decided to join him in the sky. She flew up high and then found the form of an eagle flying back up from the ground. "Mind if I join you?" she shout-asked over the rush of the wind. She was fully dry now, thanks to the sun and the wind and the towel she kept with her.

She looked back at the ground and at Tiberius.

"Never mind..." she muttered and zoomed back down at the ground. "Change of mind." she said to the rest of them.

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