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The Morphs [Accepting-Started-PG13]


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((awsome she's on top of me)).Cloud kept at top speed for half an hour."you know your very light and weal be there in another half an hour.so how exsecly were your parant's killed.If that's not too personal".Cloud kept for at least 2 minute's of just utter silance.

"it's okay if you dont want to talk about it i understand".Cloud than thought about his dead family and how a beast killed them.((took us long anough were only about ten minute's away))

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"A beast killed them." Alysa said quietly. "Just as all of the morphs' parents were killed by beasts. The scientists said it was a way of life." she stopped for a moment, staring into nothingness. She transformed into a raven again. "Hey I'm going to fly up high...enjoy the air. I'll follow you from above." she took off into the bright afternoon sky. She followed the tiger through many streets.

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Name:Dera Itsu


Gender as human:Male

Animal to morph into:white tiger with a orange hue and bright blue eyes that almost seem clear

How you lost your family:Dera lost his family after turning into his animal form for the first time. They died in a car accident that he caused by turning into the tiger in the back seat of the car.

HUMAN Appearance::



Bio: When Dera was born something made his parents feel he was different. After a couple years Dera was facinated with tigers and didnt know why. The day his parents died Dera knew the day was going to end terribly. After the wreck dera staid in acoma for 3 weeks and when he woke up he ran away from the hospital never to return. That was when he was 14 now he is hardened on the endside but still looks for happyness.

Weapons:Medium bazerker like sword and a .50 Berreta Sniper rifle

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Dera walked through the city untill he saw a a tiger and a raven going through the streets as well. Dera quickly ran to the top of a Large building loaded a sleep dark into his sniper rifle and aimed.He aimed at the tigers lneck and when he thought it was a clean shot. He pulls the trigger. The dart takes off towards the tiger. dera turns into his tiger form and runs across the roof tops jumps down and runs were he thinks he shot the tiger.

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"Im a morph and a beast destroyer," Dera said putting his sniper rifle on his back. Dera then loooks at her and says, "I shot at him becouse i thought he posed a threat.I am sorry though." Dera looks at the girl smiles and starts to walk away from the conversation. as he did so he clinched the handle of his sword incase of an attack. He didnt know if she was a alie or an enemy.

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Name:Dera Itsu


Gender as human:Male

Animal to morph into:white tiger with a orange hue and bright blue eyes that almost seem clear

How you lost your family:Dera lost his family after turning into his animal form for the first time. They died in a car accident that he caused by turning into the tiger in the back seat of the car.

HUMAN Appearance::



Bio: When Dera was born something made his parents feel he was different. After a couple years Dera was facinated with tigers and didnt know why. The day his parents died Dera knew the day was going to end terribly. After the wreck dera staid in acoma for 3 weeks and when he woke up he ran away from the hospital never to return. That was when he was 14 now he is hardened on the endside but still looks for happyness.

Weapons:Medium bazerker like sword and a .50 Berreta Sniper rifle


0oc:dude you totally ripped my app

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Britney went into her wolf morph and followed Clouds scent.'Yeah cloud if theirs a beast that turns into a wolf...your easy to find". Britney said to Cloud in thought speech as she ran and stopped right next to him.Britney then morphed back into her human self. "Hey guys.......Whats with the new kid.....is he a morph or beast" .Britney said ready to attack att any moment. "Again whats with the new kid and if he's a morph tell me now before i kill him and then possibly regret it later on" .Natalie said about to turn back into her wolf form and attack the new kid with her powerful claws and fangs.

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"Im fine,just need a breather".Cloud struggled to his feet he had been shot in the rib's and turned into human.((dammit it hurt's so much,but i have to protect every body,there my family.))

Cloud struggled to his feet his leg's were wobbly.Than he blacked out and collapsed.Right before he collapsed he shot the white tiger wanabe in the rib's as well to even the score.

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"Oh my god, you okay?" Yummi asked. 'Of course he's not okay stupid, he just collapsed.' She thought. Rae looked at the tiger he shot. The tiger was in morph form, so he couldn't be killed, but he could still be hurt. 'I think, at least,' Yumi thought. "Are you okay?" Yumi asked. 'Why are we ripping eachother apart? We are a family now, right? We have to save the ripping for the beasts.' Yumi thought, sighing. This was going to be great. Just great. They were going to be together for as long as they lived, so they had to ge talong.

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"Oh crap" .Britney said as she went over to Clouds unconscous body. "WTF did the dude to to Cloud" .Britney said applying pressure to Clouds Ribs and ripping off a part of her shirt and putting it on Clouds ribs to soak up the blood. "This is what i get for being the daughter of a nurse and a doctor" .Britney said remembering how her mother always used to take her to her work place and how she always used to teach her about how to insert and I.V and how to stop blood from rushing out of a persons body. "Don't worry Cloud Britneys gonna make you stop bleeding" .Britney said to herself as she kept the ripped shirt piece on Clouds bleeding rib's;

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OOC: Im not in morph form


Dera moves out of the way of the bullet just enough to were it only hit him in the arm. That arm was bassicly useless anyway all he used it for was to pull the bolt back on his sniper rifle. As the shot went through his arm Dera drew his sword and turned around. "You shuldnt of done that you fool. All i shot you with is a sleep dart and you shoot me with a real bullet," Dera put his sword in the ground put his unhurt arm against the sword grabed the handle and slung it around and towards Cloud.

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OoC: Cloud's been hit by a bullet


IC: Alyssa stepped forward as a Raven and landed on Yumi. "What should we do?" she squawked. She stepped off of Yumi and landed on the ground, and turned into her female human form. "He's injured, we can't rest anywhere for tonight, and we can't move his body. What can we do?"

She noticed the new morph was about to attack. "STOP!" Alyssa shrieked. "It won't do us any good if we attack each other!" she said. She looked at the new morph. There was a bullet in him. "No need to get mad. I have a first aid kit..."

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Britney morphed into her wolf form. "Put him on my back and i can carry him...it might be a little hard but i can definatly drag him" Britney said in thought speech to Alyssa looking at her with her wolf face a little sad like she then growled at Dera for shooting her new family,She already lost her original family and she was not going to lose this one so she continuely growled at Dera ready to attack him at any moment. "Alyssa you might have to hold me back before i kill this kid" Britney thought to Alyssa about to pounce onto Dera but controling herself barely.

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Alyssa half smiled in spite of herself. "Will do," she said to Britney, half joking. She hoisted Cloud's unconsciuos body onto Britney's back. "Abandoned hotel room, now. We'll meet you there. Go to the fourteenth floor." She told her tersely. She hastened to repeat the same instructions to the rest of the floor. She looked at Dera. "You can meet us there if you'd like." She then turned into a Raven and flew out over to the hotel.

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Britney gave Dera one last growl before walking into the hotel and getting confused to either take the stairs or the elevator?.She clicked on the elevator button with her nose and it turns out the elevator got broken so she climbed the stairs up to the 14th floor stopping at the 13th to steal some money she saw on the ground which she put i nher mouth she then climbed to the 14th floor and collapsed from exhuation."Alyssa.....Clouds.....Heavy" Britney thought to Alyssa obviously as she began panting with her tounge hanging out of her mouth with the dollar under her right paw.

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Alyssa immediately transformed into her human form and picked cloud up from Britney. "Oh." she said shortly. "Sorry I didn't realize that...I would have assigned Yumi to help you, you're both wolves..." she said. She smiled at the tired looking Britney and picked up cloud and heaved him into a hotel room with a bed and two couches. "The boys'll sleep in this room, girls in the next." she decided.

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Marsha quickly assumed human form, she waved goodbye to the boys and began to move to the next room, This had been a very eventful day, she killed a beast, met more morphs, She'd had a new friend get shot right in front of her, and now she was sleeping in an abandoned hotel that could well be crawling with enemies waiting to destroy them, she was weary, she reached the next room and thought for a second, she would sleep in snake form, out of sight. She lept and grabbed hold of one of the rathers in the room before assuming her Cobra form and wrapping aroung it.

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"Awesome....i wonder if they have free stuff cause if they do i am so gonna steal them" .Britneey thought to Alyssa as she morphed back into a human she then opened the door next to the boys room and she looked around for any free stuff.She found some free water,free tomato sauce,free jam and free shampoo. "I LOVE FREE STUFF" .Britney chanted as she bounced up and down on one of the two beds in their room as she then accidently fell down and hit her head which then made her knock herself out.

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Alyssa smiled to herself as she watched Marsha go to sleep as a cobra. She personally found it more comfortable sleeping in human form because of being a bird, for they usually had issues with sleeping. "Night everyone!" she announced as she flicked off the light without another word. "Breakfast tomorrow...I suppose the chameleon still has his 175 bucks!" she went to sleep with dreams of a world that would be safe from Beasts.

She heard a thump.

She turned around and saw Britney hit her head and fall unconscious. She ran to check her pulse, it was regular. She would wake up with a headache, but nothing more serious. She decided to put her on the bed.

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Britney woke up holding her head with a huge headache. "OW" .She said quietly as she saw that everyone was asleep. She then quietly snuck out the room and started checking each room from the 14th floor under to see if she could find any money or valuble stuff or more free jams and free tomato sauce. She then finally got to the bottom floor and forgot that the elevator was broken so she clicked the button and the doors opened,Which the doors she wasleaning on so she landed at the very bottom of the elevator shaft with the elevator hanging 12 feet over her. "CRAP" .Britney yelled as she tryed to find a way to get out but their was no way out.

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OoC: are you trying to quit 0.0


IC: Alyssa woke to screaming. She noticed Britney was gone. "YUMI!" she hissed. "Britney's gone!" She turned into a Raven and swooped along the hallways, looking for Britney. "britney!' she cawed as she swooped along the second hallway. She got to the twelfth floor and noticed the elevator door open. "Oh...crap...she did not...please say she did not...Britney?" Alyssa as a raven cawed nervously down the shaft. She heard a faint reply. "I'm coming down there. Hold on to my legs and I'll pull you up!"

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OoC:NOPE i just like making my character in life and death experience.


"Ok im all the way at the bottom" .Britney said rubbing her ankle thinking she broke it. "Im pretty fine my ankle hurts a little but im pretty ok cause i landed on something soft i dont know what it is but its soft..that all i know" .Britney said with a little laugh as she got up and quickly had to lean on a wall of the shaft. "Alyssa i cant see you....wait one sec im gonna turn Wolf and see if i can see you" .Britney then did that and looked around she saw Alyssa hovering just above her she then turned back into a human and grabbed Alyssa's leg. "Try to get us to the first floor thats where i fell in so maybe we can get in throgh their" .Britney yelled to Alyssa a little bit to loudly.

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