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New Arch-Type: Chimney Sweeps


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I like the idea behind these.

They have a bit of swarming capabilitys, whihc is always a nice touch.


Bu the OCG on some of these is just a bit off :/


This card can only be placed in attack position. If an opponent targets another ‘Chimney Sweep’ monster in the battle phase' date=' direct the attack on to this card. Once per turn, you may cause 550 points of direct damage to your opponent in main phase two, but this card must then skip the battle phase next turn.[/quote']

This card cannot be Set. The opponent cannot select another "Chimey Sweep" monster as an attack target. Once er turn you can inflict 500 points of damage to your Opponent's lifepoints.

I removed the restrictions behind the burn effect' date=' and it still stays balanced.



No, just no.

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