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Wow' date=' just looking at this, I can tell you have progressed quite a bit this past year. Some of the tags would be Low Novice, but others, I think you may be reaching into Mod territory, if not quite there yet.

But anyway, nice work, KIU.



yeah.. their all spread out, not really grouped in class (which i shoulda done) But yeah.. I've already reached mod. My new years resolution was to be inter by next year :D


Thanks guys

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Very nice work' date=' bud.

Glad to see the student has surpassed the teacher.

That's what happens when you keep working at it.

Good job man, I hope you keep getting better.



Glad to see you again man. You really gotta get on msn more.

And thanks bro


It's epic. Any chance you could make tutz?


for? o:

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Maybe 37 miles away' date=' but it looks like its more to do with the fact I can't smudge.


the abstract one under the emma watson one, and the very first one are both ones that interest me.



Theres a tutorial for the 37 miles away one, as it was made during the time where i liked to follow tutorials. I just went to fringefx and went to the thread and everything, but it looks like he's selling it now. Sorry bud.


The one under the emma watson one isn't abstract xD Theres a hunter from halo in it, so it was a gyft to punter.. er i mean hunter. But I could try making a tutorial for it... no prob yo


The first one has a psd to it on my deviant art page. Heres the link: http://siddiqiau00.deviantart.com/art/Robe-PSD-145941153


Happy to help yo

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