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Competizione! - No More Entries. Round 1 Requirements Up!


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Hello and welcome to The Competizione! - The contest to separate the good from the bad!



-All YCM rules apply

-Entry Fee will be 10 Points (you can donate extra if you wish, it will all go into the pot which will be shared out for prizes).

-Judgung date will be after every person has posted there card for the round. For Round 1, I will accept 20 contestants, then when they have all posted their cards, I will start judging ASAP.

- I will post the guidelines for the round when I have 20 entries.

- In Round 1, half of the contestants will be eliminated, same in round 2. It will be narrowed down to the final 3 winners after round 3, so 2 people will be eliminated.

-I have the right to refuse your entry if it is not good enough or does not follow the rules, I want to make this a tough contest with great makers participating, that will make it more exciting.

-Please post your cards and there effects in spoilers, please. Post your effect written out underneath your card so I can read it.

-DON'T PM me the card, your entry will not be counted and you will still be charged if you paid the points already.





In this contest there will be a pot, which all the entry fees and donated points will go into. The 3 winners will get a share of the pot and reps as follows:

1st Place: 3 reps and 1/2 of the pot

2nd Place: 2 reps and 1/4 of the pot

3rd Place: 1 rep and 1/4 of the pot

Please be kind enough to donate extra points to the contest so that the prizes are bigger.


380 Points






[spoiler=Card Guidelines and Restrictions]

[spoiler=Round 1]Make a Plant-Type effect monster that involves the Graveyard. Additional points for a support card (max 2 cards total)


[spoiler=Round 2]N/A


[spoiler=Round 3]N/A












Yu-gi-oh Dude

The Monarch King




Dark Lightning

Kenta the Forbidden One



Benjo 8

Dark Justice






Enjoy the contest!

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Um w0rm, I am Spirit Bomb but I changed my name to Code~Red, and you have posted that Spirit Bomb and Code~Red are separate competitors, but they are the same person, cos I was originally Spirit Bomb, but yesterday changed my name to Code~Red, so you may want to take out the name Spirit Bomb from the list.

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