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Darkfire. In progress. 3 more new cards. (13/??)

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Here they are. :)


[spoiler=monsters][spoiler=Darkfire Sprite]Lv: 2


Type/other: Pyro/Effect

ATK: 500

DEF: 500

Effect: This card is also treated as DARK attribute. When this card is destroyed by battle you may add one 'Darkfire' monster from your graveyard or deck to your hand. While there is another 'Darkfire' monster on your side of the field this card cannot be destroyed by battle(Damage calculation is applied normally).


[spoiler=Darkfire Pirate]Lv: 4


Type/other: warrior/Tuner

ATK: 1500

DEF: 300

Effect: This card is also treated as DARK attribute. When this card is normal summoned you may summon one 'Darkfire' monster from your graveyard. The special summoned monster is destroyed during the end phase.


[spoiler=Darkfire Swordsman]Lv: 4


Type/other: warrior/effect

ATK: 1600

DEF: 1000

Effect: This card is also treated as DARK Attribute. When this card is special summoned increase the ATK of this monster by 300 and decrease it's DEF by 300 untill the end phase. You may discard one card from your hand to continue this effect untill your next end phase.


[spoiler=darkfire fiend]Lv: 6


Type/other: Fiend/effect

ATK: 2500

DEF: 2000

Effect: This card is also treated as DARK attribute. While this card is face up on the field all 'Darkfire' monsters you control (besides this card) are immune to the effects of your opponent's spell and trap cards. This card loses 200 ATK and DEF for every monster effected by this effect.


[spoiler=Darkfire Mage]Lv: 4


Type/other: Spellcaster

ATK: 1000

DEF: 1500

Effect: This card is also treated as DARK attribute. This card cannot be destroyed in battle unless it is against a WATER attribute monster. When this card battles with a monster it gains 300 ATK and DEF.


[spoiler=Darkfire summoner]Lv: 3


Type/other: Spellcaster

ATK: 1000

DEF: 500

Effect: This card is also treated as DARK attribute. Once per turn you may discard one card from your hand to summon one level 4 or lower 'Darkfire' monster from your Deck. That monster's effect is negated during the turn it is summoned.



[spoiler=Spells][spoiler=Darkfire annihilation technique 1: Darkfire inferno]Type: normal

Effect: When this card is activated add one Darkfire annihilation technique to your hand. Destroy one card on your opponents side of the field and take 500 points of damage.


[spoiler=Darkfire annihilation technique 2: Darkfire tempest]Type: quickplay

Effect: When this card is added to your hand from your deck by the effect of a Darkfire annihilation technique you may add one Darkfire annihilation technique from your deck to hand. Destroy all spell and traps on the field and both players special summon one monster from their grave.



[spoiler=traps][spoiler=Darkfire Barrier]Type: Counter

Effect: Activate when a face up 'Darkfire' monster you control is selected as an attack target. Negate the attack and choose defence mode or attack mode and destroy all of your opponents monsters in that position.


[spoiler=Darkfire annihilation technique 3: Destructive darkflame]Type: normal

effect: Draw one card. Destroy all monsters on the field and if the card you drew was a monster, special summon it.



[spoiler=Synchro/fusion][spoiler=Darkfire King]Lv: 8


Type/other: warrior/synchro/effect

ATK: 2000

DEF: 2000

Effect: 1 'Darkfire' Tuner monster +

1 'Darkfire' Non-tuner monster

This card is also treated as DARK attribute. While this card is on the field all 'Darkfire' monsters gain 300 ATK and DEF points for every card in your hand. When this card is destroyed, except by battle, choose one

random card in your opponents hand. They discard that card and you summon one 'Darkfire' monster from your graveyard except 'Darkfire King'.


[spoiler=Dark fire dragon]Lv: 8


Type/other: Dragon/fusion

ATK: 3000

DEF: 2500

Effect: Darkfire sprite + Darkfire fiend

This card is also treated as DARK attribute. Increase the ATK and decrease the DEF of this card by 300 for every other 'Darkfire' monster on the field. Once per turn, before you attack, You may pay half your life points to deal damage to your opponent equal to half of this cards DEF. If you activate this effect this card cannot attack this turn.


[spoiler=Darkfire Sorceror]Lv: 7


Type/other: spellcaster/fusion

ATK: 2000

DEF: 2300

Effect: Darkfire Mage + Darkfire Summoner

This card is also treated as DARK attribute. Once per turn you may pay 1000 life points to summon one 'Darkfire' monster from your graveyard with 2000 or less ATK. This card cannot attack any of your opponent's monster's the turn this card's effect is activated but It may attack directly.



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