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Dark Mousy

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No organization rating. Sorry it's me. I would be biased.


No limitations.

First to post a card is my challenger.


Loser gives winner 3 reps.


First to 5 wins.


My Card:

Divine Warrior - Gilgamesh


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Releasing 1 Level 6 or higher Warrior-Type monster. Once per turn, add 1 Equip Spell Card from your deck to your hand. During the same Battle Phase, in addition to a normal attack, this card can attack as many times as the number of Equip Cards equipped to this card. This card gains 500 ATK for each Equip Spell Card equipped to this card.

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Pay 500 Life Points. Until your opponent's next End Phase, both players must complete their Battle Phase before starting their Main Phase. If either player does not complete their Battle Phase before starting their Main Phase, that player cannot begin their Battle Phase for that turn. During your next Standby Phase, roll a 6 sided die. If you roll an even number, each player selects 1 Turn Phase (except Draw Phase). During each player's next turn, each player must skip the Turn Phase selected by their opponent. Then remove this card from play.

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well its still over powered.


Nobody's going to read this long of an article' date=' but:

[spoiler= Someone Disagrees']

Ben Kei's key to balance however is it's low Attack. This cards attack is yes low for its level but it raises far to quickly for it to be contained. Ben also doesnt have the effect of additional attack gain.


If anything it's more beneficial for it to have a low ATK as it helps go under common cards like Bottomless Trap Hole. It doesn't really matter about how high this card's attack can be raised because once you reach the 3000 mark anything higher is fairly irrelevant as the OTK possibility has already been reached.


Also balance isn't based on the possibility of when your opponent might have face down. When balancing a card you need to look at it's internal structure.


For me' date=' balance is about putting the card into context of a duel in the most current format of the game. This means you have to take into consideration absolutely everything including most commonly played cards in the metagame and consider all of the current strategies of the most played decks. This helps determine how effective the card is an actual duel and how accessible it is to other decks and strategies and then also determines how overpowered/underpowered the card is. A card effect is only as good as its interaction with other cards both for and against it.


And even if it did depend on its environmental possibilities for balance you have more of a chance of having a card to negate effects or attacks targeting this card. It's obvious that this card wont hold it's own for the first 2 rounds so the user would have the foresight to place cards such as Negate Attack, and cards that negate monster effects spell effects and trap effects, so its less likely that your theory of this cards ease destruction would be realistic if a duelist was smart enough to realize that it's much more prudent to have a back-up plan ready.


This card is just far too slow to consistently create the winning conditions against the top decks. For this card to be successful you have to base your deck around this 1 card alone. Trying to add different strategies to improve your long term game creates an inconsistent deck that will fail more then anything else. When duels are able to end within 2-5 turns trying to slow things down to put the pieces together doesn't form a consistent strategy as the opponent can just rebuild far more quicker then you can. The key to making this card consistent is being faster than your opponent which means you are going to look for cards that draw through your deck and thin the deck through tutor cards. Adding cards to slow your opponent down only imbalances your deck and slows your own strategy down. This is why most Benkei decks opt for Royal Decrees to just shut out traps.


Also, there's a reason why Equip Spell Card based decks are not effective over all because it's always a -2 to you when you lose the monster. You lose the monster you lose the equip card as well. It's just not an efficient and consistent strategy. Look at how many things can damper this cards ability to win. From a monster perspective we have Colossal Warrior who can SS itself when it's destroyed by battle so regardless of how many times this card can attack your opponent can just resummon Colossal Warrior until you run out of attacks. Krebons can stall out this card as well. Blackwing Armor Master can out stall this card as well. Spirit Reaper and any other monster that can't be destroyed by battle can do the same. Gravekeeper's Guard, Gran Mole, Ryko the Lightsworn Hunter, or Penguin Soldier are some of the commonly played cards (with Penguin Solider and Gran Mole being on the lesser side) and immediately puts an end to this card. Brionac can bounce it back to your hand, Gale can halve it's attack and allow you attack over it (potentially but rather iffy). Any Blackwing deck is going to be carrying Icarus Attack which will destroy this card. Bottomless Trap Hole stops this card as soon as its summoned. Solemn Judgment could do that as well.


Book of Moon would flip it face down causing all Equip Spell Cards to be destroyed. Any monster destruction spell card can do the same the same goes for traps. Though traps are more flexible as they are a bunch that can just bounce this card back to the hand/deck (Phoenix Wing Wind Blast/Compulsory Evacuation Device). There's just a ton of commonly player cards that can handle this one card. This is exactly why the Ben-Kei OTK is not a tournament competitive deck.


Also even if your theory broke through the realm of my theory, this card would hardly be finished. Unless I'm mistaken, there are cards that return monsters from the grave to the hand/field. The only card that might make it harder to retrieve this card back would be a card with the DD card's effects but still even then there are cards that return out of play cards to the hand/field thus enabling infinite use if added to the correctly built deck.


Monster Reincarnation or Warrior Returning Alive are your best bets for that but then think about what you just lost. You lost your win condition because you lost the monster and every equip spell card equipped to it. You then have to reassemble your Equip Spell Cards and then summon a Level 6 Warrior to be tributed off. It's just far too long to recoup the pieces to be able to create the win condition again.


Pretty sure there are no cards that return just any RFG monster to your hand. I know there are some for Psychics. So your RFG strategy is dependent on Return for a Different Dimension (limited card) or D.D.R which is an Equip Spell Card. Being a Light Monster there isn't a means to create a consistent strategy to abuse it.


No offense but I think you're really out of touch with the current metagame if you think this card would be considered overpowered and that the OTK strategy that this card could create would be faster than any other metagame deck.



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Hm... OCG is perfect between the two cards. This is a tough one.


I think I'll go Aequitas because of a more unique effect.




i'll vote for aequitas cause i think his effect is somewhat better than Dark Mousy's effect. I don't see any ocg erros on either card though.


Um, thanks I guess.


That would make it:


Aequitas - 5

Dark Mousy - 1


That's it.

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