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Boss Card Mechanic


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1) Every strategy has another card that can disrupt that strategy.

Honest/Kuriboh/Gorz. None of which' date=' have any card that says: "The Opponent cannot activate any monster effects from his/her hand"

And even if it existed, it wouldnt probobly be a LIGHT Attribute.


2) Who in heaven's name would possibly have Counter Cleaner in their Deck?

If "Boss" cards were real, and effective enough to be the meta-game, then it would be side-decked.


But thats beside the point.

1) Angel 07

2) Good point.

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1) Every strategy has another card that can disrupt that strategy.

Honest/Kuriboh/Gorz. None of which' date=' have any card that says: "The Opponent cannot activate any monster effects from his/her hand"

And even if it existed, it wouldnt probobly be a LIGHT Attribute.


2) Who in heaven's name would possibly have Counter Cleaner in their Deck?

If "Boss" cards were real, and effective enough to be the meta-game, then it would be side-decked.


But thats beside the point.

1) Angel 07

2) Good point.


Yeah, but if Boss cards were real, they'd add a HP system.

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Well after looking it over i think the easiest effect to use would be counters and to simply add "Counters cannot be removed from this card except by it's own effect" so that Counter Cleaner couldn't kill it in one shot.


Also on a side note, that Gohdan boss card that Zetaru put up, am i the only one that sees a resemblance to Andross from Star Fox?

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