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=Icy= A couple of Scratched Sprites


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Guest JoshIcy

[align=center]Dark Magician



Chibi Axel




Yeah... DM isn't done, it's more a WIP. But Im not used to doing faces yet. So bear with me. And pending the dimensions and color restrictions, I may or may not add his staff.

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Ok since we talked on MSN about chibi Axel, I don't think I'll reiterate myself here. I will say though if you get time, you should go back and fix it up. Has potential and fixing past problems might help future works.


Now onto DM. Now I do realize it's WIP, but really that won't be changing how I'm going to C+C. Just going to point out mistakes and what should probably be fixed. In general it seems you have things off from the DM's appearance I think. From the DM I know of and am look at, his full arms are armored, are not covered with blue cloth. His hat is taller and more straight and pointy. Other various details like the swirly kneecaps, or the armored collar around the back of his head.


Mechanical flaws are present too. Things like his hat not being pointy. Your lining on it is very rigid. You go two pixel right, then two pixels down, then two pixel rights for example. Shaping like that is too sudden in shape, Things without proper form should really only have something like that. Strong metals though shouldn't.


The blue cloth having a purple outline is REALLY bothering me too.


The face I can understand having problems with. As a quick note, due to how it's being turned, it might just be simpler to only have one of his eyes showing. Hide the other on the other side of the face. If you do this though, you'll have to change up the shape of the face too.


Hair doesn't appear as it probable should. Kind of looks like a giant fluff curving around his head. DM has a more fine hair, that goes straight along the sides of his head, doesn't curve at the end like you have it.


So all in all, I'll stop point out where you have line problems. Work on proper shaping.


Now onto another common sprite problem, shading. In general you seem to lack it everywhere. I'm not sure if you haven't shaded it yet or what, but right now it doesn't look good.


If you're going for a standard Pokemon 16 palette and style, you need to add some. I see you have a lot of colors, but they aren't being used for shading, more so as details. I see you're trying to make rims along the legs and such, but it comes across as stripes, and not armor trip. It needs more depth, perhaps some outlining or using a different shade. Perhaps try the alternative style of DM that has the red trim. Would makes things simpler to do. Also turning it a much brighter shade with different hue can help.


The cloth shading I can see you have an idea what's it is suppose to look like, so you're mimicking probably how other robes are done. Sadly it isn't ever that simple. Your contrast of the dark shade is a bit much and too sudden. Placement feel random, as I said as if you're just mimicking the style. It's a tricky thing to do with clothes like that, and where to put the shadows and what not.


I'll lay off now. I've said plenty, and I think you get a lot of the ideas. Line straightness and smoothness needs work. Shading needs to be added. Also as I was C+C'ing this, I was actually kind of messing around with your sprite. Made a couple of the changes I mentioned, not all. This is also far from perfect or anything, just meant to be a little show of what direction you could take.



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Well I haven't seen one of your sprite topics since I've re-picked up the whole CnC thing. Also half the time your things aren't quite sprites as they are just tiny drawings with how you do them, so if I do get to doing some CnC for you, don't expect me be able to attack and correct much.

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