LuffyLaxer Posted January 20, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 "No," Tiberius said stopping the two from advancing any further. "We need to take care of Ignis first. Underhill was where we just were remember? Before we went to Kong's. Let us go onward towards our target. If we do this, We will be revealing ourselves to the enemy. We need to kill Ignis now. What happens when other soldiers see us? They will report us to Ignis. Ignis will then send hordes out to kill us. By then it will be to late to stop him. He will have gained to much territory and power for us to stop him." Tiberius looked at the others. " We need to move forward." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dragonofdarkness101 Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 "Yes then." Selene agreed then gave Tiberius a quick peck and then walked the other direction the men came. "Let's go then."They started to walk. Selene flew above but not too far high, only about a head higher than Tiberius's height."Oh, and if anyone gets thirsty, I have all of our water canteens on me." she said, suddenly remembering the extra weight she was carrying and what it was. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
namelessk Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 "Okay." Anomaly said. He continued walking, his hands in his pockets and his head down. He was thinking about his family. He had to make sure that he defeated Ignis so that he did not harm his mother and father who he had left behind to come on this quest. He just hoped that they were okay. He looked at Tiberius as he walked. He could sense the new intensity in him, especially in his commands. Tiberius had changed ever since he had saw the dead animals. Anomaly sort of understood why as well. He was pained by their deaths too. "Tiberius, were you close to some of these animals that were killed? I remember Kong saying something about you having made friends with a pack of wolves?" Anomaly asked him. He could sense his despair and so he wanted to help him cope with it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LuffyLaxer Posted January 20, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 "I have made friends friends with the wolf packs all over the Continent," Tiberius said. "Believe it or not, they have their own community and have meetings just like we do. Sure there is like a head meeting they have with the wolves from every tribe. I was at most of there meetings. Sure at first, all you hear are growls and howls and snorts and barking. But after awhile, you begin to understand what they are saying." Tiberius began to tear in his right eye. "This was the Red Foot Tribe. You can tell by their feet. Red paws. Their Leader, Scar, is over there. He helped me when I was five. I've never forget him. Or any of them. Ignis," Tiberius says while his eyes glint with fire and his body starts to radiate heat. "Will pay, with his life." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
encapturer Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 Sharon and Necra both nodded in response to Tiberius. The season she couldn't think up any other plans, after all, was that she couldn't find out how to draw Ignis' attention from the castle. On top of that, Necra could probably no longer be detected by Ignis, the tattoo was gone, and thus, she has no contact with him, even if that method was rather indirect. Whether he assumed Necra fully betrayed him or was discovered and killed... he would probably be on guard. Sharon remembered when they passed through that town on the way to Master Kong's place. It was teeming with monsters. The civilians were already evacuated, so he's probably mounting an assault, using the town as a forward base. With luck, he will already had committed his troops there, leaving a skeleton defense where he is stationed. Both of Sharon's bodies moved out of the foilage, continuing the trek to the castle. The Necra body kept the blade out as they continued, ready to make short work of any creature they cannot hide from. She started to jog and sped up a bit to move to the front of the line, moving next to Tiberius. "Hey," the Necra body spoke to Tiberius, while moving a tree branch out of the way so she can pass by. "Know of any safe places to camp? This path might be dangerous if Ignis' forces are traveling down it." She kept jogging through the forest as she spoke, though she matched Tiberius' pace. The Sharon body kept glancing behind the group to make sure they weren't being followed. They were a large group, so if they weren't careful the would be detected. Fortunately for now, she didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dragonofdarkness101 Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 "We cant camp now!" Selene exclaimed. "We have to go down this path. But it would be nice to travel off-trail, just in case we meet any unfriendly people." she said. She smiled at all of them. "let's go over here..." She flew over some underbrush and emerged in the tree filled area."Let's travel by this path from now on." she decided. "if that's okay with you, Tiberius." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
encapturer Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 "Well I didn't mean *now*..." The Necra body replied, sighing. Though the passage Selene found seemed to not have been traveled on recently, which was a very good thing. "I agree with Selene here. If we stay out of Ignis sight, we very well may be out of his mind," Necra added. "Until it is too late, of course, hahaha." She lunged forward with her blade while laughing to herself, before unsummoning it. She didn't stop jogging, though. The change of pace was enjoyable. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dragonofdarkness101 Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 Selene turned to Tiberius. "You're basically the leader so you should be making the decisions. But I really think it would be better judgement to go off path." she said.She continued on off path but next to the path if Tiberius changed his mind and waited for his decision as they kept moving.Hey, it wouldn't do to waste time arguing about what to do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LuffyLaxer Posted January 20, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 Tiberius decided to look at both points of view. But his logic one out in the end. "I say we do go off the the beaten path," Tiberius says. "But we need to stay on target." Tiberius looks up at at the sun. It was midday. "We need to get going." Tiberius then goes over to Scar's body. "My friend. You did not die in vain. I will not let it be so." Tiberius's body began to swirl with intense heat. "Ignis mark my words, you will die." Tiberius body begins to heat up in a swirling wind. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dragonofdarkness101 Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 Selene nodded. She was proud of her boyfriend's spirit and bravery. "let's go then," she got off to the off-trail road and then began her way down with Tiberius as he finished his funeral rites for Scar. "I'm really sorry about your wolf companion and Ignis WILL PAY!" she said.They walked down the path. Selene flew but not as high again, maybe a head above Tiberius's height. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ireallydothedew Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 Kaizen teleported next to Necra. "Phew, caught up. So, i heard your my partner, or partners, is that right?" He started walking next to them. "Can you fill me up on the latest info?" As he asked, he rememberd his power boost. "Hey guys, after the power boost, i can store inanimate objcts into another dimension, so if we can make a camp and restock onour supplies i can carry spares." He noticed it wa only Necra. He looked around and saw Sharon lingering behind. "You sure she's fine?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
encapturer Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 "Yeah, just checking for anyone who might sneak up on us," the Necra body explained to Kaizen. "I'll, uh, she'll.. uh... keep up. Sorry, I still confuse myself when I speak." She stopped jogging and started walking again, holding her head as if she had a headache. "Anyway, as far as I know, we're sneaking in through the front when we get there," Necra continued. "I think we're supposed to cause some distractions throughout the castle to make it easier for the others to infiltrate before we meet up." She lowered her hand and began walking normally again, making sure not to make any loud noises, while going as fast as she can. "We probably have the hardest job, haha." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brimtosis Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 OOC: Sorry about the delay. Had no time yester-day. IC:He was always ready. Carnage didn't respond to the question. He knew that this would be unwise, because of the sercomestances. He just kept on walking. He did not speak, at least for the first part. When the captains came past, he decided that he should keep his mouth shut. He knew who they were. They were the people who gave his instructions. From Ignus. That name sounded familier. Not just the enemy, but a deeper rememberance. He shook the thoughts fromhis head. He wasn't even convulsed by the animals. He had seen, more-over done, worse. Even on a large scale, he had no sympathy for them. They were just beasts in his mind. Even if they acted like humans, who he veiwed little better for their mindless destruction, they were still beasts. He was going to mention this, but after hearing the bond Tiberius had with this pack, which was pathetic in his mind, he kept his mouth shut. He overheard the conversation that Necra/Sharon was having with Kaziken. 'You think your job's hard, mines worse. I've got to go through all of his frontal defences and armies. You just need to be cunning and sneaky.' He wondered if this was why Tiberius gave him the job. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LuffyLaxer Posted January 20, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 Tiberius started to walk through the forest. *The quicker we get through this, The quicker we can see his end.* Tiberius thought as he walked through the forest. *It will also be sooner for me to have my revenge against him for the murder of the Wolf clans. That bastard. He will rue the day he messed with my friends and family.* Tiberius then remembered how he became friends with the wolves. How the wolves respected him and how the wolves raised him as there own. Tiberius and the group walked for around 5 miles. Tiberius took a drink from his canteen that Selene graciously filled. The Afternoon was turning to night. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
encapturer Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 The Necra body just shook her head and sighed, not giving Carnage a reply. He doesn't understand why the stealth team goes in first, Sharon thought to herself. And really, she didn't want to explain the fact that they have three people have to pretend to be a larger invading force to make everyone else's job easier. Although she thought this, the truth was that Tiberius didn't say anything like that in the plan, besides that the stealth team goes in first. Seeing that she played decoy for heists before, she just assumed what was obvious to her. As the day continued, the Sharon body continued to watch out for anyone trailing the group, but it seemed like everyone was doing a good job at staying concealed. Soon, night fell upon the group, at which point the Sharon body relaxed, and began walking normally with the others, so she wouldn't get separated. She caught up to Tiberius, because she wasn't familiar with this area, even though she worked for Ignis. If anyone would know, it would be the kid raised by wolves, after all. "How much further do you think we have?" she asked. The detour through the side path may have slowed them down... she just hoped it wasn't too much. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
namelessk Posted January 21, 2010 Report Share Posted January 21, 2010 Anomaly continued walking with the group, not listening to what most of them were saying because he was deep in thought. While he walked he was learning how to concentrate on his spiritual power. He soon fell into a deep meditation while he was walking, almost like a sleep walk. His powers were being saved, growing while he focused on them for the battle to come. Even though he was in meditation, he was still alert, and so he was able to switch paths when they switched paths. He suddenly snapped out of his meditation, no longer able to block out the noises. He looked around as if he had just woken up. "It's night already." he said as he sighed and looked around. He made sure to keep on walking with the group so that he didn't get lost. "Tiberius. I want you to know that I have your back. I will not let you down." Anomaly said, having just now responded to Tiberiu's earlier comments since he had been in a dreamlike state when they had been said and so couldn't reply then. He looked around at the area and then looked back to Tiberius. "This place will once again be peaceful once that monster is gone." Anomaly said, more to himself than to anyone else. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LuffyLaxer Posted January 21, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 21, 2010 Tiberius heard both Anomaly and Sharon responses and decided to answer them in order of which they spoke. "We should be there in another more days." Tiberius said turning to Sharon. " If we go in a straight line that is. If we go at a different angle, it will take longer, hence why we are going straight." Tiberius then turned to Anomaly. "Thank you for the support. We shall use my wolf friends cave for shelter. It's just about a five minute walk towards the stronghold. Let's go." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magnet Soldier Posted January 21, 2010 Report Share Posted January 21, 2010 Derven yawned. When he was flying he got unusually bored. He presumed it was lonelyness. Now and again selene would fly up but never as high as him. He would fly down but he was on lookout duty. He spotted the animal massacre first since when he saw the rest didnt react. He yawned again when he saw a castle come over the horizon. Tiburius was right. Three days walk. However, i could get there in an hour or two. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ireallydothedew Posted January 21, 2010 Report Share Posted January 21, 2010 "We have the hardest job, huh? that sucks, i was planning to relax a little." Kaizen sighed. When carnage overheard their conversation and butted in, he laughed to himself. Let's see him sneaking into the middle of the enemy's group. Hell get massacred from the quantity. He thought. When he heard that they were resting, he rejoiced. "Yay, resting time. Tiberius, do you have any supplies you need me to hold onto? If not, i don't mind sleeping once we get to the cave. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brimtosis Posted January 21, 2010 Report Share Posted January 21, 2010 Seeing the distain in Sharon/Necra's puff, and the fact she thught he had no idea about stealth, he pretended to be hurt, before conversing more. 'Well, I did manage to stay out of harms discovery for a while, only leting my gaurd down to attack. Besides, I should also be on the stealth team, because I've been in there. I think I saw ou once or twice, can't remember that well.' he then walked a bit back, and waited for a verbal onslaught. While he was waiting, he looked into the sky. It was black, with white pin holes of light where the stars were. Night. This was the time Carnage felt secure. This was because this was the time he wasn't safe at all. It was something in his phyce that made him beleve so. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LuffyLaxer Posted January 22, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 22, 2010 "Carnage, this is no time to argue about Assignments." Tiberius said turning around. "I gave you the assignment because I thought you could handle it. You look to be one of the strongest in the group. That is why I picked you. If you have any inquires, you take them up with me." Tiberius then entered the cave. "This place feels so abandoned without the wolves." Tiberius says more to himself than to anyone else. "I'll get firewood. You guys stay here." Tiberius then went into the woods and grabbed some Big branches. He returned to the cave and got a fire going. "We'll stay here for the night and then keep moving tomorrow." OOC: I won't be here till sunday. Make sure everything goes okay. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
namelessk Posted January 23, 2010 Report Share Posted January 23, 2010 "Your welcome." Anomaly said to Tiberius. He continued to walk with the group and then once again slipped into his meditative state. He walked along with them, but was a little slower and dragged behind a little. When Tiberius's voice echoed in his head he came out of the trance and looked around. They were now in a large dark cave and Anomaly wondered how they had gotten here. He then heard Tiberius say that he would get the firewood, and so Anomaly waited and watched for him to set up the fire. "Alright with me. Gives me more time to grow stronger. Well, tell me when it's my turn to keep watch." Anomaly said when Tiberius announced that they would now rest here for the night. He went to the back of the cave and then sat down and closed his eyes. He began focusing, slipping once again into his meditative stance to await when he was called. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brimtosis Posted January 23, 2010 Report Share Posted January 23, 2010 Carnage was displeased, but being called one of the strongest in the group was a good thing. He went and sat against one of the cave walls, and made one of his hands metal. He taped against the wall. He liked the sound it made, but he wasn't doing it fo fun. He picked up the metal spider-pod thing that was still in his pocket and put it down agaist the wall. 'Try tunneling through the wall.' he said quietly to it, so no-one woud notice. The spider looked at the wall, and then started taping on it with its front two legs. It sped up, and it didn't sound like tap-tap-tap anymore. it was tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. it made a hole, and then a masive dent. 'Stop.' Carnage said. It did so, and walked away to his hand. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magnet Soldier Posted January 23, 2010 Report Share Posted January 23, 2010 Derven looked down at the small group entering the cave. Jeez, Tiburius sure doesn't like night. It isn't that late. And he flew down lower. He then saw Tiburius leave the cave on his own. "Well, he knows what he's doing so I would bet he wont get caught. Hell, if he gets caught we're all doomed. No leader means no coordination." And derven flew down to the ground a few meters behind Tiburius, quietly so he would be heard. He transformed to his normal state. Strange. He's almost emotionless. Hopefully I've got this wrong. After all, I haven't sensed anyone's emotions for years. And he walked in the direction of the cave. He got there and jumped onto a rock. "Well, no Ignus troops nearby so I'd say thisis a good spot." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brimtosis Posted January 24, 2010 Report Share Posted January 24, 2010 "Depends on what you class an 'Ignus Troop'" Carnage thought. He was a mercinary who worked for Ignus (1). Sharon, while in normal form, was a stronger Ignus lacky (2). And Devern, who even under his kind heart, was one of Ignus' Creations (3). Top that off with the amount of russling in the bushes (17) and that thing in the sky that wasn't Devern's deamon form or Selean, made it 18. "If we're caught, I'll just abandon. That's a good plan." He then looked at the hole. He made a metal chunk to cover it and then smothered it with dirt to make it look part of the wall. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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