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So I left my car in the north park... [Carpark North]


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stop replying when no one is answering just be paitent


And you stop spamming please.xD

But it's alright, posts never existed.


Tbh I've never heard of them but that's probably because they're not advertised like hell.

I really liked Shall we be Grateful with the synth/Electro Rock-ish sounds. Probably won't listen to them all the time but it's good stuff.


(What does Basshunter have to do with this?0_o)

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XD Yeah I know who Basshunter is, he's one of my favourite solo artists.:3 And favourite Eurodance singer but the great Eurodance stuff usually comes from Scandinavia or Japan.<3


They have kinda different styles no? But yeah I'd say they're both good though I like Basshunter much more.xD


It's a bit sad that Scandinavian countries are just known for leaking out good Metal... Well no it's a good thing of course but people forget that they have great electronica too.:3



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