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Animal card.


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Make 1 to 4 cards that somehow involves an animal.

Entry fee,10 points First one to enter gets in FREE!!!!!

Prizes go down if not enough peple enter!



1st 20 points 1 rep


2cd 15 points 1 rep


3rd 11 points 1 rep




5th 5 points


6th 3 points


7th 2 points


8th 1 point



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I'm in:

My cards are unrelated, but they both work with "animals".




This card can only be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck by removing from play 2 monsters with different Types on your field. (You do not use "Polymerization".) Once per turn, you can change the Type of this monster. This monster gains the following effect(s) while there is a monster(s) with the following Type(s) on the field:

- Beast: This card gains 1000 ATK.

- Reptile: All Counters on the field are placed on this card.

- Spellcaster: This card cannot be destroyed by the effects of Spell Cards.

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Lore :


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Removing 1 DARK monster on your hand or your field. When this card is Summoned, place Grave Counter on this card (Max.1). During your Battle Phase, place Grave Counters (Max.8). When your opponent destroys a DARK monster on your field, inflict damage to opponent's Life Points equal to placed Grave Counter(s) on this card x200.

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