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Doctor Who: Children of Time [Started/Allways Accepting/PG-13]

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The prophet sighed a sigh of relief when the wandering stopped trying to kill him. "I am here because of a distress signal from a Judoon, the Judoon inside this factory. Which makes me wonder about something. This is 1995, and yet they have UNIT. Ithought that came to be in the late 2005, early 2006." The prophet said. He wondered about that. He was sure it was earth and sure it was 1995, and yet something felt odd. "Anyway, gotta dash. I got a Judoon to deal with." He said, running through the back door. He was inside a big empty hall in the factory, probably the packaging area. He knelt behind one of the few boxes as the Judoon came through a door on the other side of the hall, laser gun in hand.

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"Wait, Im going too..." He shouted. Following quickly behind. As he did the door slamed behind him and Echoed around the Building. The Judoon heard the slam and Turned around to see on the Upper platform Wandering.


"Suko, Luko, Nuro, Ko Ro!" It spoke, Drawing a Blaster from its Belt and Fires at him. Lucky For Wandering, It missed.


"Damm." He Shouted before starting running. He draws his Gun and from aswell the pocket some bullets and starts to Load his Revolver as he runs.

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Meanwhile, Shadow was trying to find out just what had brought him to Earth. "Maybe someone sent me a distress signal? No, im a loner. No one knows me. Maybe it was just Fate?" he said, sighing. Then a woman, about 23, dressed in normal everday clothes ran to Shadow and grabbed him,"Please you've GOT to help me! Im being chased by this rhino thing! I think it's trying to shoot me! Please?" she cried, tears welling up in her eyes. "Oh, don't worry, their just Judoon. The intergalactic police force. There may be a alien criminal on the planet." the woman started to cry as he uttered the word alien. "What's wrong now? Look, i'll tell you what. You stop crying and i'll help you." he said. She nodded. "OK, then, let's run. Now. I need to get back to the TARDIS. I didn't catch your name, by the way?" he questioned. "Sandra. Sandra Partridge. And you?" she asked back. "You don't need to know that" Shadow replied...

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The Author paused as he tapped his Quill-pen against a small notebook while sipping an iced lemonade from a cheap plastic cup. "What to write?" he thought, relaxing a little and looking around with a slight sigh. "What can I NOT write?" he decided, sighing again as he picked up his pen and began his memoirs of the earliest 'incident' he could recall...


It had been over fifty years ago, and nearly a thousand into the past...




The planet of Erodatz. Proportional to the planet Earth, the date was 1234 A.D., or it would be known by that number soon enough. The planet was gray with patches of rust-brown, smoky listless clouds that circled high in the thin atmosphere, and had a thin ring of asteroid-matter, the remains of a Moon that had been shattered by their new moon (a strangely shaped, bright blue magnificent sapphire lighting up the sky as it drifted around its parent planet) as it had approached to bring about doomsday.


All rather normal stuff, admittedly, save one fact. To the left of the planet was nothing. No light, no stars, no whisp of space matter. Just a solid sheet of blackness.


Almost as if the stars had been cut out, to the right of Erodatz was a relatively normal galaxy. Stars, planets, the whole she-bang. That big hole of nothing, where no star burned, no planet knew its home... it was the Gaping Maw. And while there were those species with powerful Space Ships, none dared to try the Gaping Maw. Not only would it be impossible to navagate in the infinite blackness without any sort of landmark, but there didn't seem to be anything beyond the Maw either. It seemingly went on forever, which was entirely possible, considering what people thought it was.


The Edge of the Universe, The Author mused to himself.

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Kris examined the Dalekanium. "I'm impressed that some survived. I thought the Doctor destroyed every thing dalek related. However, if that survived that means that some Daleks could have survived. That is definately more important than this stupid Judoon. It also means that destroying galifrey was all for nothing." Kris said, getting angry as he remembered watching Galifrey explode. "We need to destroy that thing. I remember that Daleks can track anything Dalek made."

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"Destroy it? Your joking right! With whats inside that thing is the key to my revenge for the time lords!" He grips his fist. Wandering Griped the Trigger on the revolver as well.


"Take a guess, take a guess on whats insdie this container. If you get it right the Rhino lives; Dont And he goes extinct." He challenged. His eyes showed it all, he was willing to kill and was not bluffing.


While outside:


"Get ready to go inside..." Said a Mysterious Woman.

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"I have no idea what on arth, or any of the other 6,964,765,087,564 planets in the universe, or is it 565, meh, but I still dont want anyone dead or dying. And the Timelords dont need revenge. They were as much a monster as the Daleks. The things they triedto do." The Prophet said sadly, "And the worst thing was, they were desperate. That dalekanium has to be destroyed now before even one Dalek gets to earth. And your gun wont work." Abuzzing sound arrived then stopped.

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OOC: Ok; im changing the rules so you can interact with characters from the show, but not the main characters like donna or the master and ect. And people can still Join the RP, Its loney here with just 3 people.


"Dont Need Revenge!?! Our people were Omnibelevonent and they were Destroyed by the Races of the universe that despised us because were were Time Active! We ensured manys Surival and continued the Flow of the universe and is thais what we deserve! The Brink of Extinction!" He shedded a tear as he shouted his Reply.


"My Father served in the time war; In the Microseconds of Violent Bloodshead that engulfed the Medusa Casade! I will not Let his Death be in vein. I plan for the Destruction of anyone who stands in the way of the Time lords; Forever more!" After he finished his Heartbreaking Statement; He runs. Sliding down thr Handrails of the Nearest stairs the Judoon attempts to shoot him down, Missing badly.


The Front gates open Automaticly; the Troops outside aim and arm there Rifles while A Woman steps forwords. She was not in the Solders uniform but in a Black Suit with Black skirt. She was Blonde with Long hair which was Cuirly near the ends.


"Yvonne Hartman, Torchwood Institute. Drop Your Weapons and Surrender." She commanded, Aiming A Pistol at Wandering.


"Dammit!" Wandering cryed out.

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OOC: Ok; im changing the rules so you can interact with characters from the show, but not the main characters like donna or the master and ect. And people can still Join the RP, Its loney here with just 3 people.


"Dont Need Revenge!?! Our people were Omnibelevonent and they were Destroyed by the Races of the universe that despised us because were were Time Active! We ensured manys Surival and continued the Flow of the universe and is thais what we deserve! The Brink of Extinction!" He shedded a tear as he shouted his Reply.


"My Father served in the time war; In the Microseconds of Violent Bloodshead that engulfed the Medusa Casade! I will not Let his Death be in vein. I plan for the Destruction of anyone who stands in the way of the Time lords; Forever more!" After he finished his Heartbreaking Statement; He runs. Sliding down thr Handrails of the Nearest stairs the Judoon attempts to shoot him down, Missing badly.


The Front gates open Automaticly; the Troops outside aim and arm there Rifles while A Woman steps forwords. She was not in the Solders uniform but in a Black Suit with Black skirt. She was Blonde with Long hair which was Cuirly near the ends.


"Yvonne Hartman, Torchwood Institute. Drop Your Weapons and Surrender." She commanded, Aiming A Pistol at Wandering.


"Dammit!" Wandering cryed out.

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OOC: Ok; im changing the rules so you can interact with characters from the show, but not the main characters like donna or the master and ect. And people can still Join the RP, Its loney here with just 3 people.


"Dont Need Revenge!?! Our people were Omnibelevonent and they were Destroyed by the Races of the universe that despised us because were were Time Active! We ensured manys Surival and continued the Flow of the universe and is thais what we deserve! The Brink of Extinction!" He shedded a tear as he shouted his Reply.


"My Father served in the time war; In the Microseconds of Violent Bloodshead that engulfed the Medusa Casade! I will not Let his Death be in vein. I plan for the Destruction of anyone who stands in the way of the Time lords; Forever more!" After he finished his Heartbreaking Statement; He runs. Sliding down thr Handrails of the Nearest stairs the Judoon attempts to shoot him down, Missing badly.


The Front gates open Automaticly; the Troops outside aim and arm there Rifles while A Woman steps forwords. She was not in the Solders uniform but in a Black Suit with Black skirt. She was Blonde with Long hair which was Cuirly near the ends.


"Yvonne Hartman, Torchwood Institute. Drop Your Weapons and Surrender." She commanded, Aiming A Pistol at Wandering.


"Dammit!" Wandering cryed out.

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[align=center]Time Lord Alias: The Dark Bringer

Age: 83

Renegade?: Yes

Have you Regenerated before and if so; How many times: No

[spoiler=[b]1st Apperence:[/b]]Dark_Angel.jpg


Handheld Device: Sonic Scythe (Can fire a laser from the tip and can used as a normal axe-like weapon)

Bio: When The Dark Bringer looked into the Untempered Schism, he seen darkness, eternal darkness that exsisted over every plain, of every land, of every continent, of every planet. His mind was punctured by corruptness and inspired at the same time. When the Daleks invaded Gallifrey in the last hour, the Dark Bringer stepped inside the Untempered Schism and into the Time Vortex. When the Time Lords returned he was released into space with a TARDIS. He now travells space reaking havoc and taking revenge from the time lords for showing him the Schism which made him mad craving for destruction. But soon he will get his revenge, soon, very soon...

What is rule 6?: Two RP'ERS must agree if one of them is going to regenerate by another persons interaction.[/align]

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[align=center]Time Lord Alias: The Dark Bringer

Age: 83

Renegade?: Yes

Have you Regenerated before and if so; How many times: No

[spoiler=[b]1st Apperence:[/b]]Dark_Angel.jpg


Handheld Device: Sonic Scythe (Can fire a laser from the tip and can used as a normal axe-like weapon)

Bio: When The Dark Bringer looked into the Untempered Schism, he seen darkness, eternal darkness that exsisted over every plain, of every land, of every continent, of every planet. His mind was punctured by corruptness and inspired at the same time. When the Daleks invaded Gallifrey in the last hour, the Dark Bringer stepped inside the Untempered Schism and into the Time Vortex. When the Time Lords returned he was released into space with a TARDIS. He now travells space reaking havoc and taking revenge from the time lords for showing him the Schism which made him mad craving for destruction. But soon he will get his revenge, soon, very soon...

What is rule 6?: Two RP'ERS must agree if one of them is going to regenerate by another persons interaction.[/align]

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[align=center]Time Lord Alias: The Dark Bringer

Age: 83

Renegade?: Yes

Have you Regenerated before and if so; How many times: No

[spoiler=[b]1st Apperence:[/b]]Dark_Angel.jpg


Handheld Device: Sonic Scythe (Can fire a laser from the tip and can used as a normal axe-like weapon)

Bio: When The Dark Bringer looked into the Untempered Schism, he seen darkness, eternal darkness that exsisted over every plain, of every land, of every continent, of every planet. His mind was punctured by corruptness and inspired at the same time. When the Daleks invaded Gallifrey in the last hour, the Dark Bringer stepped inside the Untempered Schism and into the Time Vortex. When the Time Lords returned he was released into space with a TARDIS. He now travells space reaking havoc and taking revenge from the time lords for showing him the Schism which made him mad craving for destruction. But soon he will get his revenge, soon, very soon...

What is rule 6?: Two RP'ERS must agree if one of them is going to regenerate by another persons interaction.[/align]

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OOC: Actually it's four.


"Damn we've been found. So it wasn't UNIT after all. Torchwood, should have guessed." the Prophet murmered to himself. Then he turned to Yvonne, "Can't you see we're in the middle of a conversation. Anyway, Yes your father died in the Medusa cascade, if you remember mine did too. But they were forced by the higher ups, the ones who were trying to bring about the end of time(Massive spoiler but people would have seen the final episode by now) and nearly succeded. We need to work together. Oh and you, you're weapons are pointless." He said, pointing his glove at the armed men and Yvonne, "They just got soniced. This is about a hundred to a thousand times more powerfuller than a sonic screwdriver. Now how about we talk this over like civallised people?" He watched everyone try to fire they guns, but to no avail. Even Yvonne. She turned around and glared at The Prophet. "How on earth did you do that?!" She demanded. "Well technically it's not on earth. It's from the planet galifrey in the constellation of casterberus. Got it all memorized." The prophet answered.

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OOC: Actually it's four.


"Damn we've been found. So it wasn't UNIT after all. Torchwood, should have guessed." the Prophet murmered to himself. Then he turned to Yvonne, "Can't you see we're in the middle of a conversation. Anyway, Yes your father died in the Medusa cascade, if you remember mine did too. But they were forced by the higher ups, the ones who were trying to bring about the end of time(Massive spoiler but people would have seen the final episode by now) and nearly succeded. We need to work together. Oh and you, you're weapons are pointless." He said, pointing his glove at the armed men and Yvonne, "They just got soniced. This is about a hundred to a thousand times more powerfuller than a sonic screwdriver. Now how about we talk this over like civallised people?" He watched everyone try to fire they guns, but to no avail. Even Yvonne. She turned around and glared at The Prophet. "How on earth did you do that?!" She demanded. "Well technically it's not on earth. It's from the planet galifrey in the constellation of casterberus. Got it all memorized." The prophet answered.

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OOC: Actually it's four.


"Damn we've been found. So it wasn't UNIT after all. Torchwood, should have guessed." the Prophet murmered to himself. Then he turned to Yvonne, "Can't you see we're in the middle of a conversation. Anyway, Yes your father died in the Medusa cascade, if you remember mine did too. But they were forced by the higher ups, the ones who were trying to bring about the end of time(Massive spoiler but people would have seen the final episode by now) and nearly succeded. We need to work together. Oh and you, you're weapons are pointless." He said, pointing his glove at the armed men and Yvonne, "They just got soniced. This is about a hundred to a thousand times more powerfuller than a sonic screwdriver. Now how about we talk this over like civallised people?" He watched everyone try to fire they guns, but to no avail. Even Yvonne. She turned around and glared at The Prophet. "How on earth did you do that?!" She demanded. "Well technically it's not on earth. It's from the planet galifrey in the constellation of casterberus. Got it all memorized." The prophet answered.

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OOC: Isn't Yvonne Hartman a Cyberman/woman? Because that would contradict the Time Lines... Oh well...



Shadow crept through the underground base, minutes before Wanderings encounter with the Cyberwoman Yvonne Hartman. "Well, I guess they don't have a cleaner, am I right? he whispered, winking at to the Yulem that he could see hiding blatantly. "Yes, I know you're there, you can come out now..." he said between chuckles. The Yulem emerged out from it's hiding place behind some barrels and crates. He smirked. "What's so funny?" Shadow asked. The Yulem pointed behind Shadow. As he turned around, it shot Shadow in the back with its now revealed plasma gun. He fell to the ground moaning and holding his back in pain. "You won't get away with whatever you're doing!" he shouted in agony. Then, out of the shadows, someone emerged...

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OOC: Isn't Yvonne Hartman a Cyberman/woman? Because that would contradict the Time Lines... Oh well...



Shadow crept through the underground base, minutes before Wanderings encounter with the Cyberwoman Yvonne Hartman. "Well, I guess they don't have a cleaner, am I right? he whispered, winking at to the Yulem that he could see hiding blatantly. "Yes, I know you're there, you can come out now..." he said between chuckles. The Yulem emerged out from it's hiding place behind some barrels and crates. He smirked. "What's so funny?" Shadow asked. The Yulem pointed behind Shadow. As he turned around, it shot Shadow in the back with its now revealed plasma gun. He fell to the ground moaning and holding his back in pain. "You won't get away with whatever you're doing!" he shouted in agony. Then, out of the shadows, someone emerged...

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OOC: Isn't Yvonne Hartman a Cyberman/woman? Because that would contradict the Time Lines... Oh well...



Shadow crept through the underground base, minutes before Wanderings encounter with the Cyberwoman Yvonne Hartman. "Well, I guess they don't have a cleaner, am I right? he whispered, winking at to the Yulem that he could see hiding blatantly. "Yes, I know you're there, you can come out now..." he said between chuckles. The Yulem emerged out from it's hiding place behind some barrels and crates. He smirked. "What's so funny?" Shadow asked. The Yulem pointed behind Shadow. As he turned around, it shot Shadow in the back with its now revealed plasma gun. He fell to the ground moaning and holding his back in pain. "You won't get away with whatever you're doing!" he shouted in agony. Then, out of the shadows, someone emerged...

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OOC: Firstly, No OOC Only posts. Second, NUK3 Can you change your Handheld item to somthing diffrent then sonic and not a scythe and also change the picture to somthing more realistic. Thirdly; Yu-gi-oh Dude, This is way before the Battle of Canary Wharf in 2008. Were in 1995. Fourthly im sorry for not being here much yesterday, im getting addicted to RS Again. And finaly; Yu-Gi-Oh dude, Is shadow going to regenerate soon after that little shot from the plasma gun?


"Very clever; But we have ways of Dealing with Sonic Technogly." Yvonne Commented. Using her other hand she grabbed a small Device from a belt around her waist. It was Silver with many circuits and wires sticking out of it. At the end a Red crystal was embedded, shining from the poor sunlight in the factory.


Yvonne pressed a Switch on the device; Causing the Crystal to emmit a Screching sound. As it did; Prophets sonic Glove begain to screach and soon after sparked out of life.


"Eletro-magnetic Distrubance Wave; Strong enouth to short out your sonic Glove Prophet." Wandering Was intreeged by the device. Yvonne placed the device back into her belt and faced towords prophet.


"Very Clever; Your deffently not Human then. Bring the Two Look-alikes and the Rhino to Torchwood Tower. And Take off them any thing alien of them while to escort them." Yvonne commanded. Which them the Troops started to enter the Factory; Which 2 grabed Wandering from behind and restrained him with handcuffs.


"Gah! Get off me!" Wandering was Displesed.

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"Now that is technology. And the universe calls you primitive, hah. You lot are brilliant!" Kris said, loving the technology. He looked at his sonic glove though and hated the fact that it had short circuited. "Now don't worry. You wont have to replace it. I've got seven more. Just not on me. Still your guns dont work so I'd look out for..." Kris paused as the Judoon broke free of the Humans holding him. "..That. He is a giant rhino after all." Kris then took the distraction to run off. He legged it through the door and over to the tardis. He realised it wasn't his as it wasn't the minivan that his had took the shape of. He ran to the gates of the building to see camera crews and armed officers there. "Another back door, please just another back door." Kris said before running back the way he came.

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Time Lord Alais: The Trooper / The Tin Trooper

Age: 89

Renegade?: Chaotic Neutral

Have you Regenerated before and if so; How many times: 8, during the Time War

1th Apperence:

Handheld Device: Dalekanium-Plated Blaster

[spoiler=Bio] Once a member of the lucrative and mysterious Prydonian sect known as the Deca, along with the Doctor, the Master and the Rani, Davrimot chose the alias of The Trooper because of one thing: He was the best warrior in all of Gallifrey. He was a spearhead in the Sontaran rebellion, he took human form so he could participate during the great Cyber Wars, and he even travelled back to the Deep Darkness to seal the Racnoss and Fendahl from the universe. And, miraculously, he didn't regenerate during any of these occasions. The Trooper quickly made a name for himself as one of the most feared fighters in the universe. Then the Time War came. Davrimot was placed in command of a mighty fleet of Bowships and crushed 15,000 Special Weapons Fleets. But, his arrogance got the better of him and he was captured and tortured by the Daleks. The excruciating pain caused him to regenerate in multitudes; the War had cost him 8 regenerations. And, the speed of the melded regeneration was enough to break him free of his captors. He went beserk, tore a Dalek shell to pieces with his bare hands, sustained many blasts, and all the while, the ship he was trapped on flew into the Jaws of the Nightmare Child. Miraculously, the War unlocked at just the right time, and a shimmering portal opened before him. In it, he saw an empty TARDIS; a Mark 57 Warfare Module. He leapt through and made good his escape. Unfortunately, the great strength and speed he unwittingly received from his captors left a great penatly: His limbs and organs were detereorating. He has replaced his failing parts with cybernetic components, has fitted a Martian Sonic Gun to his arm, and installed an inhibitor inhim, to quell his rage, although it does malfunction from time to time. And so it came to be that Davrimot gave himself the guise of The Tin Trooper, and has dedicated his remaining lives to making sure that war never ravages any person, any civilisation, any galaxy...


What is rule 6?: Two RP'ERS Must agree if one of them is going to regenerate via anothers interaction.

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Time Lord Alias: The Artist

Age: 92

Renegade?: Neutral Good.

Have you Regenerated before and if so; How many times: Three times.

4th Apperence:



Handheld Device: Techno Paintbrush

Bio: A survivor of the War, he changed his ways to mildly travelling the universe, occasionally helping those who need it. He has never been too close to anybody nor stayed anywhere too long, and hasn't found companionship in anyone. He has a thrill for adventure and seeks it, but also has a somewhat annoying sense of humour and sarcasm.

What is rule 6? (Just to make sure you read the rules): Two RP'ERS Must agree if one of them is going to regenerate via anothers interaction.

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